Gia blinked in surprise when the FBI agent suddenly spoke.

“I realiz

e I have no say in any of this,” Demonico said, “but we have a lot riding on your testimony for eventually bringing down McClarin and the influence of the New Temple. Charles thinks it’s a good idea. Plus, Seth is trained in security. After studying his file and hearing stellar reports about what he’s done with some of my colleagues,” Alex added, giving Seth a pointed glance, “I’ve agreed with Charles and Madeline’s plans.”

“Seth?” Charles asked tentatively. “I realize the length of time required was one detail I left out yesterday. But you could use a break after wrapping up on your latest movie, couldn’t you? You told me yesterday Joy is taking a vacation. Why don’t you? I know we’re asking a lot, and the compensatory consultant’s fee the DA’s office offers is practically nothing, but . . .”

“I haven’t helped out in the past because of the pay,” Seth said dryly when Charles faded off. Charles chuckled.

Gia looked at Seth, stunned. Surely he wouldn’t agree to this. It would save her having to say no to the whole thing if he would just refuse. He had his work and his life. And dammit, why would he sacrifice so much of his time and energy for a woman he didn’t even have an interest in calling following mind-blowing sex?

As usual, she had difficulty reading his face.

“I know of an ideal place where we could go,” Seth said.

Gia’s heart jumped. She hadn’t expected him to say that.

“It’s true that no place in the country will be completely uncontaminated by this news story,” Seth said slowly, “but I know of a place that will be more resistant than most. Much more,” Seth directed his attention to Charles and Alex. “It’s a secluded house in the Shawnee National Forest in southern Illinois, near a little town called Vulture’s Canyon—it’s not even on most maps. I know about it through my niece and Everett Hughes as well as Everett’s sister, Katie, and her husband, Rill Pierce. The house I’m referring to has a state-of-the-art security system. I’m a friend of the owner—a man named John Corcoran. He’s blind, and he has several good reasons to be vigilant about security. One, years ago he was the victim of a break-in and vowed to keep his wife safe and protected at all costs. Two, his wife is Jennifer Turner, so he has excellent cause for making sure her privacy and security are kept intact.”

“Jennifer Turner, the actress?” Gia asked. Jennifer Turner had been at the top of her game for years now and was showing no signs of slowing down. She was one of the most respected, sought-after actresses in the business.

Seth nodded. “She and John live there during the summers, but I happen to know it’s vacant right now. I’ll have to check with John about whether or not we can use it, but I don’t foresee any problem. Jennifer starts work soon on location in Spain. John plans to accompany her.”

“And no one has ever bothered Jennifer Turner at this house?” Madeline asked, curious.

“Both John and Jennifer will tell you they’ve never once had a problem there. It’s like falling into a time warp going to Vulture’s Canyon. Even if the residents ever did figure out who Gia was—and they won’t,” he added with utter confidence, “they wouldn’t care. They’re a very practical sort. The only use they’d ever have for Hollywood tabloids is picking up crap or covering the floor while they’re painting or sculpting. They tend to be the hippie-artist, isolationist types. And if there’s one thing they respect, it’s their own and other people’s privacy.”

“You’re actually considering doing this?” Gia asked him the question that had been scalding her brain ever since he’d mentioned having a place for them to hide.

Seth inhaled slowly, an unreadable expression on his face. “If you can make the sacrifice to do the right thing, I imagine I can.”

She continued to regard him with suspicious bemusement.

“That girl Sterling McClarin raped is willing to face her worst fears in a public venue in order to get justice,” he said. “McClarin needs to be put away, once and for all. His influence needs to be shut down in this town and beyond. To do that, we need a healthy, intact Gia Harris. It’s that simple. I’ll do my part. I just finished a shoot. I have the time.”

Gia exhaled, sensing defeat. In that moment, Seth had said the one thing that could convince her. He understood McClarin was a poison that needed to be controlled.

“Gia?” Charles prodded.

Gia looked from Charles’s to Madeline’s expectant faces, then at Seth’s impassive one. How did he really feel about the idea of spending the next three weeks with her? How did she feel about doing the same with Seth Hightower, the man who had taken her to heaven—repeatedly—and then discarded her like used tissue afterward?

Stop thinking about that. That night is irrelevant to this situation.

It’s certainly irrelevant to Jeannie Salinger.

She threw up her hands. She couldn’t believe the twists and turns her life was taking her on lately. “Fine. What the hell. It doesn’t look like I’m going to be able to get off this roller coaster anytime soon.”

“Just buckle up and enjoy the ride as best you can,” Seth said.

She whipped her head around, going still when she saw the glint of a dare in his golden eyes.

“It’s all settled then,” Madeline said, seemingly not noticing the brittle tension between Seth and her. It was probably all in her mind, anyway, Gia thought irritably, as relaxed as Seth looked. “We’ll work out all the details right now, but Gia you should prepare to leave town tomorrow morning.”

“Tomorrow morning. Of course,” Gia said, rolling her eyes. What could surprise her at this point?

“And don’t bother to bring many clothes,” Seth said.

“What?” she asked, forgetting her weary, aloof attitude over the fact that her life was not her own.