Nathaniel’s chair creaked and suddenly Thomas felt his friend’s hand on his shoulder. “You may not have feelings for her, but I believe she may have feelings for you.”

Thomas’s jaw gaped open and he flicked his gaze at Nathaniel.

“See, did I not tell you?” Nathaniel laughed, bu

t without his usual teasing. “You can’t hide anything from me. I know you’re falling in love with her.”

What? Impossible. Thomas released a light laugh and moved his focus back to the fire. Falling for her? No. Cared for her? Yes. Maybe even more than he wanted to admit, but he was not falling in love with her. He couldn’t even if he wanted to. She had a man waiting for her, and a much better life in Boston to return to.

But could Nathaniel be right about her feelings for him? His friend was always keen on those kinds of things.

Thomas shifted his weight and rested one hand on the smooth wood of the mantel. True, he’d seen the added spark in her gaze, noticed how she often found a reason for him to stay with her—just to talk. Surely there could be plausible explanations for all of that.

And of course his reasons for wanting to be with her were perfectly normal. He was responsible for what had happened and he wanted to make sure she would be all right. That was all. Nothing more.

“I’m correct, am I not?” Nathaniel’s taunting tone returned, yanking Thomas from his daydream.

“No. You’re not correct. Not this time.”

Thomas continued staring at the orange flames popping and juggling heat in front of him. He’d have to work extra hard at keeping his distance before his feelings burned as hot as the fire before him.

“Not correct, you say?” Nathaniel walked toward the door and jested in a loud voice as he walked out of the house. “Oh, we’ll see about that, my friend. We’ll see about that.”

Chapter Thirteen

The hazy autumn sunset filtered through the open curtains in Eliza’s cozy room and the bronze fire in the fireplace performed a welcoming dance. She drew in a long breath, savoring the scent of clean air that mixed with the musky aroma of colored leaves. Thomas had gone out briefly to get a few more supplies from the doctor and promised to only be gone an hour. It was still very dangerous for any of them to be out, but sometimes it could not be avoided.

Alone, Eliza moved her hand across her belly. The wound continued to heal, thanks to God’s mighty hand and the good care Thomas and Kitty tenderly provided. She peered down at her toes and wiggled them under the quilted blanket. When she finally got out of bed, would her legs even remember how to walk?

Her soft giggle echoed through the room. Oh, how she wanted to get out of that bed. Yet, how many days on their journey had she vowed that she would never walk again when they got to Thomas’s home?

Her breath caught and she smoothed her fingers over the fabric at her neck.


His name sent a burst of flower petals showering down her skin. Here she was in his home—in his bed—wearing his shirt. Eliza’s mouth went dry and her cheeks scorched from the inside.

She glanced at the door. How long would he be gone? His absence created a loneliness as deep as the well at their Boston home. She shook it off. Silly woman. She only cared for Thomas in a grateful way—just as anyone would care for the person who nursed them back from the very edge of death.

It would be best to keep occupied while he was away. Otherwise, she might spend her time counting the minutes until he returned.

“Kitty?” Eliza called. She hoped her sister could help her freshen up seeing as she’d really only had simple sponge baths since her harrowing ordeal.

Kitty stepped up the stairs, wiping her hands on a blue and white-striped apron. Eliza smiled at the picture of domesticity that entered her room. She’d prayed with earnest that God would help Kitty accept their unusual situation and be content until things went back to normal. It looked like her prayers were working and she gave silent thanks for the miracle.

“You’re looking even more lively today than yesterday.” Kitty’s smile encompassed her gentle features. She sat on the bed then lounged on one side, resting on her elbow. “Wasn’t it a glorious day? And the sunset is exquisite.”

“Oh, it is. I love autumn most of all.” Eliza gazed out the window at the orange clouds waving above the line of trees. “How are you holding up? I’m not too much of a burden, am I? I feel so guilty. I need to be doing my share of the work.”

Kitty reached out with her available hand and massaged Eliza’s calf. “I am finally able to do something in return for all the years you’ve sacrificed for me, Liza. You’re never a burden. It’s a blessing for me to serve you.”

The genuine love in her sister’s eyes nourished the already growing lump in Eliza’s throat. The Lord truly was all-loving and all-powerful. He’d kept them safe despite such danger, Kitty was content and Eliza was alive. What more could they ask for?

“I do have one request, Kitty,” she asked with a smirk on her lips.


“I want to get up. I mean, really get up. Maybe take a few steps around the room. I need to get out of this shirt, wash my body and hair, and get into something that’s fresh and clean.”