“Coming.” Kitty called, her steps growing louder as she descended. Her gaze landed instantly on Nathaniel and a pained smile graced her lips.

Samuel took the bag from her hands. “Say your goodbyes.”

Thomas’s heart lurched to a stop. Dear Lord, help me find a way to keep Eliza from going with him.

“Not the gowns, Kitty,” Eliza said, as Kitty stepped into the main room, the evening gowns draped over her arm.

“Oh . . . of course.” Kitty laid them over the back of the chair where Thomas stood. Eliza stroked the silk for a moment, before pulling her fingers away and wrapping her waist. She continued to survey the floor beneath her feet. Did that mean she didn’t want to leave?

Thomas stepped forward, needing to be as close to her as possible. “Eliza, please,” he said, lowering his voice. “I know you, Eliza. And I know you don’t want this. You don’t have to go with him.”

A frantic thread laced Kitty’s voice. “Thomas, what are you talking about?”

Samuel stepped forward and growled, pushing him away again. “Let Eliza make her own decisions, Thomas. Stop trying to manipulate her.”

“Samuel, what’s going on?” Kitty faced him, her mouth tight.

“This is not your affair, Kitty.” Samuel moved to grab her arm, but Nathaniel smacked it away.

“Don’t touch her.”

The muscles around Samuel’s eyes twitched as he stared at Nathaniel. “Come ladies, we’re leaving.”

Thomas held his arms rigid at his side to keep from tightening his fingers around Samuel’s weak neck. If anyone manipulated Eliza it was Samuel.

Eliza raised her head and turned her face to the beast beside her, her lips stretching in a tight smile. “Do not worry, Kitty. All will be well.”

Thomas’s heart dried up in his chest. “Eliza, are you making your own decision?”

Her gaze lifted but landed only at his chest. “Yes,” she said, too quickly. “I’m ready to go, Samuel. I’ll just be outside.”

She pulled her cloak off its hook by the door and fled outdoors as if escaping a deadly fire. Kitty followed close behind. Then Samuel.

Thomas’s knees weakened. He checked his stance to be sure he could remain erect. Nathaniel’s grip tightened around his arm.

His vision blurred. This could not be happening. This morning all was well. Last night they were in love and eager to be wed. Now, in a matter of minutes, his life was upside down and the woman he loved was leaving in the arms of the man who’d made his life a living hell. All of Thomas’s energy collapsed to the floor and he placed a hand on the back of the chair at his side. She hadn’t said goodbye—hadn’t even looked at him.

Thomas shot a desperate glance to Nathaniel who tilted his head toward their common enemy, his eyes narrowing. Thomas had seen that look before. Nathaniel wanted to stop Samuel and end this madness. There were two of them, and only one measly Redcoat. Thomas closed his eyes and shook his head in refusal. This was Eliza’s choice and he couldn’t compel her to stay, even though he wanted nothing more. He loved her. And if this was what she wanted, then that’s what she would have.

“Must you leave so soon?” Nathaniel asked, moving out the door and standing next to Kitty. He cupped her elbow and peered back at Thomas as if pulling him out of the house with invisible ropes.

Somehow Thomas found his strength and followed them into the cold. His emotions bled out, pooling on the snow-dusted ground beneath him.

Kitty froze, and looked between all of them before her gaze rested on Nathaniel. “This is all very sudden, I know . . . I’m not sure what to make of it.”

Samuel stepped forward, his icy eyes narrowing. “Eliza is very eager to be home, and I don’t wish to detain her in a place where she’s been so unhappy.” He hugged Eliza across the shoulders. “These girls need to get back to Boston where they belong.” He emphasized the last words and directed his glare at Thomas.

Kitty’s eyes shimmered and her voice wavered. “Thomas, I . . . I don’t know what to say.”

Calling upon strength from God, Thomas tried to keep his own voice steady. “I’ll always be here for you. Both of you,” he replied, loud enough for Eliza to hear. She stood with her back toward him and made no indication she’d heard.

Samuel turned around a last time. He nodded in parting as he nudged the girls forward. A sour smile hinted across his ugly face. He took Eliza under his arm and Kitty shuffled alongside as the three of them walked toward town.

A dragon raged within Thomas, but he was helpless to bring an end to his living nightmare. Eliza would stay if she wanted, wouldn’t she? If she were in danger she could have said something, knowing both he and Nathaniel would defend her.

She had made her choice, and the agony of it cracked his bones.

He walked a few steps forward and watched, paralyzed. Samuel released his hold of Eliza’s shoulders and turned his attention to Kitty.