Tears burned his eyes. How he wished it were Watson he’d mangled and not some innocent timber. Yes, Thomas was vile, horrid—pure evil to take away his bride. To bewitch her into showing such intimate affections was a crime worthy of death. Torture first. Then death.

Samuel flew to his feet and slammed his knuckles into the waiting tree again and again.

This moment was both his greatest dream and worst nightmare. He’d located his beloved but found her in the arms of his greatest enemy.

His lungs heaved. He pushed away from the blood-spattered tree and looked back at the house, so quiet and peaceful His hands trembled as blood trickled down his fingers and dripped into the snow.

He would have Eliza for his own, no matter the cost.

She belonged to him.

The chastising that erupted from Kitty upon Eliza’s return sucked all breathable air from the room.

“You risked all of us to attend that rally! How could you do such a thing?” Kitty cried, swinging her hands in the air. “You could have been caught or hurt. Or worse!”

“Kitty, I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.” Eliza’s stomach rolled to the floor. She fixed her stance and straightened her shoulders as she pointed all her strength to not fainting. Her voice quivered. “I should never have lied to you. My reasons for going were selfish, you’re right, I see that now. I would never want to do anything that would hurt you.”

This, coupled with the terrible revelation about Samuel was too much to bear. She tried to smile, attempting to lighten the mood. “Not to worry, Thomas has just now put me in my place. Such antics will not be repeated, I assure you.”

Eliza sent a brief glance to Thomas. No emotion could be seen on his face, but the kindness in his eyes was obvious, if only to her.

Kitty didn’t seem interested in quitting her castigation. “Liza, I have been very patient during these weeks, listening to you and Thomas discuss these issues, but I cannot keep these feelings inside me any longer.”

Eliza shook her head. “What feelings?”

Features tight, Kitty quivered as if she used every measure of strength to stay calm. “How could you possibly do this? Our lives have been completely uprooted and destroyed because of what Father did.” She stared a moment at the floor, gritting her teeth. A shadow darkened her brow. “Even so, I have been able to forget that, to put it to rest knowing there is nothing we can do to change the past.”

She peered at Eliza again, the flame of fury blazing in her blue-green eyes. “Because of his actions we were narrowly arrested and could have even been killed. We’ve had to stay in hiding, leaving our lives behind us, never knowing when we can return. Now, after all of that, you choose to put us all in danger by trying to learn more about why Father did what he did? You’re actually interested in learning more about such a cause? I cannot believe my own sister would leave the safety of our upbringing. I am ashamed.”

The blood in Eliza’s limbs retreated to her heart, taking with it her last reserves of strength. She found the closest chair and sat, gripping the cushioned seat, only vaguely aware of Thomas standing behind her.

Eliza tried to ignore the lump that clogged her throat as a pressing guilt took form. She was supposed to care for Kitty, protect and love her. And here, she’d risked everything with her foolish actions. Dear Lord, what have I done?

“Forgive me, Liza, but you must know how I feel,” Kitty went on. She paced back and forth, wringing her hands. “I cannot believe you would be so deceived. Where is your faith? You cannot tell me that God wants fighting and discord. He wants peace and charity between His children.” She halted in front of Eliza, her voice calm but clouded. “I love you, Liza, and I refuse to stand by and watch you entangle yourself in this vain and evil pursuit.”

Tears stung the backs of Eliza’s eyes and spilled over her cheeks. God, please help me know what to do, what to say.

Thomas stepped forward, placing a calming hand on Eliza’s shoulder. His fingers injected reassurance and his tone deepened. “Kitty, there is no sin in what Eliza has done.”

Kitty didn’t move, acting as if she hadn’t heard him. “The more educated you become, the more unsettled you are. Liza, you must distance yourself from such things. Father was misguided, you must see that.”

Eliza could think of no proper response. Her mind was like a dense autumn fog. She opened her mouth, hoping some words—any words—would join together, but Kitty continued before she could speak.

“It’s not a woman’s place, Liza! For that matter, it’s no one’s place.” She snapped her head toward Thomas. “We should do whatsoever we are asked by our beloved king. King George will lead us. He will keep us safe. We must follow Christ’s example of brotherly love and submission to our leaders. You must stop this foolishness, Liza. Now.”

Eliza rested her forehead in her palm. Her sister was wrong. But how to convince her of it?

When it appeared Kitty had finished her verbal lashing, Eliza pressed her hands in her lap and attempted a calm response despite her fraying emotions. “Kitty, do you believe we should sit by and do nothing while King George abuses and robs us? You cannot deny that he is—”

“He is not robbing us. That is a lie!” Kitty pinched her mouth tight and looked away as if she regretted the outburst. She cleared her throa

t. “It is our duty to pay such taxes, and we should count it an honor to do so for the good of the Empire. And I will tell you, Liza, though you will not like hearing it, Father was wrong. He was a traitor to our great country. His actions changed our lives forever. And not for the better!”

Utter confusion and despair left Eliza’s heart desolate and cold. The room wobbled as she struggled to stand and took Kitty’s hands in hers. Lord, let me help her see the truth. Don’t let her despise me.

“Kitty, everything Father did was for our benefit. His actions did change our lives, but I’m glad—I’m glad for what’s happened. And our lives are better no matter what you may believe. What’s happened has been a great blessing. You will see, I promise.”

“It’s a blessing for you.” Kitty’s chin quivered. “You have a dashing man to love and care for you. But what have I? Nothing!” She pulled back her shoulders and spoke quickly as if to try and hide the waver in her voice. “While your world culminates in beauty, mine is barren.”