“Water.” Her voice sounded so hoarse she didn’t recognize it.

Thomas jumped to his feet, going to the pitcher on the back table. He returned seconds later, water glass in hand.

“Let me help you,” he said.

The melody of his deep, resonating voice reached into her and stroked away another layer of fear and confusion.

He tucked his hand under her head and lifted her just enough as he held the cup to her lips. She reveled in the feel of his gentle strength.

The sip of liquid coated her dry throat, chasing away the bitter palate in her mouth.

Thomas lay her head back down and placed the cup on a small stool at the side of the bed. The lines around his eyes deepened as he smiled, massaging away the worry etched into his face.

Her eyes followed his every feature. The dark whiskers on his cheeks and chin were long, enhancing the perfect shape of his jaw. Deep shadows under his eyes gave testimony to his constant vigilance. His thick black hair, still dutifully tied behind his head, peeked around his shoulders. If she wasn’t so weak the temptation to reach up and test its softness might have been too much to overcome.

“Mr. Watson?” Again the need for water scratched her throat. “May I have another sip?”

He grinned and nodded, then repeated the assistance just as before and this time she emptied the entire glass. Never before had a glass of water been equivalent to pure heaven.

“Thank you.” Her voice was still strained but it sounded more like her own.

“Of course.”

Thomas breathed heavy as if he was trying to expel some kind of emotion. Eliza knew she’d been the cause of his sleepless nights and an all-consuming blame shook at her conscience.

“Mr. Watson, I’m so sorry.”

Thomas straightened. His handsome face softened and he moved the chair closer to her bed. “First of all, please call me Thomas. I think we’ve been through enough to forego that kind of ceremony.”

If she’d had enough strength, she would have laughed. “All right, Thomas.” Somehow his name lifted off her tongue as if she’d said it all her life. And she liked it. She was liable to like it too much.

“Second,” Thomas continued, “you have nothing for which to be sorry. I should be the one apologizing. Everything that’s happened has been because of me.”

The gentleness in his gaze and the intensity of his words made her stomach weightless. Eliza hardly knew what to say. It wasn’t his fault. No one could have predicted what would happen.

“You look like you haven’t gotten much sleep.”

His eyes twinkled. “No, I haven’t. Thanks to you.”

Eliza lifted the corners of her lips in return. “I’ll try and be more considerate next time.”

She stopped. A surging panic raced over her. Where was Kitty?


p; “Kitty? Is she all right?” The words burst from her lips.

“She’s fine.” Thomas motioned with his head toward the open door. “In fact, she’s been at your side most of the day. She’s been busy caring for you as well, and has been almost as worried for you as I have been.” He winked before his tender gaze traveled over her face.

Eliza’s weariness suspended as his stare turned the color of twilight.

“Where is she now?” Eliza tried to stay on subject and ignore the ridiculous thoughts that raged through her weary mind. She was simply too tired to think straight.

“She’s downstairs making breakfast.”

“How long . . . how long have I been sleeping?”

“Ten days.”