Last night, I had wrapped my favorite pink towel around me and walked over to stand in front of him. I had to know if he would take me into his arms and grip my ass the way I imagined him doing as I lay in bed many sleepless nights. Nights that I had to pleasure myself to sleep. Bruiser didn’t touch me as I stood in front of him, dripping wet. He had asked for another blanket, instead of what we both knew he wanted. His bulging erection was proof of his true desire. And Lordy… I now understood that the name Bruiser was indeed fitting for a man endowed like him.

The ringing of my doorbell sounded off again. While I was reliving last night, someone was really at my door. But how could I stop my mind from reliving last night? It was… perfect, in a dangerous kind of way.

I moved one leg to untangle it from Bruiser’s. That slight movement sent a pain between my thighs, and the effects of our lovemaking could still be felt rippling through my vagina. Now, I didn’t want to move again. Maybe because I couldn’t.

“Who is that?” Bruiser asked, stirring out of his sleep and looking at me with those piercing dark brown eyes.


“The doorbell was ringing, right?” he asked.

“Oh, I don’t know who that is, and I don’t want to find out. Let’s just lay here,” I said and snuggled closer to him.

The bell rang again, and I wished whoever it was would take the clue and leave.

For the love of God, go away!

“Whoever it is, isn’t going away?” Bruiser said as he traced a finger across my bottom lip before he sucked it into his mouth for a searing kiss.

I moaned into his mouth, and we exchanged breaths. Breaths I would never forget. I would always want to take his breath, now that I’d had the chance to breathe him in. From the way he moaned as he inhaled mine let me know that the feeling was mutual.

The ringing bell was continuous now. My visitor was not going to let up until I answered the door.

“Ugh!” I got out of bed, pouting as I bent over to retrieve a housecoat from my top drawer to cover my nakedness.

Bruiser let out a low growl as he watched me bend over. I was certain he had gotten an eyeful of my reddened derriere that he had so insatiably spanked last night when he said, “On second thought, fuck it. Get back in this bed, Alise!”

“Too late.” I giggled and left him in the room, watching me walk away.

I wondered who could be stopping by this early, but there was really only one person who would do this. I opened the door to see Jayne on the other side of it. One look at my friend, and I knew she had been through the wringer. I also knew Ned was the culprit, but if she had let him back into her bed, then she was also the culprit to breaking her own heart again.

“Jayne, is everything okay?” I asked.

She walked in without an invitation. She always did. Her face was unreadable, but her voice cracked as she spoke. “I’m done for real this time.”

“Let’s go into the kitchen. I’ll make coffee,” I said, knowing exactly where this conversation was leading. More Ned drama. When would it end? “So, what happened this time?” I asked.

“I got into a fight with his wife.”

I turned around and looked at her with my mouth hanging open. I couldn’t believe this shit. “For real, Jayne? Seriously? You, with your ‘The next time Ned comes to my door, I’m going to cut his ass from his chest to his little penis and send him back to her in pieces,’ got into a fight with his wife, and for what?” I could feel myself getting tense. I was always there to talk her through her Ned-uations, but it was getting crazier by the minute.

“I haven’t been seeing him. I can promise you that,” she said with a wicked smile that I didn’t understand.

“But a fight, Jayne? What happened?”

“Listen, Ned came over to my house and was beating on my door last night, but I wouldn’t let him in. Then, his wife pulled up behind him. She jumped out of the car and started fighting him for coming to my house,” she began.

“Wow! That’s a mess.”

“Yeah, and instead of him handling the situation with his wife and taking her back home, he ran from her, got into his car, and sped off. Then, she turned her fury on my house. The crazy bitch started throwing rocks at my windows, breaking one out. I went outside to tell her to stop, and she hit me with a rock. That’s when I lit into her. Had it not been for Xander pulling me away from her, I would have probably been in jail for deadly assault.”

“But wait a minute. Hold up a second. Back up. How in the world was Xander there to pull you away from her?” I asked curiously.

Jayne’s right hand flew to her mouth, and she covered it.

“Oh, you can’t take it back now. So, Xander was at your house. That’s the real story.”

“No, well, yeah, he was there, but we weren’t doing anything.” She humped her shoulders, sat down, and took a sip from the coffee mug that I had placed there for her. I fixed it just how she liked it with lots of sugar and cream.