Kitty cried in quiet bursts, her voice pinched. “Who were those men? Why were they looking for Father?”

“I want to answer you and I will,” Thomas said before Eliza could speak. “Right now we must find a safer place to

hide. I have a feeling the soldiers will be back.”

Eliza nodded. “Where are we going?”

Kitty began again, hugging her arms. “Can’t we at least go inside and get out of these wet clothes?”

“No.” Thomas shook his head, still whispering. “I don’t want to risk it. We cannot know when they’ll return. We will have to make our way down this field perpendicular to the road.” He pointed over their backs. “That way we may avoid any additional riders. I have a cousin that lives not two miles from here. We can take refuge there for a while before we continue our journey.”

Continue our journey? Where in heaven’s name are we going?

Thomas pushed up, then rested on his heels. “We won’t be able to stay long. Let’s get moving.”

The girls looked at each other for a moment, communicating without speaking. The courage in Kitty’s eyes buoyed her own.

Eliza turned to Thomas and rested her fingers on his arm. “Thank you, Mr. Watson. We’ll follow your lead.”

She jerked her hand away when she realized what she’d done. She should never have touched him in such a way. What would possess her to do such a thing?

Thomas’s eyes smiled as he got up slow, looking with obvious caution in the direction of the house. He motioned for them to rise and placed a finger over his lips.

Eliza’s nightgown was wet, cold, and smeared with mud. It stuck to her figure to such a degree that she was nervous to get up. She struggled to get to her feet from her prone position, pulling the cloth away from her body to stay modest. Thomas reached forward and helped her to stand, then did the same for Kitty. He picked up the bags of clothes and food, and gestured for them to walk ahead of him, but somehow he fell in step next to Eliza.

She wrenched her head back and gazed at their home. A powerful scream built within her throat, but she held it back. Every step pressed a vice ever tighter around her aching soul. Where were they going? What had happened to make them come after Father? How did Thomas know they were in danger? When would they return?

Despite the frightening emotions that raced through Eliza’s trembling body, a single concern possessed her: keep Kitty safe.

They walked in silence. The night air sliced through her damp gown and she shivered, but did her best to ignore the biting cold. Noticing that Kitty hadn’t grabbed any kind of covering, Eliza shrugged off her shawl and placed it around her sister.

“Hold this tight around you. You need to stay warm.”

Kitty looked at Eliza, fresh streams of tears drumming over her cheeks.

“I don’t understand, Liza. What’s going on?” Kitty remained calm when she spoke but the sadness in her voice ripped Eliza in half.

She wanted to tell her about Father’s actions—to erase some of the fear and doubt, but thought against it. Father had told her to keep it from Kitty, and though Eliza couldn’t understand why, Father had his reasons. She believed—hoped—that he knew best.

“We’ll understand all of this soon enough.” Eliza wrapped one arm around Kitty’s shoulders and the other around her own waist so she could pull away at the fabric that continued to cling to her. “Mr. Watson has already protected us once. I feel certain he’s leading us to safety.”

“You’re shivering.”

“I’m fine, Kitty.” Eliza smiled and squeezed her tighter. “We’ll be all right if we continue walking.”

A welcome warmth suddenly enveloped her. Eliza turned to see Thomas beside her, placing his jacket around her shoulders. “I don’t need it,” he said. “I’ve just had a long run.” The caring in his deep voice warmed her as much as his coat.

Eliza had been raised to employ perfect manners, but at the moment every proper response fled from her mouth. Nodding her thanks, she pulled it tighter around her shivering frame.

Thomas dipped his chin in return with a half-smile, which made her own mouth lift upward. He was a true gentleman. Such chivalry was difficult to find, not even Samuel had ever—

Eliza inhaled a sharp breath. Samuel! Did he know of this? She pressed her fingers to her lips. No, he would never have allowed this to happen.

“Are you all right, Miss Campbell?” Thomas touched her elbow, his dark brows arching down.

She pulled his coat tighter and nodded, unable to make any sound emerge.

“We’ll be there soon,” he said.