“When’d you get to be so smart?” I smile at him, hoping he doesn’t push for more.

“He could make you happy again, Mom.” There’s hurt underlying his words.

Pulling my son into my arms, I whisper, “You’re all I need to be happy.”

I think. I hope. I wish.


Mom’s good at hiding her feelings. She thinks she’s protecting me. I don’t know what from, though.

Gage would be good for us. Better than Jack the jerk. He hasn’t been around since he hit Mom. I think if he did come, I’d have to take care of him.

Sometimes, I say not so nice things to my mom, and I always feel bad after, but she really is the best. I wish she saw herself the way I do.

After dinner, before I get ready for bed, I get the chance to read Gage’s newest letter.


Alright, kid, I’m stumped. Either you’re missing words in that last riddle, or the answer is really hidden. Cause I’ve got squat.

I’m coming, Tommy, real soon.

When I get there, your mom’s gonna have some explaining to do. She’s also going to learn what it means to have a real man by her side. I won’t let anything happen to her. That’s a promise you can hold me to. I want you both safe. With me around, you’ll never feel like Jack can take you. Not on my watch.

Hang tight, kid.

Soldier man

A deep breath releases from me, and I know things will be okay. Mom will be happy, I’ll have a dad, and Gage will have a home.

We’ll be a family.

Chapter Six


“Down, down, down!” Killian is yelling at Steele and Des as the military attacks our camp. With a blade in my hand, I’m stealthily making my way around the hut Killian is trapped in to shock and awe the bastard holding the automatic that’s shooting at my captain.

It was bad enough we had to witness the horrors in the village these sons of bitches had destroyed. But having them come to our grounds? Un-fucking called for.

I hear the ratatatat as I approach from the side and take the asshole off guard by tackling him to the ground and gutting his ass.

“Got him!” I yell in to Killian, who comes running out with a rifle in hand and his 9mm strapped to his thigh.

As gunfire blasts our way, we both scramble to take cover. An intense burn flashes through my bicep as I dive back behind crates full of supplies and wetness trails down my arm.

“Lou, you’re hit!” Des comes running over, pulling out ace bandages as he moves.

“Thanks, Tips.” My voice is laced heavily with sarcasm. “How many of these assholes are there?”

“Drones are coming.” His answer pisses me off, but before I can say anything, I feel the adrenaline that had been present slowly drain from my system.

“What the fuck?” My body is going limp as I try moving around. My ears begin to ring, and the explosions happening around us are like percussion drums going off in my head.

Steele and Des each grab an arm and haul me to my feet, but I don’t feel like I’m moving. My world is spinning. Darkness fields my vision as my team drags me out of harm’s way, and all I can think about is my family.

How I didn’t get to read Paisley’s last letter before shit turned to hell.