Kitty’s eyebrows dipped down. “I don’t think Thomas would approve.”

A smile played across Eliza’s lips. “Yes, but Thomas isn’t here. Is he?” She practiced her best pathetic look and batted her eyes. “Please?”

“I concede.” Kitty launched off the bed with a youthful spring and bounced out the door. “Who doesn’t like a bit of danger in their lives? For surely we shall be in danger should Thomas find out.” She winked. “I’ll get the water and be right back to help you.”

She returned not five minutes later, bucket in hand, holding several towels and a clean garment under the other arm.

“Alright.” Kitty peeled back Eliza’s coverings. “Don’t move too quickly. We don’t need Thomas coming home and finding you on the floor.”

The caution was well advised, for simply sitting up straight caused considerable pain and the room began to spin.

“I suppose you’re right.” Eliza gripped the edge of the bed. “I’ll just sit here. No use in over doing things.”

“Good idea.” Kitty’s face relaxed as she moved Eliza’s legs to the side of the bed. “But now that you’re up, let’s wash you and get you out of that shirt. I’ll avoid your bandages since we just changed them.”

Eliza slipped out of the shirt she’d worn for who knew how long and quickly covered her chest with her arms.

Kitty giggled. “Don’t worry. I closed the door, and he won’t be home for a while yet.”

Eliza nodded, although the thought of him returning home while she was so exposed made her grip her arms even tighter.

“You’re lucky I already had water on the fire, so this is warm. Why don’t you let me wash your neck and arms first, then I’ll work through that mess of tangles.”

The mere thought of it was heavenly. “Thank you, Kitty. That would be wonderful.”

Over the next thirty minutes the girls acted as relaxed as they would if they were in their own home. They talked and laughed, allowing themselves to be blissfully lost in conversation. Kitty left the room for a moment to grab another clean towel and left the door open when she returned.

She helped Eliza into one of Thomas’s clean shirts, pulled her long, wet hair from her back, and plaited it into a perfect braid. “Why are you blushing, Eliza?” Kitty asked as a smirk toyed with her mouth.

Eliza knew her sister well enough to detect the crack in her voice that meant she was teasing. She’d hoped Kitty wouldn’t notice the color in her cheeks. Wearing Thomas’s shirts seemed far too intimate, and she shouldn’t like it. But she did.

“I’m not blushing, Kitty.”

Her sister laughed out loud and pointed out the window. “Then why is your face as red as the leaves on that tree?”

Eliza pinched her lips together, hoping if she ignored the comment her sister would change the subject.

“I think you like Thomas,” Kitty said, as she continued working with Eliza’s hair.

Eliza blinked with a quick laugh. “I do not like Thomas. Not in that way. He’s kind and generous and I appreciate all he’s done for me, but that is all.”

“I don’t believe you. I see the twinkling in your eyes when he comes into the room. I see how you try not to smile too big when he looks at you.”

“I have no idea what you’re—”

Just then the door opened and closed downstairs.

The girls froze and shared panicked expressions. They scrambled to get Eliza back in her usual position before he saw her.

Too late.

Eliza’s stomach collapsed. Thomas’s tall frame dominated the empty space in front of the open bedchamber door.

“What are you doing?” His blue eyes were dark and worry dug itself deep into the muscles of his jaw. He hadn’t taken the time to remove his cloak and the long black fabric accentuated the dark of his hair and made his shoulders seem as wide as the doorframe.

Eliza sat still, trying not to be overcome by the fluttering in her middle. Kitty too must have felt like a child who’d been caught in the middle of mischief, for she remained motionless.

“I just wanted to get cleaned up. Is that such a crime?” Eliza wore an easy smile, hoping to massage away the frustration in his face.