Then I’d have a dad, and she wouldn’t look so lonely.

Chapter One


Dear Paisley,

I know I’ve been talking back and forth wit

h Tommy the past three months now, and he’s told me a lot about you. Actually, more than a lot. He admires the heck out of you.

Here’s the thing, he hasn’t mentioned you reading any of our letters, so I can only assume you haven’t? In which case, this is gonna be a shocker.

I’m almost positive he’s trying to hook us up.

He hasn’t outright said it, but he’s dropped enough hints that I can guess. Plus, the picture he sent me of you in a pretty little bikini, well, it gives a guy ideas. In his last couple letters, Tommy has hinted about me taking him fishing when my tour is over. We’ve talked a lot about his dad, and how he feels about the man.

It’s not my business or my place, I just…fuck. I don’t know. I thought you should know, I guess.

Yours, Gage

“Oh!” Tears stream down my face as I read Gage’s letter. I know about him, of course. Tommy talks about him all the time. In fact, since he’s begun writing to the man, his attitude has changed so much.

I thought I was getting my little boy back. I thought he was moving forward with Jack being out of our lives. I didn’t even get the chance to tell Jack off after the last time he’d broken his promise to Tommy. He just hadn’t been in contact.

I was worried, at first. Now, I suppose, I understand why Tommy hasn’t been too upset about it. I want to be excited that he’s happy, but after learning that he’s trying to set me up with a man I’ve never met, let alone spoken to, and who is lord only knows where, I feel like I should be even more worried.

“Tommy!” He’s in his room reading his own letter.

“Coming, Mom!” is followed by his footsteps barreling down the stairs like an elephant.

“I got a letter from Gage today, too.” The sneak flashes me a huge smile. “He says you asked if he’d take you fishing when he’s on leave.” At least he has the decency to look away.

“He’s in Baltimore, Mom! He could do it!” The eagerness in my son’s gaze breaks my heart.

“He also said you sent him a picture of me.” Little boys blushing is adorable, but I can’t let that sway me. Sitting on the couch, I pat the cushion and ask him, “What’s your plan here, sweetheart?”

With his heart in his eyes, he tells me, “I don’t want you to be lonely anymore, Mom.”

“Oh, baby, I have you. How can I be lonely?”

“You’re not married. And you don’t have someone to tell you how much you mean to them. Cassie’s dad tells her mom all the time. I want that for you.”


I can’t lie and say I’m not lonely; I am. So much so, my heart aches. But I thought I’d done a reasonable job hiding it.

“Tommy,” a sigh leaves me, “you shouldn’t be worried about that.”

“I know.” He looks so sad. “Sometimes, I’m lonely, too, Mom. I want a dad that loves me. One who wants me.” Hope lights his gaze as he stares at me. “I think if Gage knew us, he’d want me, too.”

When he throws his arms around me, I fight not to break down and give into the emotions taking control of my heart and mind. My son, my life, is wracked with self-doubt, and I have no idea what to do.

Chapter Two


Soldier man,