“Good morning, one and all!” he said, loud and jolly. “I come bearing gifts!”

Kitty’s cheeks reddened when Nathaniel winked at her, and Eliza giggled behind her hand.

“Do sit down, Doctor Smith. And please tell us what all this excitement is about.” Eliza pointed to the chair closest to the kitchen door.

“Oh, thank you, but I’m much too animated to sit just now.”

Thomas came in from the back, a relaxed smile lighting his face. “Nathaniel, what brings you here so early?”

“Nothing particular. I just had a little something for the ladies and I wanted to bring it by.” Nathaniel moved to the table between the two large chairs and set his package down. “So did Thomas tell you of my idea?”

“What idea?” Eliza glanced toward Thomas who leaned against the stone around the fireplace with his arms across his chest.

“The idea for a celebration dinner, of course.”

Eliza and Kitty exchanged curious glances.

“He didn’t say it was your idea. Not that it matters, of course.” The rosiness in Kitty’s cheeks spread across her face. “We’re just happy to have something different and exciting to look forward to.”

Nathaniel’s eyebrows shot up. He looked mischievous. “Thomas wanted to take credit for the idea himself, did he?”

Thomas rolled his eyes and shook his head with a playful grin, then pushed off the wall and walked into the kitchen.

Eliza’s heart slowed and she bit her lip. So Thomas hadn’t really been thinking about her. It had been Nathaniel’s idea all along.

Filling the hole that dug in her c

hest, Eliza lifted her chin. She didn’t need his attentions. After all, she wouldn’t see him when all this was over. Why fret about something so trivial?

“Well, never mind.” Nathaniel motioned for them to come closer to the small table where he’d laid the large package.

Eliza sat in the chair and Kitty stood beside her.

Nathaniel spoke louder and pointed his face in an exaggerated manner toward the kitchen. “Thomas is one lucky man! I don’t have even one pretty lady at my house, let alone two!” He laughed and looked again at Eliza and Kitty. This time his voice was quiet. “I saw these gowns in the shop downtown and they begged me to buy them. One for each of you.”

Eliza’s face went slack. He’d bought them gowns? Heavens! How would they ever repay him? “You really shouldn’t have, Doctor.”

“Think nothing of it.”

Kitty pressed her hands against her chest, sending Eliza a wide-eyed look and mouthed, “Gowns?”

Eliza could only shrug her response before Nathaniel continued.

“Would you like to do the honors and open it, Miss Katherine?” He looked at Kitty and winked again.

She glanced at Eliza as if searching for approval before sprouting a grin that made her face glow and untied the ribbon, quickly unfolding the first gown.

She gasped in delight and Eliza froze. She’d never seen anything so lovely.

“That one’s for you, Miss Katherine,” Nathaniel said with a lopsided grin.

Kitty held the emerald silk up to her body and twirled, watching the skirt float on the air. Trimmed with delicate gold-colored lace, the dark green gown contrasted beautifully with Kitty’s dark auburn hair. Red embroidered roses traced the bodice and the edges of the sleeves.

“Doctor, this is the finest gown I’ve ever seen. I can’t thank you enough.”

His voice lowered and for a moment his eyes turned dreamy. “You’ll look marvelous in it, I have no doubt.” With a quick shake of his head he cleared his throat and the usual gaiety returned to his voice. “And you don’t have to thank me. Just promise me you’ll make your fabulous carrot pudding on our special evening and that will be thanks enough.”

Gratitude for Nathaniel’s kindness moved through Eliza like warm steam. She pressed a hand to her chest. How marvelous it was to see such a smile on her sister’s face. Her breath caught. Kitty was no longer just a girl of seventeen. These past weeks had changed her forever—into a gracious woman.