Thomas tried to smile back, but he could only nod. He glanced at Eliza and Kitty who still huddled together, taking in their surroundings.

“Thomas, have a seat here while I look at your wounds.” Clara motioned to the chair in front of her.

“I don’t have any—”

“Sit down, before I decide not to be so kind.” She winked and Thomas slumped into the chair with a grin and teasing kind of growl that made her smile widen. Clara continued, “Do you ladies have any extra clothes? You must be a block of ice in those wet nightgowns.”

“We do.” Eliza’s voice was clear, but soft.

“Good. You may take them into our bedchamber there and change while I clean him up.”

Eliza and Kitty hurried into the strange room and closed the door, eager to rid their shivering bodies of the icy clothes.

“Let me help you, Kitty.” Eliza emptied the bag onto the disheveled bed and filtered through the articles to find what belonged to Kitty.

Through the door Eliza could hear the heated voices in the next room.

“Thomas.” Daniel’s voice was deep and powerful. “What’s going on?”

A deafening pause followed. Eliza and Kitty stared at each other, bracing themselves for the reasons of the evening’s nightmare.

“I’m ashamed to admit this.” Thomas stopped, and Eliza heard a chair scrape across the floor. She helped Kitty wriggle out of her sticky, wet nightdress as he continued, “I’ve put you all, and Robert Campbell’s two daughters, in danger.”

“Those a

re Doctor Campbell’s girls?” Daniel asked.

“They are.”

Kitty flipped her head in the direction of the door. “How did they know Father? Were they his patients?” she whispered as Eliza pulled her chemise over her head and down her body.

“Shhh. Let’s just listen.” Eliza fumbled with the laces of Kitty’s stays as she did them up. Her heart palpitated against her chest and she strained to keep her anxiety from showing. She prayed her faux air of strength and calm was believable, at least to Kitty.

Footsteps tapped across the floor. “I was approached several years ago, not long after I joined up with the Sons of Liberty, by a British soldier who asked me to divulge information about our group—what we talked about, what we planned to do, and so forth. But I refused.”

The girls shared confused glances, before Kitty helped Eliza out of her own muddy gown.

Thomas continued. “Not long after I’d refused his futile offer, he approached me again—this time telling me if I did not comply they would not only hurt me, but you Daniel, and your family as well. The details of which I wish not to speak of.”

Kitty slapped a hand over her open mouth and Eliza gasped. Dear Lord! How dreadful.

“They blackmailed you?” Daniel’s voice was quieter now, but threaded with hate. Eliza could well imagine the anger that lined his sturdy face.

“Thomas, I’m so sorry,” Clara said. Her heavy step moved across the floor followed by the sound of sloshing water.

“’Tis I who should be sorry. I should have found another way.”

Eliza’s stomach dropped to her knees and she crossed her arms as Kitty struggled with the laces on her stays. How could any soldier ever do such a thing? She breathed deep as indignation soared from her feet to the tips of her hair. Wait until Samuel discovered this. He would be furious and bring the culprit to a rightful punishment.

“So, what happened tonight? Why are you and Robert’s daughters in danger?” Daniel pressed.

Eliza and Kitty slipped into their dresses and helped each other button and lace their last bit of clothing into place while Thomas explained the rest of the tragic tale.

“Tonight was to be the last night they would ever ask for information and they wanted names.”

He stopped talking and the girls froze.

“Names?” Kitty whispered.