Dearest Captain Killian St. James,

There once was a girl, she was happy if not a bit lonely. Doing a favor for her father she wrote a man. Turns out he was just as lonely as she.

Through time, space, and distance they connected in a way no two people ever should. They talked, they laughed, they shared the good and the bad.

They fell in love.

This crazy girl from some small town found what she’d never known she was looking for.




You and me Killian, till the end, and beyond, I love you. Thank you for not ever breaking a promise, for loving me and my neurotic ways. For not laughing when I broke that mixer the one time. For taking care of me when I’ve been ill.

For giving me Jared, the light of our lives.

Thank you Killian for loving me.

Yours forever,

Jersey girl.

“Christ woman,” my eyes are fucking misty.

To say I’m humbled by my wife would be an understatement. She was a huge surprise after we finally met, after I let her out of bed for more than food and a shower.

She has a sense of humor unlike anyone I’ve ever met. She’s never afraid to try new things, and she stands up to me. Even when she watches my former unit back down, she holds her fucking ground. Though I think that has more to do with her wanting a spanking than anything else.

Jersey is my everything.

Looking at our son, I know I’ll do anything for the love of my life.



2 years later.

When we decided to have babies nobody ever told me how intense and painful labor was going to be. In fact, when we had Jared I probably would have laughed in their faces. Jared was the perfect pregnancy, the perfect baby, the perfect delivery.

It was fast, smooth, and hardly any pain at all.

I thought I had it easy.

I was so damn wrong.

Standing over Alyssa, our brand new perfect baby girl I don’t regret a thing. Thirty-six hours of intense labor, screaming, cursing, and crying and I don’t remember a single bit of it. For this perfect angel, I would do it all over again.

Wrapping the small blanket around her more securely, my fingers graze an envelope. Pulling it out, I walk back to my bed and open it. Knowing immediately who it’s from.

Jersey girl,

I don’t know if there’s any way for me to show the proper amount of gratitude for you, for everything you’ve given me, but I’ll give it a shot.

You are the stars, the moon, and the sun in my life. You are everything that is good in my world and I wouldn’t change a thing (even all the name calling during labor).