Her eyes twinkled. She looked far too amused. “Well, if it does matter I might have to keep such information from your knowledge.”

He took her by the shoulders and extended his arms to their full length. “Don’t toy with me, Eliza Campbell. Now you must tell me,” he said, trying to sound more playful than he felt.

“Alright.” She moved close to him again. “Yes. He did.”

Thomas’s muscles stiffened. He’d hoped she would say no, although he’d doubted it. Rotten scoundrel.


“No. Not often. Only when he proposed.”

“Good, because from now on the only person you’ll be kissing is me.” And Samuel had better stay as far away as possible.

“I’m pleased to hear it, Thomas Watson. I don’t want to kiss anyone else.” She rose up on her toes and pressed her mouth against his, so light and gentle it turned his insides to liquid.

“Now,” she said. “What was it you wanted to tell me?”

He swallowed and licked his lips. Lord, give me strength to say what needs to be said. “Eliza.” He rested his hands on her arms. As hard as it was, he knew it was now or never. “You know the British were using me for information?”

“Yes. They were blackmailing you, of course. I’m still horrified by it.”

Thomas inhaled deep and expelled a loud breath before spitting out the bitter words. “The man who blackmailed me was Samuel Martin.”

Chapter Twenty-two

Samuel worked his way through the thick mass of patriots. His gut twisted into a tangle of knots at the fight that had ensued in front of the popular tavern. The Boston Massacre had been a living nightmare, and he wanted to stop a similar disaster from occurring in Sandwich.

“What’s happened here?” he yelled, reaching the group as the men exchanged fists and fighting words.

No one answered. Donaldson approached the group from the other side.

The row escalated and several of the men lost their balance, tumbling into the crowd behind them.

That’s when he saw her.


His heart crashed into his ribs. The world slowed. She’s alive! Her clothes were large and sloppy, but he knew it was she without a doubt. All these weeks, the quiet words that whispered to him were truly the echo of her voice, calling for him to save her.

“Eliza! Eliza!” He reached for her, pushing against the dozen or so men that separated them. His blood blistered in his veins and he growled at those in his way. “Move! Move!”

She pushed her way through the massive gathering. Peering behind her, she looked more frantic as she neared the back of the crowd. His vision dusted over the men and his heart stopped when he saw the reason for her haste. A large man pursued her at great speed. He knew right away it was Watson though only the man’s eyes were exposed to view. Rage pulsed through Samuel as he watched her run from Watson and away from the crushing crowd.

She was trying to escape.

When she ripped out the back, Watson followed and stormed after her, grabbing her from behind and yanking her toward the empty shops.

Samuel stalled. He turned to Donaldson and yelled over the hats of the men in front of him. “Donaldson! Come with me. I’ve found Watson!”

Donaldson’s features jumped and he instantly plowed into the group toward Samuel. “Where?”

“Follow me!”

“Martin!” Curtis’s voice rose above the crowd. “Where are you going? Come back. We need you here!”

Samuel turned, fire exploding out of every pore. “I’m making an arrest!” He ignored Curtis’s demands and focused on his mission.

He and Donaldson forced their way through the resistant group. Once out of the jumble, both men halted and looked around them, trying to find which way they’d gone.