“Two days ago.” Donaldson nodded when he spoke, but kept his eyes in front of him and away from Samuel.

“How positive is he that those three are the people we are looking for?”

“Quite positive, sir. He didn’t get a close look, but he said he’s willing to bet his life it’s them.”

Samuel laughed, his irritation growing. “So he’s not positive, but he’s willing to bet his life on it, is he?”

He whirled toward the fire and wanted to beat his own dumb head against the hard wall.

Thomas no doubt paid the sailor and that impudent doctor to make up such a story to keep him off their trail and lead them in the opposite direction. Such a stupid mistake had now cost him weeks. In truth Eliza had been alive all this time and he had been sitting, doing nothing, like a bumbling oaf.

Pushing his hand through his hair, Samuel closed his eyes and shook his head. I’m so sorry, Eliza. His anger toward himself and hatred toward Thomas crashed into his lungs.

“Is there a message you would like me to relay to Clark, sir?” Donaldson asked. “What are your orders?”

“No message,” Samuel said, grabbing his sword and pistol. “I plan to bring the blackguard in myself.”

Chapter Sixteen

Thomas tied his cravat.

Then he untied it and tied it again. His sorry reflection peered back, mocking him.

It still wasn’t right.

Frustrated, he yanked it undone and fussed with it three more times until it rested just the way he wanted.

He had been to numerous dinner parties in Boston—ones with many more guests and at homes of great opulence, yet he’d never been this nervous. So why did this menial party at his humble home make his hands fumble over his buttons?

This dinner was intended to be a celebration for Eliza’s miraculous recovery and she deserved nothing less. What could be so intimidating about that?

Thomas sighed aloud as he fastidiously tied his hair behind his head with a dark blue ribbon.


She was unlike any other woman Thomas had ever known. He admired her strength, her courage, her humble willingness to admit what she didn’t know, and her openness in acknowledging when she was afraid. Her hunger for knowledge was contagious, and supremely attractive.

As he moved his arms through the sleeves of the blue-gray suit jacket that matched his breeches, a realization came alive amid his tangled thoughts. God has placed her in my life to help her find the truth she needs! How had he not seen that before? This entire time he’d been trying to do what was honorable by staying away and avoiding Eliza. If he really wanted to help her, he would teach her! He would tell her what he knew about her father, the things he’d said and the things he’d done. Eliza wanted to know, and might have even asked him if he hadn’t been so eager to keep his distance.

Thomas sneer

ed to himself. He was an even greater fool than he’d realized, but there was still time to make it right. He could finally do good for someone for a change, forever dispelling the nagging repetitions of his father’s hateful rants.

Now when he looked in the mirror, he smiled. His stubborn cravat remained in perfect form, as did the rest of his favorite suit.

Yes. Since Eliza would be forced to remain in Sandwich until the search for them ended, he planned to make the most of it. No more hiding, no more silence. He prayed God would help him perform his mission without succumbing to his emotions. Eliza needed his help, not his affection.

Thomas buttoned the legs of his breeches when he heard the front door open and close.

Nathaniel’s voice rang through the house. “Greetings, one and all! I am here. The party may now begin.”

With a quick chuckle, Thomas worked his feet into his shiny black shoes.

“Hello?” Nathaniel called.

“Coming.” Thomas checked his appearance one last time and emerged into the main room. “Sorry. I was just finishing.”

Nathaniel whistled in approval and widened his eyes. “Thomas, you look quite dashing. You know you really didn’t have to dress up like that for me.” He smiled at his own joke and slapped Thomas on the shoulder.