re with this getup,” he said, his stern act ruined by his fond tone as he watched himself tracing her plump, parted lips with the flaring crown of his cock.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered.

“No, you’re not. So I’m going to have to punish you later.” He saw the look of trepidation and excitement in her eyes. “Spread your lips wide.”

He couldn’t help but smile when she immediately did as he asked. He pushed the head of his cock into her warm, wet mouth, gasping as she clamped him tight with the rigid ring of her lips.

“Oh, yeah. Such a hot little mouth,” he snarled at the sensation of penetrating her heat and sliding against her tongue. She began to bob her mouth along the shaft, but he tightened his hold in her hair. “Hold still,” he rasped.

For a delicious moment, he fucked her mouth shallowly while she applied an eye-crossing suction and stared up at him with shiny, beautiful eyes. He cupped his balls, watching her unflinchingly.

“Your eyes are going to kill me.” He backed up slightly, extracting his cock from the sweet, warm haven of her mouth. The slick head bumped against her lips.

“Polish the head with your tongue.” She glanced down to target him before she slicked her tongue across the swollen crest. He grasped the throbbing shaft, adding friction to her pressing tongue by pushing his cock against her. “Now, look at me again,” he demanded, his voice harsher than he’d intended. Her wide-eyed gaze rose to his face again while she continued to polish him. She was so lovely and generous. If she had any idea of the things he wanted to do to her at that moment, she’d probably run for the woods.

No. Not Gia, he admitted to himself as he reinserted his cock into her mouth and proceeded to debauch her sweetness.

Gia didn’t run from much of anything.

* * *

She didn’t know what had gotten into him, but Seth was a lit fuse during those tense, electrical moments while she knelt before him and he took his pleasure unapologetically. It took only minutes before he was coming fiercely in her mouth, giving himself completely. His blatant, honest expression of his need, the wild beast breaking free of its restraints, aroused her immensely. His manner mystified her, too, although she wasn’t complaining. Not in the least. His intensity of need aroused her more than she expected. He was typically more controlled in the early stages of lust. He enjoyed building not only her pleasure but also his until they reached combustible levels.

She sucked and swallowed repeatedly as he came, eager to consume the evidence of his unchecked desire. There were ample amounts of it, that much was certain. Had it been her lingerie that had turned him into a single raw, throbbing nerve?

She didn’t think so, Gia realized dazedly as she cleaned his cock with her tongue, and his low grunts of satiation rained down upon her. There was a tension in him that seemed to surpass the merely sexual, although it had certainly found a conduit for release in lust. One thing was certain, she thought as she touched his rock-hard thighs, inserting his cock into her mouth for one last, thorough sucking.

The tension hadn’t fully evaporated, even with his powerful orgasm.

A frisson of excitement and anxiety went through her when he bent to help her rise from the kitchen floor. His expression was rigid as he pulled her against him and dropped small, hot kisses along her jaw and neck.

What sort of emotional brew created this degree of friction in him?

And did she really want to know the answer to that question?


Gia remembered on that first night they had met years ago, she had naïvely called him “simmering” out loud. The descriptor had never fit more aptly than it did tonight. After his fierce display of need, Seth seemed subdued, but only by comparison to that flash explosion of feral lust. His intensity and broodiness remained.

Despite his odd mood, he helped her on with her robe and assisted her in preparing the rest of the dinner. Gia had set the dining room table earlier with china, wineglasses and some candelabra she’d discovered in a cabinet. Once the steaks were ready and the rest of the food was on the table, she lit the candles, casting the comfortable dining room in a romantic, golden glow.

“Thank you for doing all this,” Seth said as he sliced his steak a moment later. He took a bite and shot her an appreciative glance, giving her a small smile as he chewed.

Gia grinned back, taking a bite of her own steak. Whew. Relief swept through her. She’d cooked them perfectly.

“Do you want to tell me what that was all about in there?” she asked nonchalantly as she took a bite of salad.

His chewing slowed. He glanced into the kitchen to the spot where she’d just gone down on him with gusto and loved every second of it. Something sparked in his golden eyes.

“Do you really need an explanation?” he rasped, taking a swallow of ice water. “You look like sin walking in that getup.”

“You like it then?” She smiled smugly as she tore apart a slice of Sherona’s multigrain bread.

His gaze narrowed on her. “What do you think?” he rasped dryly. He speared another piece of steak with his fork, watching her distractedly. “I’d like to see it again.”

She paused with her fork in midair. “Now?”

He nodded, a glint in his eyes.