How could anyone be enjoying this?

Eliza smiled up at Nathaniel, a coy slope to her lips.

He drew her closer and lowered his head. “And but thou love me, let them find me here.”

Thomas’s blood boiled. “That’s enough!” He bellowed, shooting out of his seat.

The two actors jumped apart, their mouths agape. Kitty stared with round eyes.

Jaw solid, he walked to Nathaniel and swiped the book from his hand. “Sit down, you’re terrible. I can’t stand to watch you. It’s my turn.”

Nathaniel raised one eyebrow and dipped his chin. A bold, satisfied grin swept across his face as he took the seat where Thomas had been. “Continue, oh great one.”

Thomas glared at his friend, calculating the different ways he could wipe the smirk off his face, then shuffled into Nathaniel’s previous position. His stomach turned weightless. Palms clammy, his breathing faltered.

This was a mistake.

Eliza’s face shone up at him, sparkling like the stars in the winter sky. The corners of her mouth lifted ever so slight. The orange glow of the fire kissed her supple cheek and made him want to do the same.

He kicked away the dangerous thoughts, and carefully slipped his hand around her tiny waist, relishing the warm smoothness of her gown and spread his fingers across her back.

Her dark eyes widened and she inhaled a sharp breath. In her gaze circled a mixture of nervousness and pleasure as the color in her cheeks deepened to scarlet. He smiled and pulled her body closer to his.

Pure heaven! Perhaps this wasn’t a mistake after all.

Thomas pointed to the words. “Why don’t you start from where you say, ‘I would not for the world they find thee here.”

Eliza bobbed her head in agreement before releasing a soft breath through tight lips. Did she feel it too? The force between them that acted like a heavenly vice, pressing them ever closer?

He almost couldn’t focus when she started talking. “I would not for the world they find thee here.”

Her quiet voice wavered and Thomas reserved a satisfied smile.

“I have night’s cloak to hide me from their sight,” Thomas said, allowing the deep resonance of his voice to circle between them.

She lifted her eyes to his as a beguiling grin peeked over her lips. Slowly, she traced her fingers up his chest. His heart thumped at a ferocious pace and he had no doubt she could feel it through his waistcoat. The sensation of her hand on his body intoxicated him.

He did his best to keep his sound even. “And but thou love me, let them find me here. My life were better ended by their hate, then prolonged wanting of thy love.”

Eliza’s breathing quickened, and the red in her face turned an even deeper shade of crimson while her eyes beckoned him closer.

After a moment of luscious silence Thomas cleared his throat.

“It’s your turn,” he whispered.

She shook her head, and looked toward the book. “Of course. Uh . . . where were we?”

Thomas pointed to her spot.

Eliza turned back to face him, as if fully composed. Her tantalizing voice reached into him and wrapped around his heart. “By whose direction foundest thou out this place?”

Thomas couldn’t resist and pulled her closer, heedless of the two spectators only a few feet away. “By love, who first did prompt me to inquire. He lent me counsel and I lent him eyes. I am no pilot; yet were thou as far as that vast shore washed with the farthest sea, I would adventure for such merchandise.” He lowered his tone, adding to it a husky vibration.

Eliza froze in his embrace. Her hand on his chest moved higher and pressed stronger.

Neither of them spoke. Neither of them moved.

If they were alone, he would kiss her. He wanted to kiss her. And with passion. Having her body to near to his, seeing her lips parted—so vulnerable and wanting—made it impossible to turn away. He remembered the sweet taste of her mouth and relished in the memory of her breath on his face, the soft brush of her nose on his cheek.