“Shhh.” Eliza put her finger to her mouth.

Thomas went on. “There isn’t time to explain it all, but one of the names I gave was Robert’s. Knowing he was dead, I knew they couldn’t hurt him. I didn’t know they’d go after his family until it was too late.”

Kitty slumped onto the bed and covered her face. “Father was—no, he couldn’t be. It’s not true.”

“We’ll talk of it when we are safe, Kitty.” Eliza bit her cheek, recalling her own shock when she’d learned the same about Father. “Remember, we must hurry. Mr. Watson says we are still in danger.”

Kitty nodded, all color draining from her face.

When Thomas spoke again his usually confident voice was lined with defeat. “It’s only by the grace of God I got to their home in time.”

At that moment Eliza and Kitty emerged, dressed in their modest homespun. Thomas glanced over his shoulder, and the looks on their innocent faces drilled holes in his gut. Shackles of regret pinned him to the floor. He had hoped to explain all of it with the girls in the same room, so as not to appear as though he attempted to hide anything from them. But with time as precious as it was, he’d had to explain while they dressed. He knew they could hear through the thin walls. Hopefully that was enough. He could give them the details as they journeyed the rest of the way. God willing, they wouldn’t blame him.

Clara finished with Thomas and turned toward her husband. “I’m going to wake the children.”

Thomas rose, placing his hands on the back of the chair. He met Daniel’s strong gaze with one of his own. “I wanted nothing more than to protect you and your family.” The muscles in his jaw twitched as he gritted his teeth.

Daniel came forward, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Do not blame yourself. Clara and I both knew when we joined this cause that there could be consequences. We also knew that it’s a cause worth fighting for—worth dying for, Thomas. I know you feel the same.” He paused and let out a long sigh. “The soldiers will come here next.”

“That’s my fear.” Thomas flung a quick glance behind him. Kitty’s eyes grew wide again, but Eliza remained stoic.

At that moment Clara teetered in with a small sleeping boy over her belly. A young girl followed behind, rubbing half-shut eyes.

“I’ll load the wagon.” Daniel went to a large chest in the corner. “We will go to your uncle’s.” He pulled out a shirt, waistcoat, jacket, breeches, and stockings, then tucked them under his arm.

“We can’t take the roads, Daniel, it will be too dangerous.” The resolve in Clara’s voice reverberated through the room. “We’ll walk the back way.”

Daniel’s loving gaze swept her face. “Clara, you can hardly walk as it is.”

Raising up on her toes, Clara kissed his cheek. “I’ll be fine. ‘Tis only 5 miles. Besides, God will put the wind at our backs. I must get dressed now. We need to leave as soon as possible.” With that she disappeared into the room.

Daniel turned to Thomas, thrusting the clothes he’d gathered into his chest. “You’ll want to get out of the clothes you have on. Those should fit you. You can use the children’s room to change.”

When Thomas emerged, changed and warm, Eliza and Kitty were dawning cloaks that Clara had just handed to them.

“These are old, but they should keep you warm enough,” Clara said.

Eliza placed the cloak over her shoulders and raised her eyes to meet Thomas’s gaze. The strength and determination in their dark depths failed to cover a veil of fear. His muscles hardened as fresh resolve seeped into his bones. He would keep them safe. No matter what.

“We must go,” Daniel said, dousing the fire.

“I’ve a cloak and hat for you as well, Thomas.” Daniel pointed to a peg near the front door and Thomas took the items.

“You haven’t said where you three are going,” Daniel asked.

Before answering, Thomas glanced at Eliza and Kitty. Would they go with him? Did they have a choice?

He let out an audible breath before speaking. “We’re going to Sandwich.”

No reaction came from either Eliza or her sister. That must be a good sign.

“What will you do with your press? You can’t simply leave it, can you?”

Thomas shook his head, remembering George’s genuine nature and his surprising knowledge of the trade.

“I’ve done all I can with what little time I had. I believe God has provided yet again in that regard. Though it kills me to leave it.”

Daniel nodded. “He has provided and He will continue to do so.” He wrapped the young boy in a blanket, picked him up, and placed his head on his shoulder.