Nathaniel grumbled and flicked his legs. “I see no other way.”

“How shall we do it?”

Kicking a stone from the path, Nathaniel pushed out an exaggerated breath that almost sounded like the bitter laugh he retained. “I don’t know.” He gnawed on the inside of his cheek. Act too soon and the perpetrator would likely become suspicious. Wait too long and they risked losing more of their munitions. And that they could not afford. “We must act quickly but with caution, that is all I know.”

A frog croaked loud in the night air, as if he had heard the hushed exchange and offered his unwanted opinion. Thomas only nodded and rubbed his jaw, remaining silently pensive. Thankfully. Nathaniel craved quiet. He needed it to think of a way to accomplish their designs.

He needed to think of Kitty.

Washed by the warm, silken memories he’d tried so fervently to forget, he succumbed to the memory of the sweet scent of cinnamon he’d smelled in her hair, the cool touch of her hand on his jaw, the way her soft lips—

“Nathaniel?” Thomas’s voice boomed.

Nathaniel glanced up with a jerk. “Hmm?”

Brow drawn close, Thomas chuckled. “I’ve asked you a question. Twice.”

Nathaniel sighed and wiped a hand over his mouth to smear away the heavenly sensation that continued to haunt. “Forgive me, I was simply... thinking.”

“Simply thinking.” A smirk tempted at the edges of Thomas’s mouth. “What has you so distracted? A woman perhaps?”

Nathaniel halted, glaring. “A woman? Nay, the threat of war has me distracted.” He pointed behind them. “Have I not just been discussing such vital issues? And without the slightest hint of preoccupation?”

Nathaniel’s question was answered by another in the narrowing of Thomas’s eyes.

Gather yourself, Nathaniel. Don’t play the lovesick fool. He rubbed his temples, hoping his friend would leave the subject behind, but when he looked up, Thomas’s eyebrows shot to his hairline and an over-satisfied smile expanded on his face. “I know there is something you hide, and I venture to suppose I know the subject.”

“Do you? That is remarkable, seeing as how I hide nothing.” Nathaniel’s collar tightened and he grimaced at Thomas’s expanding grin.

Nathaniel started up again, walking faster and mumbling frustrations in his mind he wished he could form on his lips but could not, lest Thomas take pleasure in knowing he was right.

Thomas stopped and grabbed Nathaniel’s arm. “Speak out, Nathaniel, or I shall be forced to say it for you.”

Nathaniel yanked his arm away and kept walking, his words dipped in gall. “Say what?”

“A woman has tied you in knots.”

The words stacked before him like a wall of stones and he stumbled. Staring, Nathaniel gauged the knowing look on his friend’s face, when the truth tripped unbidden from his tongue, both reverent and filled with regret. “I kissed her, Thomas.”

Only a single brow raised, as if Thomas had already expected as much, though his words didn’t match his expression. “Kissed who?”

Nathaniel swallowed, blinking slowly. “Kitty.”

Thomas’s mouth tightened and he turned his head, allowing Nathaniel to see how his jaw flexed before he turned back to face him. The anger in his voice did not agree with the subdued nature of his stance. “Do you know what you’ve done?”

A coarse laugh popped out and Nathaniel rubbed his forehead. “Do not lecture me, Thomas.”

“I must assume you do not, or you would have thought more carefully before doing such a thing.” Thomas stepped forward, his volume rising to meet the frustration in his eyes. “Take care, Nathaniel. Kitty is young as to things of men and women. You cannot play with her heart, ‘tis not fair to her or to you.”

Biting back the indignation that boiled, Nathaniel strained to keep his tone void of the emotions that consumed him. “You will not advise me on such things, Thomas. I will do what I feel, despite your unsolicited warnings.”

Thomas grimaced. “She’s a child.”

“Blast it, Thomas! She’s a woman!”

“I know how women flock to you, Nathaniel, but Kitty is sweet and innocent when compared to some of the women you have known. I will not have you using her, not when you well know how she’s cared for you these many months.”

“I know nothing of what you claim and more than that I am not using—” Nathaniel pulled back and ground his teeth. The words were so disgusting he couldn’t bear to repeat them. Using her? Never! Breath heaving in heated bursts, Nathaniel shifted his feet over and again, but found no satisfactory stance. Thomas tread on dangerous soil if he believed he knew something of Nathaniel’s feelings for Kitty, when he himself hadn’t even begun—let alone allowed himself—to examine the feelings that rooted in his chest. He breathed through his nose, afraid to open his mouth for fear the untried feelings of his heart would spill out like an over-burdened basket.