“What?” she demanded.

“That look on your face. No one does outrage better than you, Gia.” He leaned up and captured her protest with his coaxing lips. Her flash of irritation evaporated like steam, next to his kiss. She struggled not to forget it.

“I wasn’t doing outrage. I’m pissed. No one will see us around here!” she insisted, backing away from his logic-evaporating mouth. “If you haven’t noticed, we’re in the middle of the woods, Seth.”

“It’s a national forest to the south and east of us. Anyone can access those woods, and they do. True, this property and the woods to the north are private, but John told me hikers or hunters occasionally wander onto it. Not often, but it’s been known to happen.” He raised his eyebrows at her stubborn expression. She felt like one of those poor deer in the woods. Hunted. “You have one of the most recognizable faces in the country. All it takes is one person. One. And our cover would be blown.”

She exhaled slowly. “I guess you’re right. It would be a shame if our time together was cut short.” She sounded breathless to her own ears as she resumed massaging his ass.

She glanced over his shoulder, her eyes widening when she saw their reflection in a row of mirrored doors on the closet. The entire bed was displayed in them. She squeezed, her breath catching at the exciting feeling of Seth’s dense muscle combined with the vision of her hand on his gorgeous ass. Her clit tickled with excitement. She kissed his shoulder, but continued peering past him curiously, watching her hand massaging a buttock. His body was so male, so thrillingly different from hers. He was a long stretch of corded sinew and lean, rippling muscle. His skin color was beautiful, swarthy with a warm, gilded undertone. She smoothed her hand along his strong-looking, sculpted back and swept it back down, her palm itching to cup his ass once again. She was pale next to him. Never once had she considered herself delicate or small, but that’s how she felt next to Seth. That’s how he made her feel. His opposite. Feminine.


Maybe he noticed her stillness and distraction.

He calmly lifted his head off the pillow and looked over his shoulder. Their gazes locked in the mirror. A flash of excitement went through her when something sparked in his sultry, amber eyes.

He turned back to her.

“You like to watch,” he stated gruffly.

Her mouth fell open in surprise, but a rush of heat went through her as well.

“I remember. From that night we were together a few years back,” he explained, stroking her shoulder and back with his opened, massaging hand.

Her hand fell away from his ass like it had burned her. A desire to deny it leapt up in her. She felt very exposed beneath his steady stare. It was a little embarrassing, having him say something so baldly, something so personal. His gaze flickered over her heating cheeks.

“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”

“Says you,” she mumbled, keeping her gaze lowered. Didn’t that make her some kind of narcissistic nympho, that she found the image of her and Seth together highly charged and erotic? She found lots of things about Seth charged and erotic. The vision of them was just one of many things.

For a moment, he neither spoke nor moved. Then he resumed caressing her, warmly stroking her back and the side of her waist.

“It’s an unusual situation. Us having these weeks here together. We’re very attracted to each other. On my part, it’s unprecedented.”

She glanced into his face, her embarrassment forgotten in the face of his honesty. “Me too,” she admitted truthfully, studying his sober expression.

He nodded. “If we wanted to, we could take advantage.” She arched her eyebrows in interest. “We could be honest about what we like. We could indulge every fantasy.”

A smile flickered across her lips. “Sort of like a sex-cation?”

His mouth tilted. “If you want to call it that. But it would require complete honesty. Because otherwise, what’s the point?” He ran his first two fingers over her pulse. She realized her heart was throbbing in excitement.

“That sounds very risky.”

“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. Or admit anything you’re not comfortable admitting. I won’t judge,” he said, meeting her stare.

“Okay. I won’t judge either. I don’t want you to think I’m a narcissist,” she said in a whisper. “Especially knowing what you think of actresses. I’m not that fascinated by looking at myself in a mirror when I’m alone. But it excited me . . . excites me, to watch us together.”

His narrowed eyes made a frisson of excitement go through her.

“Your honesty excites me,” he stated bluntly. He put his hand on her back and urged her closer to him. The tips of her breasts brushed against his rib cage, her nipples tightening at the contact. He lowered his head and spoke near her ear, his hoarse voice causing shivers to course down her spine. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. I like watching myself touch your beautiful body. I love seeing my cock in you. I’m becoming addicted to seeing that wild, helpless look on your face when you’re about to come. I’d look at those things from every angle available to me, if I could. Does that make me sound like a narcissistic pig?”

“No,” she said starkly. It makes you sound sexy as hell. She leaned back and looked at his face. “What . . . what else turns you on?”

“Lots of things.”

She couldn’t help but laugh softly at his wry reply, as if he were saying, Do you want the CliffsNotes, or the fully annotated edition?