Dearest Miss Campbell,

I have only just heard the news that you have left Boston. I am both pleased and saddened. Pleased, because I wish for nothing but your safety and happiness; saddened for I wonder why you would have chosen to leave when you know I am away and cannot kneel before you and plead with you, with all the energy of my heart, to stay.

Kitty’s cheeks burned. When had he learned of this? She’d planned on sending him word of her return to Sandwich as soon as she could, but there hadn’t yet been time. Releasing a breath through circled lips, she stole a quick glance at the others and breathed a mite easier. They were well engrossed in conversation, thank the Lord. Assured the moment remained private, she continued on.

You must know that my feelings for you have not dimmed, rather in your absence have grown and filled my heart with such longing it pains me to imagine a life without you by my side. That evening not so many weeks ago, as I held you in my arms, I knew I belonged with you, and you with me. I plead with you, dearest Kitty, let me know that your heart reflects my own so that you and I may be husband and wife and find everlasting joy in each other’s embrace forever.

Yours, James Higley.

Kitty rubbed her brow. Another proposal. Dear James. What am I to do?

“Is everything all right, Kitty?”

The sound of Eliza’s voice forced Kitty to spin on her seat and she dropped her hand to her lap instantly refolding the letter.

“Aye, indeed.” She stood and almost spoke again, but perhaps protesting overmuch would bring even more unwanted attention.

Eliza’s expression piqued to her hairline and she held in reserve a smile that surely meant what Kitty suspected. She held back a growl. Her sister would receive a scolding if her probing caused the conversation to continue. Kitty forced her shoulders to relax and her neck muscles to soften. Feigning serenity would be her only salvation this evening. Smiling, she made a point to meet Thomas’s gaze. He had only one brow quirked in question. She braved a glance at Nathaniel. His features were more drawn even though an encouraging grin lifted one side of his mouth.

“No need to question so deeply with your eyes, all is well.” Giggling, she plunged the letter in the pocket of her skirt hoping they would join the repartee. “Should we not begin supper?” She motioned to the kitchen and held her breath.

The three exchanged fleeting glances. Did they not believe her?

Thomas cleared his throat and nodded with a step toward the kitchen, but Eliza would not be so easily persuaded.

“Have you... have you had word from someone? Someone you knew in Boston?”

Once again Kitty’s face began to burn and the grasp she had on her composure released a fraction. Oh, why didn’t she possess the ability to hide one’s true emotions?

When she didn’t answer Eliza stepped closer, a tender softness in her eyes at last replacing the teasing. “I won’t press you to tell something you wish to keep secret.” She patted Kitty’s arm and crossed to the kitchen door. “That is unless it has anything to do with a young man.”

A sudden edgy laugh erupted from Kitty’s chest. No!

Thomas tugged lightly on her elbow. “Has someone been courting you, Kitty?” The question was both merry and sincere, matching the brightness in his eyes.

Kitty stared, wilting under the heat of every pair of eyes that rested on her. The embarrassment clung to her like a wet chemise. If only she could sprout wings and fly from the room—from the house even—and find a quiet place to shed her humiliation in peace.

Nathaniel stepped forward, his hazel stare stealing her ability to move. His mouth bowed wide. “I do believe I might know the name of this mystery suitor.”

“Truly?” Eliza stared first at Nathaniel then at Kitty. “Is it true, Kitty? Someone has been courting you?”

Kitty pinched her lips and glared at Nathaniel just long enough for his face to express a satisfaction she wanted to smother. She flooded her voice with calm when she turned to Eliza. “I had planned on telling you—”

“This is such a surprise!” Eliza flung to her side. “Who is he? How long have you known him?”

Kitty licked her lips and shrugged. Better answer her sister’s question now and have done with it regardless of who was in the room.

She quickly met both Thomas’s and Eliza’s questioning glances before beginning. If she looked at Nathaniel she might fire more imaginary arrows, and that might make him more self-satisfied, so she artfully averted her gaze.

“I met James Higley the day I returned to Boston after your marriage. I was getting out of the carriage in front of Aunt Grace’s home when I slipped on the ice and would have fallen had he not been there.” She turned to Eliza. “I will admit I was smitten at first. He was such a gentleman, and looked so dashing in his red uniform. He asked if he could come to call the next evening. Somehow after that he managed to come by every Sunday afternoon.” She should have been more reserved, but somehow she included those details, not wanting to believe she did it to bring a bit of discomfort to Nathaniel, no matter how true it was.

Thomas lifted and lowered his shoulders. “So he’s a soldier then?”

Kitty nodded. “Aye.”

Eliza squeezed Kitty’s hand. “He came by every Sunday for a year? I should say, if that doesn’t indicate his affections, I don’t know what does.” The smile-lines around Eliza’s mouth deepened. “Are you still smitten with him?”

Kitty could feel the cut of Nathaniel’s razor-sharp stare. What did he think of all of this? Of course she shouldn’t care what he thought. Yet she did, and certainly didn’t want to look at him, but somehow her gaze collided with his, sending heat of another kind cascading down her skin. No emotion rested on his angled face, but the coded questions in his eyes burned and she fumbled over her words.