“Oh, I will,” she assured.

He smiled tiredly.

In the kitchen, she found that the freezer was extremely well stocked. Along with the dry goods and fruits that Seth had brought, they could stay well fed for quite some time. In her brief observations of his eating habits on the road, not to mention his hard, lean physique, she had a feeling Seth ate healthy. She hoped he would stay awake long enough to partake of the turkey burger, baked potato and sliced pears she’d prepared.

She wasn’t at all surprised, however, when she walked into the bedroom later and saw that he was utterly still and fast asleep. For a few seconds, she just stood there and admired his form and face. The years hadn’t changed the fact that she found him compelling and beautiful.

She set the plate and glass of ice water down on the bedside table and gently covered him with the sheet and a light blanket.

She wasn’t that tired yet, having slept so much on the trip. There was a large entertainment center in the bedroom suite that included a stereo and TV, but she didn’t want to risk waking up Seth. She’d go out to the living room and watch television there while she ate the turkey burger she’d made for herself.

Instead, she found herself sitting cross-legged on the bed next to him.

She never told herself to linger there. It was just that watching Seth’s strong, typically impassive features give way ever so slightly as he slept was a hundred times more fascinating than anything the television could offer.


She awoke to the sensation of him kissing and nuzzling her breast. Her eyelids fluttered open.

“Seth,” she murmured, her consciousness hovering in the vicinity between sleep and waking. Nevertheless, she wasn’t disoriented. She’d immediately recognized him and relished what was happening. He answered by drawing sweetly on her nipple. His hand cupped her sex in that tender, possessive manner he used. Slowly, she felt him circle and press, ever so carefully penetrating the cleft between her sensitive sex lips and treating her clit to a subtle little polish with the smooth stone on his ring. Not too hard, not too soft. She moaned. It felt even more imperative and exciting, now that she was shaved clean for his masterful stimulation.

If she was sleeping, this was a sweet dream. It was a wonderful feeling, to wake to the sensation of being made love to by Seth Hightower. Yes . . . a very sweet dream indeed.

The king-size bed faced the wall that consisted almost entirely of windows. Although the blinds were lowered on the entire east-facing set of windows, she could see morning sunlight peeking around the edges. She saw the dark shadow of Seth’s chest and shoulders as he hovered over her.

He paused to run his tongue over her pebbled nipple as if to test her swelling arousal, and then he lifted his head.

“Do you mind?”

His deep, rough voice sounded delicious in the hushed semidarkness.

“God, no.”

“Good. Because I woke up hurting for you.”

He shifted on top of her, bracing his upper body on his elbows. He rolled slightly to one side, reaching between his legs.

Then he was coming over her and sliding his cock between her thighs.

Her eyes sprang wide at the sensation. Hurting indeed. He must have been aching. He was huge with arousal and had already sheathed himself with a condom. She loved the evidence of his impatience. She shifted her hips to better accommodate him. He groaned as he sank deeper, her flesh giving way and melting around his hardness. Gia whimpered at the sensation of him filling her. She was a little tender from his forceful lovemaking in the kitchen yesterday, but somehow that only added to her arousal.

“Okay?” he asked tensely. “You were warm and wet when I touched you.”

“Yes. It feels so good.”

She wasn’t sure why they kept their voices so low and furtive, except to say that the unfolding moment felt uncommon somehow . . . sacred. He pushed his hips, and she felt him slide into her to the hilt. He paused with his cock throbbing high and hard inside her and leaned down to brush his lips against hers. She gasped against his mouth when he circled his hips slightly, pressing on her clit.

It felt so full, so incendiary.

“As if it was ever a remote possibility for me to resist this,” he said quietly. She knew what he meant. They fit so well, like their bodies were designed to lock together. Made to fuse.

He began to move. She said his name shakily, her hands moving over his muscular back and flexing hips, caressing him, urging him. His strokes were firm and forceful, but measured as he built their pleasure. She moved in synchrony, letting desire guide her in this tight, fluid dance with him. His outline above her looked shadowed and mysterious. She brushed her fingertips over his face as he thrust into her, wishing she could see his face. He paused with his cock high inside her.

“Put your hands above your head on the pillow.”

Her fingers stilled their anxious search. “Don’t you like me touching you?” she whispered.

“No. I love it.” She felt his cock lurch inside her and understood. He wanted this to last. He wanted to be in control. She dropped her hands over her head, exposing the sensitive skin on the underside of her arms. He began to move again. The morning light was growing brighter as it glowed around the curtains. She could make out the rigid angles and planes of his face as he fucked her more forcefully.