Donaldson moved forward, looking casually between them and the fire. He stopped within a few feet of the group, one hip cocked as he pressed the center of one hand into the pommel of his sword.

As if knowing what might happen, Nathaniel moved away and rested against Kitty’s much smaller build, allowing Thomas unmitigated access to the approaching foe.

Thomas straightened, fists clenched at his sides. His reserves of energy renewed at the thought of an impending battle, but Donaldson waved his hand.

“I’ll not fight you.”

Thomas jerked to a halt and his brow dove toward his nose. He relaxed his rigid fingers, though his heart still pounded against his lungs. “What do you want?”

Donaldson took a step forward, his hands raised in front of him, showing his desire for peace. He looked at the raging blaze and pointed. “’Tis a tragedy. I’ve been serving with Martin for a while now, and I’ve worried for him.”

Thomas flinched back. He turned to Eliza who gave a slight shake of her head. Confusion dribbled over him, and he maintained his defensive stance.

The soldier talked to the ground as he dug in the dirt with the toe of his boot. “He hasn’t been himself of late. I just never thought he would take his own life . . .” He looked up and stared, as if hoping Thomas would understand his meaning. “A terrible tragedy.”

Thomas’s jaw fell to his knees and when Eliza’s fingers twined with his, he gripped tight.

What is he saying?

Donaldson nodded as his eyes flowed over the ragged group. “I’m

sorry for what’s happened, Miss Campbell, Miss Katherine. Having to witness someone lose control of themselves in such a way is terribly distressing. I’ll report to my superiors the details of this evenings events and I can promise you will have no trouble from us.”

Eliza folded into Thomas, her tone clouded with emotion. “Thank you, Lieutenant.”

At that moment, the sound of voices and stomping hooves echoed through the night.

“What’s happened here?” The first rider approached and hopped down. Two more followed close to him, buckets in hand. “Is everyone well? More help is on the way.” He looked at the home, immediately assessing the damage. “It appears there’s nothing our buckets can do now. I’m sorry.”

Donaldson came forward, assuming an air of authority. “Yes, it will burn out soon enough. Thank you, gentlemen, for your willing assistance. All is well. It’s simply a terrible accident.” He looked at Thomas and nodded as if to say they were free to go their way.

A wave of relief whistled through Thomas’s still tense muscles. “Come, let us find some place warm.”

Eliza and Kitty huddled together, absorbing the unreal scene before them for the last time. The glow of the fire reached into Eliza’s soul and burned her very heart. Kitty turned her head into Eliza’s shoulder and wept.

She stroked her sister’s hair and cooed whatever encouraging words she managed to assemble in the barren desert of her brain. All of their family treasures, gone. Father’s precious journal, a heap of ash. That thought alone pushed a hard sob from her chest. The rooms and halls where she’d run and laughed as a child, where Father’s tender voice still echoed, were ascending to heaven as spirits of smoke.

The surreal moment bathed her with unquenchable grief. The gruesome picture of Samuel’s hunched and bleeding body jumped out from its hiding place in her mind and slapped her. She cupped her mouth as another cry made its way to her lips, but it stopped just short of release. There was nothing that could have been done. He’d gone mad, and only God could sort that out now.

Lord, what would you have me do? Where are Kitty and I to make our futures?

Suddenly, she stopped as God’s voice pierced through the smoke of her smoldering grief.

Where do you think, my child?

Her breath caught. She turned and looked toward Thomas as he helped Nathaniel down the muddy path. A blossom of hope opened in her heart as she clutched the soft lace at her chest.

Thomas had come for her. He was her future now!

God had led him to her. God had helped them both. She pressed her hand to her mouth as the realization broke through her veil of sorrow. Her King had delivered her! He had not forsaken nor forgotten her in the moment of her greatest need.

Eliza held to Kitty even tighter, smiling toward heaven.

Thank you, Lord! I’ve found my path of peace.

Chapter Thirty

January 23, 1774