Eliza bit her lip harder. No.

When she didn’t answer he called for Kitty to stop.

“What is it?” he asked again. The concern in his velvety tone made her legs even weaker.

He came close and Eliza choked back a cry when her skin peeled away from her heel as she removed her shoe. The large blisters had long since broken and her shoes rubbed her stockings into the raw flesh on the backs of her feet. Blood stained her white stocking and the inside of her shoe, a shoe made for appearances, not functionality.

Thomas crouched beside her and tenderly reached for her foot. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He lifted his eyes to hers. “May I look at it?”

Eliza nodded, hesitant for him to touch her, but somehow she couldn’t refuse.

Kitty came near, her mouth pressed with concern.

“How are your feet, Kitty?” Eliza asked, suddenly worried her sister might be suffering the same as she.

“They hurt, but I’m all right.” She leaned closer. “Eliza, you’re bleeding!”

“It doesn’t really hurt. Don’t worry.” Eliza worked a tone of confidence in her voice that she could only hope was believable.

Thomas performed the polite examination, his masculine fingers so gentle that the pain in her foot faded at his touch.

“You should have told me, Miss Campbell.” He shook his head and Eliza tried to guess his meaning. Was he upset with her? Worried? “I’m not sure there is anything we can do until we get to Sandwich.” He kept his hand around her ankle for a moment longer than necessary before looking up at her again.

Her lungs froze.

She pressed her teeth around her bottom lip again, but this time for a different reason. She placed one hand over her middle, attempting to still the flurry of butterflies that was multiplying with rapid succession.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered. His soothing voice evaporated the world around her. In a quick, smooth motion he removed the cravat from around his neck, and bent down to tie the fabric around her foot—fabric that was still warm from being so close to his skin.

She relaxed her hands at her side and tried to keep her breathing even when he gingerly finished doctoring and slipped the shoe back on her foot.

He stood and towered over her, squinting his eyes. “Are you sure you’ll be fine? I can carry you if needed, at least for a while.”

Yes. I mean, no!

“No, thank you. I’ll be just fine. I promise.”

Thomas looked at Kitty. “How are you holding up?”

“As well as can be expected, I suppose.”

Thomas put his hand at Eliza’s lower back and gently nudged her onward. For some reason he felt the need to walk beside her. Perhaps he thought she would have to be carried after all. She would rather die before that happened, and prayed that God would help her appear healthy and normal so not to attract unwanted attention. The last thing she needed was to be swept-up in the strong arms of the handsome man at her side.

She exhaled, blowing away the unwanted imaginations.

Kitty began to snicker and looked over her shoulder. “Oh, Eliza you should have seen yourself this morning.” She laughed aloud this time as she walked ahead.

Eliza stole a swift glance at Thomas. She could see the hint of a smirk raising his lips.

“You know, Mr. Watson. Eliza has always been a very good sport.” Kitty giggled again. “She is afraid of many things. We teased her mercilessly growing up.”

Eliza didn’t really mind laughing at herself, but she feared where the course of this conversation might venture, so she spoke up. “Thank you, Kitty. That’s quite enough.”

“Oh no. Please go on. You have me exceedingly curious now.”

Eliza jerked her head toward Thomas. Disbelief took possession of her. He grinned back and gave her a playful wink, as if he were enjoying this all too well.

“Aye, let’s see,” Kitty said, obviously feeling playful as she slowed her pace to walk closer to them. “Hmmm . . .” She cocked her head to one side and squinted her eyes as if trying to think of something specific, but couldn’t