ver her. Why had she agreed to go to tonight’s party? All she wanted was to stay amongst the warmth of home and family, to reminisce with Eliza and stare at the fire while sipping hot cider. Instead, she would have to feign enjoyment at a gathering that would surely bring more discord than merriment. What else could a patriot crowd produce?

A gentle tap sounded at the door.

“Come in.” Kitty swiveled in her seat.

Eliza entered, wearing an exquisite cream-colored gown embroidered with a vibrant array of pinks, greens and golds. Her dark locks were piled magnificently atop her head, making her brown eyes seem almost black.

She stopped, her dainty jaw dropping. “Kitty, you look stunning in that emerald gown.” Eliza’s smile broadened. “Too bad Father isn’t here, I’m sure he would have just the perfect flower for you to tuck behind your ear.”

The tender memories whisked to the forefront of Kitty’s mind, and she could almost feel Father’s rough fingers tucking a stem into her hair. That had been his way of making Kitty feel cherished, and now the recollection made her miss him all the more. She opened her mouth to answer, but only smiled. No words could express emotions so richly sewn into her heart.

Eliza stepped behind Kitty, and spoke to the mirror. “I hope you don’t mind me saying, but you have changed so much in this past year, I hardly recognized you.”

“Hardly recognized me? Nay. I haven’t changed at all.”

Eliza giggled. “Aye, you have. You are so grown up. So much a lady now that it hardly feels proper to think of you as my little sister. But I’m afraid you will always be exactly that.” Resting her hand on Kitty’s shoulder, Eliza leaned down and placed a quick peck on Kitty’s hair. “I hope you don’t mind.”

Reaching up, Kitty squeezed her sister’s fingers. “I should be happy all the rest of my days to be known as Eliza’s little sister.”

“I’m thrilled to hear it, though I can assure you this evening I shall introduce you as simply, ‘my dear sister, just returned from Boston.’ And leave the ‘little’ behind.”

Kitty’s spirit dimmed at the mention of the dreaded outing. Though she strained to keep it from her expression, Eliza missed nothing. She pursed her lips and glanced away before smiling, though perhaps not as wide as before. “I am so grateful you’ve decided to come, Kitty, though I know ‘twasn’t your first choice for the evening. You were a most welcome surprise, I find it difficult not to bring you with me.”

Kitty lowered her chin. “’Tis true, I would prefer to stay home. But at least you will be there, and we shall have plenty of time for solitude in the coming days.” She looked up and tugged at the unruly waves that framed her face and neck. “If only I could make this mess into something fashionable, I might look well enough to stand beside someone as lovely as you.”

Eliza batted Kitty’s hand away. “You know I promised to do that for you, and I guarantee you will have the most fashionable coiffure of any woman there tonight.” Her smile widened as she snatched the brush and several pins from the table. She placed the pins in her mouth and spoke through her teeth. “I cannot allow my sister, whom I have pined for these many months, to do any kind of work her first evening home.”

Kitty sat straight while Eliza curled, pinned and tucked.

“Liza, I know you’d petitioned me to stay here and not return to Boston after you and Thomas were married, and I now see your wisdom. I thought I could make things work but... it wasn’t to be. I do hope Thomas won’t feel I’m intruding upon your home by inviting myself to stay. Especially since you are so newly married.”

“Of course I feel you’re intruding.”

Kitty jumped and swiveled in her seat as her brother-in-law approached. He entered, pushing open the door until it met the wall, a deep scowl wrinkling his forehead. He stopped a foot from her seat, and winked. The flicker of merriment in his blue eyes pulled a smile from Kitty’s lips. She never ceased to be impressed by Thomas’s handsome features, his black hair and the distinguishing strength of character that shaped him as much as his muscular frame.

His face softened and his voice turned calm, like a deep, steady river. “Kitty, you are always welcome in our home. I can’t tell you how pleased I am you’ve come back to stay. We count it a blessing to have you.”

His words took shape within her. “Thank you, Thomas. Liza is very blessed to have you. As am I.”

Thomas winked again at Kitty then gazed at his wife, his eyes soft. “’Tis been over a year now that we’ve been married, Kitty, so you may remove ‘newly’ from your description of our union. I say we have quite mastered the art of marriage, have we not, my love?” Thomas leaned forward, planting a gentle kiss on his wife’s cheek.

Emitting a quiet giggle, Eliza tugged on his cravat, her cheeks blushing. “Aye, I believe you’re right.” She trailed her hands down his waistcoat, checking his appearance one last time, then grinned in approval before turning back to Kitty. She patted Kitty’s sleeve. “You look perfect. Shall we go?”

Kitty quirked a brow and offered a forced frown that surely showed her good humor behind it. “Must we?”

“I have a feeling you will be very glad you joined us.” Thomas motioned to the door, a mischievous slant to his mouth. “After you, milady.”


Once the sun finally retired after it’s doleful descent, Cyprian took one last bowl of broth upstairs with the vial of precious medicine in the pocket of his breeches. Careful not to step on the creakiest spots in the wood floor, he rested the tray on the table beside the bed and scooted a small stool closer to Camilla. He stroked her arm, pained at the thought of waking her. If only he needn’t attend the ill-timed patriot gathering he could stay by her side and read to her until she once again rested in blissful sleep. But he needed to talk to Andrew. Tonight.

He took her hand. “Camilla, ‘tis time to take your broth.”

She blinked her eyes open and tried to smile, though she offered no words. Somehow her eyes looked more sunken and the circles around them darker.

His heart pinched. Why must she suffer so? He continued stroking her arm, and leaned closer, reaching for the vial in his pocket. “How are you feeling, my love?”

Her eyes instantly misted and her voice came out in a thin whisper. “Like I’m dying.”