My mouth fell open in shock. This man had beaten me down in every possible way, physically and mentally. He had cheated on me, degraded me, and disrespected me with more women than I could even count. I had stopped trying to keep up with who he was sleeping around with a long time ago. Yet there he stood, with his face swelling up as he spoke, accusing me of being the one who broke our wedding vows? I allowed Mav’s strong arms to comfort me. I was afraid that I would collapse on the spot if he should let me go.

Maverick didn’t say anything as security carted James out of the room to be held for the police. Before security and Linda walked out of the room to give us some privacy, the head of security said, “Mrs. LaQuinn, I’ll give you a few minutes with your friend, and then I need you to come to the security office to give a statement to the police.”

I nodded and made brief eye contact with my secretary. I searched her expression to try and find any trace of judgment or disgust, but all I saw was pure concern for me. I smiled weakly at her and mouthed the words, “Thank you.” She nodded and smiled encouragingly at me. Pointing towards Maverick, she raised her eyebrows and shot me a thumbs up sign. I laughed as she walked out and closed the door behind her.

Once everyone was out of the room, Maverick’s concern turned to me. Turning me towards him, he tilted my head upwards, looking over my face and neck as if he was expecting me to be bruised.

“Are you okay?” He asked, as he pulled me gently into his arms for a strong embrace.

“Yes, now that you are here.” I let him hold me up. His strength was mine as long as I was in his arms. Overwhelmed with emotion, I let loose a flood of pent up tears and frustration. Quietly, he held me, allowing me to rest in him.

“Gladys, we were meant for a life of greatness – not mediocrity, and it appears that we both have been settling. That is why what I have to say to you now is so important.” He dropped down on one knee, and my hear

t fell into my stomach. I began to shake uncontrollably, and tears welled up in my eyes instinctively. “I want to make sure that starting today, no other man will ever put his hand on you. And while I know you are still his wife on paper, I know you are not his wife in your heart. After all of these years, the love we share for each other has never lost its zeal. I care for you today the same way I did in college, but multiply that by one hundred and you have the way I feel for you now. Before I came in here and saw that piece of a husband you’ve been dealing with, I planned to give you this, but now this is all the more important.” He opened a jewelry box and inside was a beautiful gleaming promise ring.

“I’m not saying let’s get married, but I am promising you that I intend to do just that, when the time is right.”

I couldn’t hold back my waterfall back, then. In the range of twenty minutes, I’d gone from daydreaming a sweet love song about Maverick, to nearly getting physically abused by James in my workplace, and back to Maverick showering me with his unconditional love.

“Of course, I’ll accept your ring.” I kissed him back as he stood up and leaned in for a tender moment. Breaking the kiss, I said, “Thank you, Mav. You’ve made me happier than you’ll ever know. For years I have dreamt of this moment, and you’ve just made all of those dreams come true. Now, will you go to the security office with me? I don’t have the strength to face James alone.”

“As long as there is breath in my body, you will never have to face him alone again. Lead the way baby.” He took my hand in his and walked me towards my office door.

After talking to security and pressing charges against James, I quickly cleaned off my desk and Maverick and I left my office. The CEO personally stood in on the security meeting and suggested that I take the rest of the night off and the week if I needed it. I would definitely take the time off once I closed the deal I was working on.

Linda was sitting at her desk when I exited my office. “Linda, please forward all calls to your cell for the weekend, and only call me if there is an emergency that you can’t handle. We’ll get back on this proposal first thing Monday.”

“Sure thing. Do you need me to do anything else?”

“No, that will be all.”

“Oh, Gladys… I’m so sorry he got in…” She began to explain how James got into the office, but I cut her off.

“Don’t worry about it, Linda. Have a nice weekend.”

“You too,” she said dropping her head back down into the work in front of her as I walked by. She really had no reason to feel bad, because James was the one who was the asshole. I knew what it felt like to be made to feel like it was somehow your fault that he did the inexplicable, so I turned back around to address her concern.

“Linda, James is the one with the problem, not us. Thank you for being there to call security for me, and thank you for taking care of everything while I am gone.” I touched her hand, and she looked up at me. A moment passed between us, and she smiled at me.

“You’re welcome, Gladys. Have a wonderful weekend.”

With a real man at my side, we walked out of the office, hand in hand.


During the week after I had first left James, the kids and I stayed with my mother. That whole week, Mav and I had spoken on the phone every night and had decided to take it slow. That was until he showed up at my job with the promise ring and a U-Haul expecting to move me to Florida.

After the display that he witnessed in my office, he said that he definitely would not spend another day or night without being close to me, so that he could protect me. What he didn’t know was that I had been busy on my own end preparing to be closer to him, too! I had already talked to the CEO of Naytek and negotiated opening a new office in Miami. Once those plans were final, I’d planned to rent an apartment downtown, so that I could be nearer to my true amor. I didn’t want the kids to be too traumatized with me leaving their father and moving in with a new man so fast. So, while I wanted to move in with him more than I wanted my next breath, for the kids’ sake, I decided to continue to take things slow.

Once at mom’s house, I greeted Nazaria and Kelvin in their makeshift play room, which had previously been Mother’s sewing room. She had quickly rearranged the room for them when we moved in, so that they could have a place to play. My babies were playing quietly, and Mother was right by their side, attempting to read a book. I stood in the doorway and watched them play for a few minutes, taking in the essence of three of the most important people in my life. At that moment, I was full of peace, serenity, hope, and encouragement. Finally, they had the harmony they deserved. I had the love that I’d always craved, and with Maverick, I had all the joy my heart could muster.

Sure, my not-so-typical journey to happiness had bumpy roads – lots of them. Yet, each bump was necessary for my ultimate outcome. I wouldn’t be the strong woman that I was without going through all that I had went through with James. Each blow that he had dealt me had taught me something new about myself. I had learned what a resilient person I could be. I had learned that I could go through the very worst storm and come out the other side better than ever.

I had to learn the hard way that the companionship I’d been searching for had come back in a full three sixty – the circle of life. I’d lost Maverick once before, and I didn’t plan to do it again. We are not all lucky enough to be granted second chances, but fate had deemed me worthy enough to get mine. I’d come to the conclusion that beautiful beginnings (like past relationships that we thought had run their course) still hold beauty in the end, if it was in fact ever beautiful at all. Deciding to cherish every moment spent with Maverick, I knew the kids and I were going to have the time of our life that weekend and would continue to do just that, forever.

Chapter 26
