I am weary, and cannot write more, but will issue this last word of caution. You must beware of Captain Martin. He is not a man to be trusted.

Find the truth, my daughter. Have courage. The cause of freedom is most vital. The future relies upon us.


Your Father

This could not be. This could not be!

Eliza’s hands shook, her lungs seized.

Her father was a traitor.



Eliza shoved the note in her skirt pocket and turned to meet her comforter. Her pulse hammered and her mind reeled from the words she’d just read, but the gentleness in Samuel’s soft blue eyes reached through the pain and cradled her quivering heart.

“I thought I might find you here.” Always the gentleman, Samuel assisted Eliza to her feet. His tender gaze draped around her like a blanket of sun-kissed flowers. His warm, spicy scent enveloped her and she lost herself in his strong embrace.

Father had to be wrong about Samuel. Of course he was a man to be trusted. Next to Kitty, Samuel was all Eliza had left in her life.

The horrifying contents of Father’s note settled deep in her soul and her body trembled from the shock. She buried her face in Samuel’s crimson uniform and gripped his back.

Father had raised them to love and serve the king—to honor and respect him. How could he have lied all these years?

She clung to Samuel even tighter. Oh, how she needed comfort. And if anyone could comfort her, it was Samuel.

In all the years Samuel had known Eliza, this was the first time he’d ever seen her beautiful brown eyes puffy from crying.

She wept so, that his own eyes were hot with tears. Her arms wrapped around him, tightening the rope of affection that circled his heart. How he longed to take away all her pain and grief, and replace it with love. If only he had been able to leave his duties sooner, she may not have been alone and weeping for so long.

Stroking her back, Samuel spoke in hushed tones. “Not to worry, my love. Cry as much as you need.”

Over time, her sobbing subsided and turned to periodic sniffling. He rested his mouth against her lacey cap, taking long breaths, savoring the rose scent that always followed her.

Eliza pushed away and wiped her tears. Without delay, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief.

“Thank you,” she said, accepting his offering.

He moved away a strand of tear-matted hair from her face. Her dear, sweet face. Then, tipping her chin upward, he forced her to look at him.

“Forgive me for not coming back until now. I tried my best to get away, but they kept finding new ways to keep me busy.”

Eliza lowered her lashes. “Your work is important. I understand.” She dabbed at her cheeks again. “How did you know I would be here?”

He grinned. “This is your favorite spot when you want to be alone, is it not? Who knows you better than I?”

With tender hands he cupped her face. Brushing her soft skin with his thumb, he soaked in the beauty of the woman he loved. The small delicate mole on her left cheekbone enhanced her bewitching features and he

swelled with longing. Samuel loved every blessed thing about her. She was meant to be with him—forever.

“Are you feeling any better now?”

She looked away and clutched the paper she’d tucked into her skirts. His muscles tightened. Something wasn’t right.

“What’s troubling you, Eliza? Has it to do with that paper you were reading?”