“True,” I murmur running a finger along her photo.

“Didn’t know you had a girl, man,” Des mutters.

“I didn’t,” I say, compelled to search every inch of her picture. Find all the hidden details.

“Another love letter then?” He laughs, knowing our captain and lieutenant found love through anonymous letters a few months back.

“Don’t knock it till you try it, bro.” My words are fading as I leave him to go sit in the crisp morning air. I could stare at her photo all damn day.

Chapter Four



I know what your surname means. My boy Desmond has this thing for names, and he told me a little secret. I’m curious if you know it, too.

So, I guess Lena did good for once and told you peanut butter snickerdoodles are a favorite of mine, huh. Can’t keep plotting the breaking of her other foot anymore, I suppose.

I think it’s endearing that you ramble when you’re so worked up. Plus, I don’t mind the questions, it gives me something to do in this desert heat.

So here goes:

I’m in a branch of the Navy, I sort of float around wherever I’m needed.

I can tell you where I am, but only when I come home. Just think lots of sand and not the fun kind.

I love what I do. I love helping make the world a better place, even though it takes longer than anyone would like. We don’t always get the results we want, but in the end, we’ve done something right.

I’ve been enlisted for 9 years. Signed up the day after I turned 18. I’ve always wanted to make a difference in our harsh world, and this was the best I could come up with and still get an education.


??m not only a soldier, but also a heavy-duty machines mechanic, and I enjoy both. Over here, I’m mostly a soldier, but I’ve got the skills for a decent job when I come home.

Speaking of, I’ve got some leave time coming up in 8 months and haven’t seen Lena in a while, so I thought I’d make my way out to Cali and pester the little shit. Maybe you’ll be there, too.

The picture you sent was hot. All soft and supple, with those big chocolate eyes. You could melt a man’s heart with those babies.

Tell me all there is to know about you, True.


Lena was right, the wench. He’s soft and hard all at once. I wonder if he realizes it?

I spent the better part of the day studying for final exams next week. Anticipation kept me cemented long enough to keep up with it while I waited for the mail to come. The poor mail man probably thinks I’m nuts now.

Lena has been scarce around here the past couple of weeks, knowing how pissed off I was at her. It was a smart move. I’m over it now, though. I think Maverick was on point when he said she was right. Not that either of us will ever admit that to her.

Sending him the picture of myself was a last minute bold move I hadn’t meant to do. Well, I did, but I didn’t. My mom took that picture the last time she was here, and it’s always been one of my favorites. Until I tossed it in the care package, it had been on the fridge. A reminder of the happy me. When I’d been packing the snickerdoodles into the box, it caught my eye, and I thought what the hell. Why not?

With his reaction, I’m quite glad I stuck to my decision instead of chickening out like I normally would have.

His words quiet my mind from the usual chaos as I sink into the couch. A piece of worn paper falls from the envelope, and as I bend down to pick it up, I know immediately it’s him.


Tall, stoic, strong.