A Heart Exposed

Jesus Christ! Over the next two weeks, every time I had the chance, I was inside of Alise, drilling as deep into her as her body would allow me to go. I couldn’t get enough of her. I would never get enough. Not ever. Not only was being buried deep inside of her like heaven, but the sweet melodies coming out of her vocals bound me up in her spell. Making love to her was all of that and a side of baby back ribs.

I found myself doing things I would have never done before I met her. Because of her, I had agreed to participate in the prank song Jeb was going to sing to Tameka at their wedding reception. Tameka didn’t know about it, and the song was hilarious. It wasn’t in my nature to be in front of an audience dancing and singing, but Alise appealed to a lighter side of me, and, for her, I would do anything. Add that to the fact that Jeb Holloway was a good friend, who had met a woman he loved a lot, and I was willing to put myself out there for a good cause.

Jeb, Channing, and I had come a long way. There was a point in time when I wouldn’t have attended an event like this. One where a pure-blooded white man was marrying a mocha toned woman like Tameka, but I had changed. I would never forget the things the brothers did for my family when we needed them most. They gave us support. They saw my father as a man and not a monster, and that meant the world to me. However, the days of me entertaining toxic bullshit were over. So, whether it was the toxicity of hate based on skin color coming from blacks or whites, I just didn’t want to be a part of it anymore. There was room in every heart for change.

Channing’s father, who was the head of the brotherhood, had gone to jail, and the whole group fell apart anyway. Some of us decided to live our lives differently without looking back. Others sectioned off and tried to keep the brotherhood alive. I started my private security company. Because of my muscle, the brothers had called me “the bodyguard,” and it stuck.

My name rang bells from the time my father went to prison until now. Every boy or man who had ever stuck out his chest and tried me had landed flat on his back. Jeb and Channing were the only ones who ever gave me a run for my money, and that was because they did everything together, even fight.

Jeb inspired me to start and run my own business, and he hired my company to do security for Club Elite. I had built up Bruiser Security Agency to become a well-known and well-respected firm in Alabama. Though I was stationed in Lafayette, I had clients all throughout the state. I had been contracted to accompany the governor on his trips out of state, events hosted by mayors in different cities, and that one time the president visited Beauregard, Alabama, I was there as co

ntracted security right beside Secret Service.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, bringing me back to the current. I was at my apartment, sitting at the kitchen table drinking a glass of juice, and Alise was in my room, taking a shower. That thought made me smile.

I answered the call. “Hey, Jeb. What’s up, man?”

“Nothing much. Are you ready for the bachelor’s party tonight?” Jeb asked, sounding excited about the night ahead.

“Well, I put up with Xander for the past few weeks getting everything together, so I’m ready to get this party on the road. But I won’t be staying long. I have to work.”

“Come on, man. You’re always working. Take some time off and hang out with the fellas. There won’t be any strippers, just us guys hanging out and enjoying beer and conversation,” Jeb said convincingly.

“Who says there won’t be strippers there? I told Xander not to hire any, but you never know what might happen with him,” I said.

Planning Jeb’s bachelor party with Xander had been one headache after the next. Every time we got one detail straightened out, he would call me with another outlandish idea like ‘Hey, Bruise, I have a friend who has the connections to get us naked bartenders with fire coming out of their titties. What do you think?’ It was a constant balancing act to plan a party that wasn’t a freak fest but wasn’t boring either.

Besides planning the party, I hadn’t been working security at the club much lately. Instead, I’d put Dimir in charge and had another guard, Limel, there to back him up. My number one priority had become Alise.

“You’re right. As many times as I have told him I don’t want it, I can just imagine strippers popping out of cake, and the sofas, and the closets, and hell maybe even out of our beers, knowing Xander.”

“Yep, our boy Xander is out there, Jeb.”

“Don’t remind me. If it were up to me, I would go home and get rested up for all the things I want to do to Tameka tomorrow after the wedding.”

“I heard that,” I said, eying Alise as she walked into the room.

She walked over to me, ran her hands down my chest, and slowly maneuvered them to my crotch. This was her tell that she wanted me inside of her. I had been out of her for far too long.

We still hadn’t told anyone about us. No one knew what we had brewing, and that was the way Alise wanted it to stay. Jayne had her suspicions, but she didn’t really know that Alise and I were sleeping together. The morning she caught me at Alise’s house, Alise told her I had spent the night because Van had been stalking her and that his car was parked down the street the night before. The pillow and blanket Alise had thrown at me that night were still on the sofa, so Jayne believed that I had slept on the sofa.

I could understand the reason Alise wasn’t ready for people to know about us while we were still figuring us out. She said it took away from the beauty of getting to know a person when other people started putting their opinions in the relationship. I agreed with her because, at the moment, I didn’t give a fuck what anyone thought about us as long as we knew what we were to each other. And what I knew at the moment was that she was hot and sexy as ever with the sheen of water from her shower still on her skin. She smelled good, too, like a scented flower.

“I’ll stop through for a little while tonight,” I told Jeb, never taking my eyes off of Alise. “ Then, I have something very important to do,” I said and shifted in my seat so that Alise’s hand could reach what it sought in my pants. “Talk to you later.” I hung up.

“Do you know what you are doing?” I asked her.


“You won’t be able to walk straight at the party if you keep touching me like this.”

“Yes, I know,” she replied, then dropped to her knees and licked the tip of my shaft that she had already freed from my pants. The touch of her tender tongue coming in contact with my flesh, and the feel of her soft hand gripping the base of my dick had me in awe of her. My head tilted back as her mouth’s wetness covered my shaft with warmth. She took me all in. All of it.

She wanted to please me, but not as bad as I wanted to taste her. I had a big appetite, and it was time for me to eat. I lifted her face so that she was looking into my eyes, and my mouth covered hers hungrily. I pulled her up until she was standing in front of me. Sitting at my kitchen table, it was fitting for my breakfast to be staring back at me. I lifted one of her legs up onto my arm and opened the folds of her pretty pussy. Her tender bulb hung low for me, and I ran my tongue over it before taking it into my mouth. My baby tasted delicious as I went through a series of sucking her into my mouth and licking from her bulb to her opening. This routine only heightened my desire to be deeper inside of her, and I only had one tool that could do the job.

I stood up, picking her up as I did. I laid her down on the wooden kitchen table and sunk inside of her. It was like coming home, and it always felt good to be home. We made love for hours, me stroking her, her riding me, us being one in as many ways possible like we always should.