Kitty found Eliza’s hand. Gripping it with ferocious strength, she whispered into Eliza’s ear. “What do we do?”


“What will they do to us?”

Eliza could only grip Kitty’s hand tighter, for answering such a question would make Kitty faint dead away.

The lanky sailor crept nearer. “Your brother is a fool to leave you out here, in the middle of a dark, scary forest all by yourselves.” He gave a dramatic frown, followed by a nauseating smile, exposing what few teeth were left in his mouth.

The second man closed in. “This must really be our lucky day, Roy.” His slurred speech oozed lasciviousness.

Roy chuckled. “It must be, Lee.” His voice was deep and his breath so foul Eliza had to bite her cheek to keep from gagging.

Her racing heartbeat drummed from her head to the ground beneath her feet. She knew what they wanted and the thought made the forest swirl.

Lee limped over to Kitty and yanked her from behind Eliza, then pet her arm up and down. The terrified look on Kitty’s face made tears burn in the back of Eliza’s eyes. I cannot fail her, Lord. I cannot fail her like I did Peter. Please help me.

“We’ve been needing some company.” Lee chuckled and glanced at Roy then turned his ugly face back to Kitty. “You’re not scared of two lonely old sailors like us, are you?”

Dear Lord, have mercy! Help me protect Kitty!

Eliza reached over and squeezed her sister’s arm, keeping her eyes on the criminals in front of them. Releasing her grip on Kitty, Eliza walked closer to them, smiling as enticingly as she knew how. Bile surged in her stomach and threatened to escape her throat but she willed it away.

“Should we be scared?” she answered, looking up at the tall sailor.

“Eliza, what are you—”

Eliza interrupted her sister with a brief warning glance over her shoulder.

“Not in the least, little lady.” Roy stepped forward, closing the last few inches that separated them. He slipped his lanky arm around her waist and pulled her to him. “You’re that kind, are you?” He sneered, then gave a low rumbling laugh.

The other man went toward Kitty who st

ood frozen, her face stark white.

“No!” Eliza cried, her voice betraying her cover. She prayed for composure and took a few deep breaths. “Not her. You can do what you like with me, but leave her alone.”

“There’s two of us and two of you. Why would we do that?” Roy asked, holding her tighter and moving his possessive hand down the side of her body.

The acrid odor of ale and the stench of urine from his clothes assaulted her. Eliza’s stomach lurched at the feel of his body near hers.

Summoning every ounce of quaking courage within her, she moved her hand up his chest and pouted. “Can’t we just have all the fun? I don’t feel like sharing.”

Water welled in her eyes. The only way to keep Kitty safe was to distract these sailors with herself. Anything to keep Kitty safe.

Eliza peered at Kitty. Her sister remained motionless, her eyes round and dripping tears.

“I don’t care if you don’t, Lee,” Roy said.

“I’d rather not have to fight to get what I want anyway.”

Eliza tasted acid in her mouth. She was sure she would retch at any moment. She pleaded with the Lord to send Thomas back right away—before her life changed forever.

Roy moved closer, sniffing her neck then letting out a long whistle. He bent down again and whispered in her ear. “I’m looking forward to this.”

Both men howled with delight.

Roy pushed her ahead of them. They walked a few paces into the darkness of the trees, talking of such vulgar things Eliza knew she would go to hell just from hearing them.