“You can’t tell me that this was an accident, that it wasn’t planned! He wanted to get away from here, away from me!”

Samuel stomped away from George and clenched his fists at his side to keep from punching the door—or the man. He started to speak quietly, but his volume rose to a fierce thunder. “That man took my future bride and I want her back! If you don’t tell me where they are, I believe a stint in prison will relax your memories.”

George’s hands shook. “No! No, please! sir, if I could tell you, I would—”

“I won’t be forced to listen to such drivel. Donaldson!”

The door to the next room swung open and the Lieutenant entered.

“Yes, Captain?”

“Donaldson, help this smelly beast into his new accommodations.” Samuel knelt down and drew close enough to see George’s black pores. “Welcome to America, Mr. Watson.”

Donaldson hefted the heavy man onto his feet and attempted to plow him out the door when the man turned back to Samuel.

“Wait! Wait! I did see something.”

Samuel glared. “Well, what is it??”

“There . . . there was a girl.”

Chapter Seven

“A storm is approaching. We must quicken our pace if we are to find shelter before the rains descend.” Thomas looked behind him at the girls when he spoke. He didn’t want to worry his companions, but he couldn’t ignore the facts. They still had at least forty more miles to go.

The clouds collected into a thick gray mass, and a breeze played with the canopy above. Diffused daylight brightened their path, but did nothing to warm their bodies as the scent of impending rain swirled around them.

Thomas glanced back again at his fellow travelers. He couldn’t have picked two more compliant females if he’d tried. Kitty had not said three words together. Thomas allowed himself another peek at the eldest Miss Campbell and tried to quell his growing curiosity. Every moment that passed testified of her unmistakable strength and noticeable charm.

“If it rains, will we be able to find any shelter?” Eliza called from behind her sister.

“I know of a place where we can rest, but we likely won’t arrive there until nightfall.”

“You know of a place? Have you been this way before?” Eliza asked.

He helped the ladies over a fallen tree obstructing their way. “I knew I would need a place where I could make a new start for myself, and I chose Sandwich. I’ve traveled there many times—I’ve even built myself a modest home over the course of about a year.” He thought of his new home, his hope for a good life getting swallowed up in their uncertain future. What were they to do when they got there? When would it be safe for Eliza and her sister to return to Boston?

“Mr. Watson, you believe we must go all the way to Sandwich with you to remain out of reach of the soldiers who were looking for my father? For us?” Eliza’s tone relayed her apprehension.

Just then Kitty slipped on a mossy stone and landed on her backside with a surprised yelp. Eliza helped her up before Thomas could offer assistance. The young girl burst into tears and buried her face in her hands. Eliza rested her sister’s head on her shoulder and stroked her hair, whispering comforting words in her ear before sending a quick glance at Thomas.

His guilt squashed him like the pounding of his press. He prayed God would guide him and help him keep these trusting women from any additional harm. His father may have thought he was good for nothing, but he planned to prove him wrong.

“Are you all right?” Eliza stroked Kitty’s arm.

“No, I’m not all right!” The girl who had been silent the entire trip now exploded into a whirlwind of tears and fury.

“Kitty, please.” Eliza tried to console her, but Kitty wouldn’t allow it.

She pushed away from Eliza and unleashed her frenzy at Thomas as she got to her feet. “What are Eliza and I supposed to do when we get to Sandwich, did you think about that, Mr. Watson? We have nothing more than the clothes on our backs. You have been preparing for this. You have a home waiting for you! We have nothing!” She crumpled against her sister again and muffled her sobs with her hands.

Thomas froze, a wicked helplessness moving like a cold vapor through his muscles. The weight of their situation resting on his shoulders now increased a hundred fold.

Kitty was right.

He hadn’t prepared for this. How could he? He gripped his fists. He’d make it up to them—make things as easy as possible for them once they got to safety. God, help them understand why this had to be done.

“Kitty,” Eliza cooed. “Mr. Watson did his best. We are safe because of him. What else could he have done? Remember, God is overall and He will provide. He already has.”