He groaned, deep, male and guttural, when he slid his tongue into her pussy, letting her know how much he approved of her taste. She moved her hips restlessly against his mouth, increasing the friction on her sex. Just like he had up in the woods, he swatted her ass, warning her to keep still as he made a meal out of her. He used his hands to part her buttocks and sex, splitting her wide for his consumption. When his wet, stiff tongue slid onto her clit, she let out a yelp and sank her fingers into the comforter. He pressed on that magic button with his tongue, lapped up the juices along her tender sex lips and sucked until she screamed and broke in orgasm.

The shudders of pleasure just wouldn’t stop coming.

Through a thick haze of sensual overload and climax, she heard him chuckle. Vaguely, she was aware that he moved behind her and that his weight left the bed for a moment. He rolled her onto her back and scooted her farther onto the bed. She panted, still disoriented, as he crawled over her supine body. He wore a small smile on his mouth that struck her as slightly predatory and . . . a condom over his thick, long penis.

“I’ve waited for this for such a long time,” he said, positioning himself over her and parting her thighs.

“Since two days ago, you mean?” she asked with breathless amusement, reaching for his shirt and unbuttoning it, starved for the feeling of his smooth skin and lean, hard muscles. She bit her bottom lip to still her gasp of anticipation when she felt his thick cock head press against her slit. He grabbed the back of her thigh and pushed it toward her chest, opening her to him.

“Bless it,” he muttered in a blistering hiss when he thrust and drove his cock into her. Sherona’s eyes sprang wide. God, he was huge and hard and . . . bless it was right. His cock was lodged so deep, it was kissing virgin flesh.

“Aw, Sherona. Screw two days. I’ve been waiting for this for my whole life,” he muttered tensely before he began to fuck her, roc

king her in a cradle of distilled lust, rocking the bed . . . her entire world.

Again she entered a timeless zone of sensual pleasure so rich, she nearly burst with it. He wasn’t careful with her, fucking her with a kind of thorough, pounding, focused energy that she realized typified Chance. He thrust, slapping their pelvises together, then jerked up slightly, giving her an electric jab on her clit that made her squeak in helpless excitement with each stroke. A feral snarl twisted his mouth as he drove into her again and again, sparing her no mercy, forcing her to drown in the rich, carnal experience.

“God, you feel good. I’m finally fucking that pink, wet pussy. I was going starkers staring at it up there in those woods,” he growled through a clenched jaw. “You’re so tight, you’re driving me mad, Sherona,” he said in a heavily accented voice at the same time that he pounded into her so hard, she shifted away from him an inch on the mattress. “Come back here, gorgeous,” he ordered, fixing her in place by grabbing onto the leg that was flexed into her chest with one hand and holding her shoulder with the other. He pumped with short, concentrated strokes, the intense friction making Sherona scream in pleasure. “That’s right. There’s no escaping that, is there?” he grunted before he drove into her one last time. She began to climax, her vaginal muscles rippling and pulling at his cock.

“Eeeowhhh,” she wailed, her eyes going wide as his cock swelled hugely in her tight sheath, ramping up the strength of her orgasm.

He roared. She could perfectly feel his penis jerk and spasm as he fucked her shallowly and ejaculated into the condom.

His breath struck her face in jagged pants in the aftermath. Sherona was just as destabilized by the experience, struggling wildly to catch her breath.

“So,” she panted after a moment, her heartbeat still throbbing in her ears. “That’s how an Aussie usually makes love to a woman for the first time, is it? Nice and sweet and gentle?”

He shook with silent, breathless laughter. Her smile faded when he kissed her mouth and lifted his head to look at her.

“It’s how I made love to you for the first time. That’s all I know,” he said.

She ran her fingers through his thick hair and drew him down for another kiss.

It was all she needed to know at that moment, too.

Chapter Eight

Sherona glanced eagerly toward the front door when she heard the chimes ring, but it wasn’t the tall, rangy form she was hoping to see. Not that Chance was supposed to be here, of course. He wasn’t due at the diner for another fifteen minutes.

Instead, short, round, friendly Olive Fanatoon entered the nearly empty diner, followed by Errol.

“Hey, you two,” Sherona greeted them as Errol sidled over to his usual booth. This afternoon he was avidly studying a red race car. Sherona didn’t know the model, but had no doubt Errol would fill her in on the make and record of the race car very soon.

“Hi,” Olive said, smiling and coming over to the counter. “Not too busy, I see.”

“No, the dinner crowd is due in a half hour or so. I have everything prepped for you. Hopefully it won’t be too difficult.”

Olive waved her hand casually. “It’ll be fine. I’ve filled in enough times for you in the diner to know that if by chance I get behind or flustered, all I have to do is tell this crew to chill out. They’ll get their food eventually—one way or another.”

Sherona removed her apron. “I can’t thank you enough for doing this.”

“It’s not a problem. Of course Errol is over the moon because he gets to eat dinner here tonight.”

Sherona glanced over at the thin man studying the race car. The entire town of Vulture’s Canyon helped look out for Errol, but Olive was his most devoted caretaker, spending several hours each afternoon at Errol’s riverside house, cooking him meals and making sure he was doing the basics of self-care.

Sherona glanced toward the back of the diner and then at her watch. Olive must have noticed.

“We ran into that good-looking photographer out at the co-op store earlier this afternoon. He told me he’d be here to pick you up at five o’clock. Why don’t you run into the back and do a little primping. Want to look your finest for a strapping man like that, I expect.”