Securing her bun in place, Eliza continued her meditative moment then grabbed her cap from the table and fastened it on her head. It didn’t matter. All would be resolved in God’s time—Father, Kitty and Samuel—so long as she relied on Him with all her might and strength.

As she peered out the frost-framed window once again, a streak of crimson flashed around the door of the barn and disappeared. She jumped. Her hands began to tingle. Squinting her eyes, Eliza tried to see against the glare of the morning sun.

Gasping, she clasped both hands over her mouth.


It couldn’t be. But it was.

His familiar face poked out from an opening in the barn door and his pointed gaze shot musket rounds through her chest. How had he found her? He held a finger over his mouth as if he wanted her to remain quiet. Her throat thickened and the hairs on her arms stood on end. Fear pierced its pointed nails into Eliza’s pumping heart.

Lord in heaven, what do I do?

She whipped around to see if Kitty had returned to the room, but she was alone. Blessed be. She turned again toward the nightmare in the barn, hoping by some chance she’d imagined it.

Her limbs went numb. No. He was still there. She gripped her arms around her chest as her entire frame began to tremble.

He motioned to her to come to him, but kept his finger over his lips. He doesn’t want Thomas to know he’s here. She placed a shaking hand over her mouth and tried to breath.

A million frightening scenes pelted her brain like a destructive hailstorm. After learning of Samuel’s behaviors with Thomas, she knew Samuel must have ill intentions. What would he do?

She stood glued to the floor beneath her feet, sorting out the tempest that wailed in her chest. A little voice chimed in her head. You’ve only ever known Samuel to be gentle and sincere. He may have made mistakes, but there must be good in him.

Looking again at the bedroom door, Eliza struggled to calm her racing thoughts. Perhaps she could convince Samuel of Thomas’s goodness, and plead with him to stop the hunt and allow them to live in peace, leaving all of this heartache behind them.

She looked back again at the window. It was worth a try. Didn’t Thomas deserve that much?

Samuel continued his beckoning, waving his arms with more vigor. He looked around, as if wary of being seen.

I have to do this. Lord, please help me.

Eliza waved then raised a finger and pointed to the door. Samuel nodded before disappearing around inside the barn.

Grabbing her shawl, Eliza ran downstairs.

When she reached the front door she stopped, rested her hand on the cold metal and looked around for either Thomas or Kitty. The sounds from the kitchen and the pleasing morning aromas announced her sister was busy with her favorite chore. Where was Thomas? She almost called for him, went looking for him, to explain the danger that lurked just outside the house.

A clamorous warning rang in her ears. Thomas would never allow her to do what she planned. She flicked away the caution. This way she could keep him from possible harm, and maybe even convince Samuel to leave them alone for good.

She breathed in deep and slow, placing a hand over her middle.

No. Better not to worry Thomas. Samuel would listen to her. He would understand all that had happened. Besides, if he truly loved her, he would see the error of his ways.

Careful to stay silent, she slipped out the door and tip-toed across the hard, sparkling snow.

Once inside the hollow barn she clutched the thick shawl around her shoulders. “Samuel?” No response. For a moment she breathed easier and her fingers relaxed. Perhaps she’d simply imagined it after all.

“Samuel?” she called, this time quieter, taking another cautious step into the cold, dim emptiness.

In an instant, strong arms came from behind and dragged her into the farthest, darkest corner. Eliza squealed in fear, but a rough hand covered her mouth and muffled the sound.

Samuel turned her to face him with a violent twirl. He released his hold on her mouth and traced her with an intimidating stare. His rough hands molded into her arms. The usual gentleness she’d come to recognize in his pale eyes had been replaced with raw anger, turning their light-blue into the color of his steel blade. His frenzied gaze narrowed as his fingers gripped tighter.

“Eliza!” he said, pulling her to him with crushing strength. His voice was quiet and the words poured from him. “Eliza! What happened to you? You were gone. Then I thought you were dead. I nearly died myself with worry for you. Are you all right? Are you hurt?”

He moved his hands along her back and kissed the top of her head.

Overcome with his tenderness, Eliza hugged him back. Maybe there’s nothing to be afraid of. He was merely sick with worry.