More soldiers flooded the scene to see what had caused the ruckus. Thomas had to get her out now or they stood a grievous risk of being caught.

Eliza slowed, negligent of the row that ensued around her. She stared at Thomas, her large eyes wide, her delicate mouth open in shock. Did she really think he wouldn’t come for her once he knew she was gone?

What Thomas needed now was wings. He needed to fly atop the tremulous sea of men, and pluck Eliza from them, bringing her to safety. Pressing through the thick group, Thomas shoved his way to Eliza—consumed with the need to rescue her from this dangerous expanse of men. He kept his gaze fixed. He would not lose her again.

Without warning, she too started her way through the crowd. A momentary wave of relief flitted through his chest, but quickly receded. She didn’t move nearer to him—she moved away! A frantic look filled her doe-like eyes as she pushed to the back of the throng.

He wanted to call to her to make her stop, but doing so would only increase the risk they already suffered. Shuffling against the tide as the distance between them lengthened, Thomas’s heart drummed against his ribs, powering him to a frantic pace.

Thomas kept moving, pushing. Eliza worked her way through with remarkable ease then popped out the back of the group and ran.

Wild urgency ripped his muscles and he charged against the wave of solid shoulders and unforgiving elbows. He broke through the barrier and sprinted after her, reaching her in a few pounding strides.

Yanking her arm, Thomas led her to the nearest alley between two vacant buildings, out of sight of any curious soldier. He pressed her body against the side of the building, holding his solid grip over her heaving shoulders. Thomas jerked the scarf down from his face, ready to boil her for such recklessness. She had no idea what might have happened, or more important, how his heart would break if she were taken from his life.

Not even the innocent regret that shimmered in he

r eyes could assuage the fear that continued to ripple through him.

They were not out of danger yet.

Eliza shrank under Thomas’s oppressive hold. His usual calm, inviting eyes launched a hundred daggers into her chest.

“What in heaven’s name are you doing, Eliza?” he seethed, through gritted teeth.

No wonder he was upset. She’d done exactly what he’d warned her not to. The sight of him amidst the crowd had all but socked the air out of her chest. It took no time at all for her to recognize his striking blue eyes. The guilt that struck her had also robbed all good judgment from her mind. She’d tried to get away and run home before he could reach her, and before she caused either of them to be caught. She prayed no one had witnessed the scene.

“I’m so sorry, Thomas,” she said between huffs. “I only wanted to—”

“I know what you wanted to do, Eliza.” His grip tightened.

“Please Thomas, you’re hurting me.”

He released immediately and took her by the hand, leading her through a maze of quiet streets, past the backs of empty buildings, around Shawme Pond and far away from the excited band of patriots.

The darkness in the air softened as the snow reflected the night’s minuscule light.

A safe distance from the fray and only a few long strides from the house, Thomas whirled her around. The color in his eyes testified of both his anger and relief. He yanked the scarf even further from his face, revealing his chiseled features before beginning his heated rebuke.

“It’s no small miracle, Eliza Campbell, that neither of us were seen. Did you not notice the small feud that erupted only feet away from you? You could have been caught. I warned you against such a thing. It was remarkably foolish, Eliza. I never thought you capable of such a thing.”

Eliza stiffened at his remark. He spoke to her as if she were a child, not a grown woman. “Nothing happened. I planned ahead, did I not?” Her volume began to rise, but Thomas cupped his hand over her mouth.

His masculine face contorted and his stance indicated he held back most of his rage. “No you did not plan ahead. Do you have any idea what that crowd could have done to you? Do you have any idea what would have happened had you been caught?”

His reprimand sliced through her thin armor, making her earlier excitement deflate. Soon a warm splash of pride coated her chest. She would not stand here and be punished like a schoolgirl. She whirled away from him and walked in the direction of the house.

“Eliza!” He called after her, his quiet tone loaded with anger. “Eliza!”

She quickened her pace.

Instantly, he was behind her again and yanked her around to face him. Her fury ignited.

“Unhand me, Thomas!” she snapped, in the loudest whisper she could produce and wrenched from his strong fingers. “I’m going home.”

“Not yet. I’m not done giving you the tongue lashing you deserve.”

She straightened and pursed her lips. “Mr. Watson, I am going home and if you’d like to lash me there you may, but I’ll not stand another minute in this cold, my toes are becoming icicles! ”