Thomas glanced back at the stairs, excited nerves leaping in his stomach.

“Is Eliza coming?” After the words escaped his mouth he realized how comical he sounded. Of course she was coming. “I mean to say, is Eliza ready?”

A wide grin washed over Kitty’s face, as if she were hiding something. “She’ll be down shortly.”

Thomas nodded and rested his fidgety hands on the back of the embroidered chair. Nathaniel led Kitty to the other seat and helped her to sit.

At that moment, the dainty tap of Eliza’s shoes on the stairs forced Thomas to whirl around.

Nathaniel came up behind him. “Steady, boy.”

Thomas clenched his jaw to keep it from gaping and dropped his hands to his sides.

His eyes traced Eliza’s dainty form. She was even more radiant in that gown than he’d imagined and her face glittered with the most magnificent smile he’d ever seen. The fitted gown accentuated her perfect curves and impossibly tiny waist. The white lace around the neckline tickled her creamy skin, while the dusty-pink color drew out the rosy nature of her cheeks and lips.

He tried, but he couldn’t stop staring. Her hair was curled like Kitty’s and wrapped with a delicate ribbon that matched the color of her gown. Her creamy complexion and the velvety look of her long neck were so enticing he had to fight the sudden urge to taste it.

Eliza curtsied low and dipped her head. Upon rising she lifted her lashes and spoke to him in a tantalizing timbre. “Good evening, Thomas.”

Thomas’s heart beat with such profound strength, it ripped every word from his mind. He wanted to say how beautiful she was. He wanted to tell her he was sorry for keeping his distance when she needed him. Even more than that, he wanted to move his face near hers and inhale her graceful rose scent deep into his lungs before tasting her lips once again.

Every appropriate response fled his mind as his blood raced around his body. He bowed. “Good evening, Eliza.”

“Do my eyes deceive me?”

Nathaniel, back to his charismatic self, pushed Thomas aside and kissed Eliza’s hand as he bowed with dramatic flare. “You are even more alluring than Aphrodite herself, my dear.”

Eliza smiled again and giggled low in her throat. “You are too generous, Doctor.”

“I am too enamored. You and your sister shine like the stars themselves.” A hearty grin flashed across his proud face. “Shall we go in to dinner?” He took his place beside Kitty and sent a flashing glance to Thomas, no doubt intended to instruct him to make the most of the moment.

Thomas could kill himself. Good evening? That’s all he could say?

Eliza’s body faced away from him, but she turned in his direction and the rest of her followed, her gown sweeping across the floor.

Thomas closed the space between them, offering his arm. “Shall we go in?”

Her slender hand grasped his arm. “You look very nice this evening, Thomas.”

Thomas’s tongue dried up in his mouth, shriveling his ability to speak. He could never compete with Nathaniel’s theatrical praises. He’d have to just say what he thought. “You’re a vision, Eliza.”

Her eyes twinkled up at him and her fingers tightened around his bicep.

Nathaniel and Kitty were already seated when Thomas and Eliza entered the eating area.

Thomas almost laughed. They must be quite a sight—dressed in their finery, sitting at a simple table eating a simple meal, but none of them seemed to mind. They acted like life-long friends. Kitty insisted on making the delectable fare herself. The thick lobster soup, along with the fresh bread, tasted even better than it smelled. And Nathaniel made sure to compliment her on the carrot pudding, though Thomas could never figure how his friend liked the stuff no matter who made it.

Eliza glowed. He had never seen her so relaxed and carefree. Nathaniel kept up a lively conversation, sharing stories and telling jokes that kept bright smiles on the girl’s faces throughout the entire meal. While the utensils clinked against the fine plates, and the candles sparkled off the glasses, Thomas contented himself with watching, too besotted to even enjoy the food in his mouth. He feasted upon Eliza with his eyes, wishing the evening would never end.

After dinner, and a delicious dessert of apple tansy, the four of them retired to the main room, bringing two additional chairs from the table and setting them in front of the fire. They sang a few hymns and read the story of Christ walking on the water.

After praying, Thomas looked up to find Eliza’s eyes focused on him. A modest smile pulled at her mouth, which grew into a palpable longing that painted itself into her sweet face, turning his stomach as light as the first flakes of snow.

He was in grave danger of losing his heart. She was far too sweet, far too real, and far too bewitching for him to stay away.

Tingles of pure joy streamed over Eliza. She’d never enjoyed an evening so much in all her life. Being in this house with Kitty, and Thomas and Nathaniel made her almost believe she belonged here.