Sandwich, MA

Thomas shuffled his feet and played nervously with the lace cuffs that stuck out from his blue-gray jacket. He tugged on his coral colored waistcoat and fussed with his cravat for the thirtieth time. Again, he checked the clock. Only two minutes had passed since the last time he checked though it felt like twenty. Why did women take so long?

Not that Eliza was late. She wasn’t. In fact, the wedding ceremony wouldn’t start for another fifteen minutes. But as far as Thomas was concerned, those minutes could have been years.

In the other corner of the room, Reverend Charles talked with Daniel and Clara, their new babe swaddled and tucked in her arms. The other two children sat quiet and well behaved in the upholstered chairs in front of the hearth. Daniel looked up from the conversation to pass Thomas a telling grin as he raised one brow. He moved his eyes to the stairs and back before winking. Thomas smiled and shook his head at Daniel’s teasing.

Both his cousin and Clara had insisted on coming to Sandwich when they’d learned of the impending nuptials the night of the fire. Thomas and Eliza were guilt ridden at the thought of them traveling all those many miles with their three young children on wintery roads. But Daniel and Clara were stubborn. They’d come three days ago, and Clara had helped Eliza prepare her dress, the meals, and other celebratory accouterments for the joyous day. Kitty had spent many a happy hour doting on the children and appeared to be more joyful than Thomas had seen her in weeks. As for now, Kitty was upstairs assisting his future bride.

Nathaniel came from behind and tugged on Thomas’s elbow, keeping his volume low. “I hope you’ve come to your senses in allowing the Williamses and Kitty to stay at my home this evening. You and Eliza need a proper wedding night.”

Thomas’s heart pattered at the anticipation, but he did his best to keep his voice calm. “That’s not necessary.”

A sly grin slid up Nathaniel’s mouth and he bobbed one eyebrow. “Oh, I believe it is. I will have it no other way.”

“No other way? Who made you king?” Grinning, Thomas brushed his hand down the front of his waistcoat. He’d wanted an evening alone with Eliza, but didn’t want to seem over-eager. “You’re very generous, thank you.”

“Of course. That’s what I do best.” Nathaniel chuckled.

Thomas stood taller and straightened his jacket, smiling at his friend’s good humor. “Well, when the time comes for you to enter into matrimonial bliss, I shall do my best to find a way to offer you a similar gesture.”

“I can’t say such bliss is in my near future.” Nathaniel cleared his throat, and looked toward the stairs. His breathing slowed and a dreamy look captured his features for less than a second before he shook it away. “I’ve got plenty of women to keep my attentions. Why settle on one?”

Thomas chuckled. “Whatever you say.” Running his fingers over his head, he tightened the ribbon that held his hair in place before he looked at the clock. “What’s keeping them?”

Nathaniel laughed and leaned his back against the mantel. “I’ve told you before, a woman’s toilette is a mystery, Thomas. You can look forward to waiting, just as you are now, many times over in your life from this day on.” He grinned with a mocking slide to his mouth and slapped him on the back. “She’ll be down soon enough, and looking perfect no doubt. You must have patience.”

“Patience?” Thomas chuckled and rubbed the cleft in his chin, feeling the evening whiskers peeking through his skin. “You know I’ve heard from my Uncle George.”

“Have you?”

“Seems he’s besotted with a Southern woman, and wants to leave the press. He asked if I would like my supplies . . .”

Pushing from off the mantel, Nathaniel’s face brightened. “Please tell me you said yes.”

“Of course I did. I can’t wait to get my fingers black again. I think I might have gone mad as a farm—”

At that moment, Kitty entered the room, and all conversation ceased, bathing the room in silence. The emerald gown clung to her feminine figure and her countenance beamed as if she were the happy bride herself. How beautiful she looked. So much like her sister. Thomas snuck a glance at Nathaniel, whose round eyes were sweeping over her from head-to-toe and up again.

Thomas couldn’t hold back and leaned toward Nathaniel’s ear. “No bliss in your future?”

The glare that shot from his friend’s eyes seared Thomas’s mouth shut, but it didn’t stop his smile or the mocking chuckle that rumbled in his chest.

Thomas’s heart drummed. Where was Eliza?

And then he saw her.

His breath stalled in his lungs as she moved toward him, floating over the ground like a pink angel from heaven. The dusty-rose gown she’d worn that infamous night hugged her luscious curves, giving him ample fuel for his imagination, but he pushed those thoughts away for the moment. They would be man and wife soon enough. Never had he seen such beauty or known such grace. Lord, help me be the kind of man she deserves. He glanced to heaven. Robert, I shall do my best to make you proud and give your daughter the best of my days.

A quiet voice brushed behind his ear, and Thomas stilled as Robert’s familiar tone made his heart swell. I know.

In that moment Eliza’s dark eyes found his, and she smiled, lifting Thomas from the ground. Her cheeks darkened to the same rosy hue of her gown as she neared.

Nathaniel chuckled deep and low. “You’re a lucky man, Thomas.”

Nodding, Thomas couldn’t move his eyes away from his bride. “I know.”

“Good evening.” She reached his side and curtsied low.