“She’ll love it. I forgot that you’re a sculptor too,” she mused, watching in fascination as he deftly moved the small carving knife according to some master plan in his head. She’d not yet worked on a play or film that required Seth’s level of expertise with special effects makeup. What he’d explained while they watched movies about the basics of special effects required a shocking level of artistry and minute detail.

Seeing him creating something spur of the moment for the thrill of a child was no less eye-opening.

“Sculpting and carving were my first mediums,” he said, working intently.

“Your mom taught you?”

He grunted an assent.

“And you sculpt all your facial and body prosthetics first in clay for work, isn’t that right?” she asked, remembering his explanations about makeup as they had watched sci-fi and horror flicks together.

“Yep,” he said, again fully immersed in his task. Gia didn’t mind his preoccupation. She liked to watch him work. He was always sexy, but she found him exponentially so when he was focused on creating something. It only added to the appeal that he worked shirtless. She sat down across from him, comfortable in the silence. He finished while she was on her second cup of coffee. Gia started to stand to admire the finished product, but he directed her to sit back down.

“You can see it when I get it ready for Daisy tonight,” he said as he retrieved a large bag from the pantry. He noticed her disappointed look. “It’s a surprise for you too. I would have done you on the other pumpkin Sherona brought, but your face is top secret at the moment.”

Appeased by his explanation, she watched him carefully place the jack-o’-lantern in the bag.

They worked out and showered, and then Seth began the process of doing her Jessie makeup. It felt strange to don the disguise of the boy again. They’d only been in the Shawnee National Forest for eight days, but it felt longer . . . certainly more significant to her than that. She hadn’t experienced any of the feelings of claustrophobia she’d thought she would. Seth was an antidote against it.

He explained that he’d be using contacts this time, as it would have been rude for her to wear her sunglasses the entire time she was a guest in Rill and Katie’s home. Gia told him truthfully that she had no problems with contacts. He proceeded to turn her light green eyes into an unremarkable hazel. She was startled at how different the small detail made her look.

“But surely Rill and Katie will suspect something, despite how good the makeup is,” Gia said as she watched Seth begin to apply the subtle hair prosthetic that gave the impression of whiskers. “It’s not like while we were on the road, when strangers got brief glimpses of me as we crossed paths at a gas station.” She noticed Seth’s small smile as he worked.

“Are you looking forward to trying to fool Rill?” she asked, grinning.

He shrugged. “It’s a professional challenge. Actually, I think Rill will eventually figure it out. He’s got a great eye. I’m measuring success by how long it’ll take him to figure it out, not whether he does or not. I’m putting a lot of faith in your acting skills.”

“Thanks,” she said, amused to know he was plotting to trick a friend. She liked the revelation of that playful side of his char

acter. “And you’re comfortable with the idea of Katie and Rill realizing I’m Gia Harris?”

“I’m not going to give it away. But if they do figure it out, I’ll give a brief explanation. If they don’t realize this evening, I’ll eventually tell them the truth, once you’re back in the public eye again.” He met her stare in the mirror. “I trust Rill and Katie completely, or I wouldn’t be allowing them to see you for any protracted period of time.”

Gia nodded in understanding, giving him a small smile, and he resumed his meticulous application.

She watched him closely in the mirror as he transformed her into Jessie. Once again, his singular focus and consummate skill seduced her. But it was more than just sexual, what she was feeling. Unable to get up or distract herself, Gia was forced to acknowledge that she’d fallen in love for the first time in her life. Part of what she felt for Seth had been present from their first meeting and their impulsive, uninhibited lovemaking. But the seeds of her feelings had burst into flower, the roots burrowing deep.

The thought of not seeing him, of him not being a regular part of her life, made her lungs lock uncomfortably. It was like her brain would freeze at the possibility . . . the probability?

And that frightened her on some deep level that she desperately tried to ignore.

Seth was so large. Not just his physical appearance, his uncompromisingly quiet, yet forceful character. He would never fit into her world. He didn’t want to.

What were they going to do?

Not sure how to answer in the present moment, she forced the uncomfortable question out of her mind.

“What if we go to Sherona’s diner and then do a little grocery shopping in Prairie Lakes. We’ll get the stuff into the refrigerator back here, and then head back out again. We can wander around Prairie Lakes a bit before we go to Rill and Katie’s? Do you think that’d inoculate you against cabin fever?” Seth asked her once she was in full Jessie regalia, and they met up in the living room.

“Sounds good to me,” she said, her gaze dropping over him appreciatively. He exuded masculinity and vitality, looking very handsome in a pair of jeans, a white fitted T-shirt and a denim overshirt. Just beneath his partially untucked T-shirt, she spied the sexy, silver belt buckle. She reached out and touched it.

“Did I ever tell you that this thing drove me a little crazy with lust while we traveled across the country together?” she asked quietly.

“No,” he said, reaching out to rub her hip. He drew her closer and spoke hoarsely near her ear. She resented the wig she wore at that moment, wishing she could feel his lips brush against her skin. “But I’m glad to hear it now. It only seems fair I was driving you a little nuts because you were making me stark-raving mad.” She smiled, warmed by his words, and traced her finger along the top of the sexy buckle and his warm, taut belly. He squeezed her hip and rubbed her.

“That’s a very non-Jessie look, Gia. Do you want to go out, or not?”

She looked into his face bemusedly. It was a good question. She suddenly wasn’t so sure she did at all.