Thomas prayed like he’d never prayed before. Lord, please spare this remarkable woman.

They reached the clearing that led to his house just as his legs were ready to burst. Once on the stoop, he kicked open the door. Racing up the stairs, he plowed into the largest room.

He placed Eliza on the bed as if she were made of glass.

“Whose house is this?” Kitty asked, shaking.

“It’s mine.”


“There’s a candle on that table over there in the corner,” he said. “Light it and bring it here.”

Kitty obeyed and soon the glow of the lantern crawled over the bed and across the floor, revealing Eliza’s gruesome state. Her dress was covered in dark red fluid from her legs to her neck.

He took the lantern from Kitty’s trembling hands and set it on the stool next to the bed. The poor girl stood motionless, her hands assuming prayer position.

Thomas took her by the shoulders, speaking

firm but calm. “Kitty, I need you to keep constant pressure on Eliza’s wound until I get back. Do you understand?”

Her eyes bulged. “Where are you going? You can’t leave us here. She could die!”

“If I don’t leave, your sister will die! I need to get the doctor.”

Kitty looked ready to faint, but nodded and did as instructed.

Thomas reached Nathaniel’s in mere minutes and explained the horror as they ran back to the house.

When they returned, Thomas found Kitty just where he’d left her. She sat on the bed next to her sister, pressing a wad of cloth on Eliza’s wound. Kitty’s hands and arms were covered in blood.

“How is she? Has she moved? Has she said anything?” Thomas questioned, taking quick strides to the bed.

Kitty only shook her head, tears still pouring over her face.

Thomas looked at Eliza’s pale features and feared for the hundredth time that she wouldn’t make it through the night.

Nathaniel flew to the other side of the bed and began his examination, taking over Kitty’s job of covering the wound. His face scrunched and he mumbled something under his breath as he touched Eliza’s neck.

“What? What is it?” Thomas snapped.

Nathaniel didn’t answer.

“Well?” Thomas stepped closer.

Nathaniel untied the wrap around her middle and ripped open a large slit in her bloody chemise. The sound of the tearing fabric made Thomas shudder, remembering the sound of the dagger piercing her flesh.

He stared for the first time at the hole in Eliza’s belly. The gash looked smaller than he’d imagined, but it bled like it was ten times its actual size. Nathaniel pressed a fresh wad of cloth into it.

Thomas clenched his fists. This should never have happened. He should have been there. He should have kept her safe.

Again Nathaniel mumbled, then turned urgent eyes at Thomas. “Help me get her out of these bloody clothes so I can tie a proper bandage around her.”

Thomas’s face slacked.

“Get over here! This is no time for modesty, Thomas. It will be safer for her if we both lift her,” Nathaniel commanded.

Thomas didn’t move. This might be life and death, but he still couldn’t do such a thing.