No! Don’t go, Father, please!

He winked, the way he used to do when he couldn’t give Eliza the answers she wanted. “Follow your path of peace, Eliza. Follow what you believe.”

I don’t know what I believe!

His tenor voice wrapped around her as the vision of him disappeared. “Find the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

No, Father, don’t leave me! She tried to call after them, but no sound emerged. She wanted to raise her arms and reach for him, but her heavy limbs remained still. Let me come with you!

“Noooo!” She heard someone from a great distance. “Eliza, no!”

The voice was familiar, strong and knowing. So why did it sound so desperate? Powerful fingers wrapped around her shoulders. The voice continued its plea for her to stay.

“Liza, please! You can’t leave me. I need you!” Another voice, more familiar than the first, rang with anguish.

Just when she thought her soul could rest and her war with death would cease, the torture fell upon her once again. But before it consumed her, she drifted into a blissful sleep.

“No! Eliza, no!” Thomas choked on his words, frantically feeling for a pulse.


Her chest no longer rose and fell. He leaned in, hoping to feel a slight movement, or hear the soft beating of her heart.

She can’t die! Lord, please!

Kitty sat on the other side of the bed, begging the Lord to let her sister live.

After two days of tireless care-giving both he and Kitty were exhausted and their emotions unhinged. This was the moment. The moment where Eliza would live or die.

Thomas held her by the shoulders as he sat next to her lifeless frame. He looked into her white and vacant face, powerless to do anything more for her. Except pray.

“Eliza.” He spoke quiet, still gripping her shoulders. “I don’t know why, but I believe God has led you into my life.” His throat swelled and tears trailed down his face and dripped from his chin. “If you live, I promise to make up for all the ways I’ve failed you.”

Clenching his eyes shut, Thomas willed away the tears that continued to form and struggled to slaughter the words that rang in his head. “You killed your mother, Tommy . . .” He couldn’t live knowing Eliza had died under his care.

As he prayed, the arms of the Lord wrapped around him. Nothing has happened that I have not blessed. Have faith.

Thomas shook his head. What about the soldiers chasing them? What about the men who did this to Eliza?

All things work together for the good of those who love me. Vengeance is mine.

A soft moan floated to his ears. His eyes shot open and the hope he’d been suspending draped around him like the arms of an angel. Eliza’s head moved slightly and she let out another small whimper.

“Eliza!” Kitty breathed.

He locked his gaze with Kitty’s red-rimmed eyes.

God had given them a miracle.

Eliza was going to live.

Chapter Ten

Samuel walked by the bustling wharf, studying the map of Boston in his hand as they went door-to-door, still hoping that somehow luck would turn in their favor. Two more soldiers followed behind him and Donaldson, muskets on their shoulders. Rain pelted Samuel’s face and a fierce wind struck his back. Boats of every shape and size bobbed in the choppy waters only three yards away. The mid-autumn storm worked against him, just like everything else did.

“Are you sure you’ve checked this side of town well enough?” he yelled at Donaldson over the roaring gale before looking at the two other men. “This is a large city. They could be anywhere.” The tension barreling through him carried into his tone. “You can’t honestly make me believe that there are no signs of them at all!” Where was the passion that used to surround him—the drive that kept the world afloat? It seemed as if everyone and everything around him lacked the one thing he truly needed. Determination. Was he the only one who cared what happened to Eliza?

“We have done our utmost,” Donaldson replied, holding his hat to his head as the wind tried to snatch it. He looked irritated, but held whatever reservations he had within him. Smart man. “Of course we will continue to look for them, but I do believe all of the men you’ve put to work have checked every building and home in town. We’ve worked morning and night, Captain. We’ll find them, sir. I know we will.”