Gia considered and nodded.

“Maybe he likes Jennifer to tell him what she’s seeing.”

Her eyebrows went up in prurient interest. “How would you know something like that? Locker-room talk between guys?”

Seth shook his head. “No. Just something John joked about once when we were together. He mentioned porn for the blind.” He noticed her dubious expression. “It’s basically people describing other people having sex. It’s on the Internet.”

Her mouth fell open in amazement. She glanced at the mirrors again, assessing. She could see her and Seth’s reflection quite well, despite the curling steam. “Oh, I see,” she said slowly.

He laughed quietly and knelt in front of her in the water. “Do you?” he asked amusedly, a god-awful sexy smile lingering on his firm lips. He was usually so somber, intimidating even. To see him laugh and smile and joke with her was a potent aphrodisiac. She could get used to a playful Seth. Of course, she was kind of partial to a stern Seth, as well . . . given the right situation.

He put his hands on her waist and lifted her body to the upper bench. The water sloshed around her, the waterline lowering to her ribs. She glanced down and saw that the wet cotton shirt was plastered to her breasts. The night air was cool. Her nipples were clearly defined against the clinging wet cloth of the shirt.

“Lecher,” she joked softly.

His grin widened. She’d hastily buttoned up the shirt earlier when they’d gotten up from bed to come outside. Seth cupped her breasts in both hands and shaped her to his palms, examining her with salacious intent. She whimpered softly when he ran his thumbs over the beading nipples, outlining their circumference, rubbing the distended tips. “You didn’t think I was done playing with you, did you? I was just getting started.”

His inspection of her breasts in his hands had her steaming more than the hot water. When he leaned down and inserted just the tip of one between his pursing lips, then gently scraped his straight front teeth front over the cloth-covered tip, she squirmed in arousal on the hard bench. He kissed the crest through the wet fabric, and she saw his sm


“Hold still,” he murmured, backing away slightly. His gaze on her was smoky as he began to unbutton her shirt. When he’d finished, he pulled on the end of the plackets, exposing and bracketing her bare breasts. He tied off a snug knot beneath the bottom curves, and then reached into the pocket he’d formed and lifted the globes of flesh higher over the cloth. Gia glanced down in amazement. The taut fabric pulled tight, lifting and emphasizing her thrusting breasts. They were shiny with moisture from the steam. It looked very . . . naughty.

He glanced at her and smiled. He’d highlighted her in just the way he wanted.

“I can practically see the canary feathers hanging out of your mouth,” she murmured.

“Don’t blame me for thinking you’re beautiful.”

He leaned down and sucked a nipple into his mouth with hot, unapologetic greed. Air soughed out of her lungs. Arousal shot through her, hot enough for her to feel, even in the steaming pool of water. He was a little more ruthless than usual with her, drawing on her with a firm suck that had her eyes crossing. After a thigh-clamping moment for Gia, he lifted his head and lifted her breast with his hand, inspecting her nipple closely. It had grown rosy, the tip defined and stiff. His mouth shaped into a snarl before he bent and gave the other nipple the same treatment, seemingly utterly focused on his task.

“Seth,” she muttered after a minute, her fingers tangled in his steam-dampened hair. She couldn’t take this anymore. He lifted his head after a moment, her nipple popping from his sucking mouth with a lewd sound.

“Tell me what you see,” he demanded.

Her gaze drifted over to the mirrors. She saw his dark head hovering close to her flushed, damp breasts. He’d made the nipples look large and vividly pink with his attentions, the contrast stark in comparison with the surrounding pale, curving flesh. And the shirt . . .

“You made me look like some kind of X-rated Daisy Duke,” she muttered.

He chuckled and slowly kissed the nipple nearest to the mirrors. “You can do better than that,” he chastised her for the description. He began to slide his pursed lips up and down over the erect crest, using the tip of his tongue to flick the center nubbin. Her clit pinched tight. She moaned and clasped his head to her as frissons of excitement and pleasure coursed through her. “I like how different you look than me,” she said, her gaze now locked to the erotic image of his mouth and hand on her breast.

“Hmmm?” he asked, sounding both interested and preoccupied, as he used his hands to plump her breasts together and continued to suck her nipple in and out between her lips.

“You’re so . . . masculine,” she whispered. “Your hands are so big. You make me feel—” She gasped when he drew on her nipple more firmly, suction hollowing out his cheeks. “So feminine next to you. So wanted.”

“That’s because you are so wanted,” he told her as he molded her breasts more firmly into his hands and brought her nipples together, licking and kissing them both at once with feverish intensity. She put her hands between her legs to stifle the ache that flamed high there, and then she reached for Seth’s cock. She made a sound of frustration when she couldn’t reach him, because he knelt in front of her, his knees on the bottom of the pool. He wouldn’t let her alter her position as he sipped and sucked at her breasts with avid intent. An anguished sound left her throat. His head rose. He nipped at her neck and then plucked at her parted lips. His hand closed on hers as she rubbed her clit. His eyebrows went up when he realized what she’d been doing. “Are you playing with yourself while I play with you?” he asked with fond amusement.

Her cheeks burned. “No. I mean, yes. But I was trying to reach you and couldn’t, so . . .”

His smiled widened as he bit gently at her lower lip. “Don’t be embarrassed. I don’t want to be reached at the moment. I like finding you with your hand between your legs too much.” Her head fell back, and she moaned when he used his finger to press hers between her labia and they both rubbed her clit in the warm water. He dropped heated kisses on her mouth, but it was the way he watched her with such hungry focus that undid her.

“Your cheeks are turning red, Bright Eyes,” he said, his deep, gravelly voice rushing over her wet, naked skin like a rough caress. Her eyelids drifted closed as their hands began to move in synchrony between her thighs. “No. Keep them open,” he demanded. “I told you I love that helpless look you get in them before you’re about to come.”

“I’m not helpless,” she muttered thickly. Oh God, she was hot, and her clit was starting to sizzle from Seth’s deft maneuvering between her thighs. Even though water surrounded her sex, their fingers moved with slippery ease. He rose slightly in the pool, his muscles flexing and gleaming with moisture.

“No?” he asked. She blinked dazedly because his hand had left her. He was reaching behind her. When his hand returned, she saw the purple tubular vibrator in his hand. He must have secreted it in the towels. Immediately, he turned it on and plunged his hand into the water. “If you don’t want to call it helpless, fine, but you are about to come.”

She cried out shakily when he pushed the vibrating tube between her labia and began to slide it up and down against her clit. It must have been waterproof, because it was working just fine underwater.