“God, I don’t need this tonight!” Alise stormed off, walking toward her bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

An hour later, she came back out to the living room and tossed me a pillow and a blanket, hitting me in the chest with one and on the leg with the other.

“I don’t know why I hired you, but fine! I’ll give you your damn fake hero move tonight, but this is the last time you’ll barge in here and tell me what will and won’t happen in my house. I’ll be officially terminating our contract in the morning.”

She stormed back to her bedroom, talking about how there wasn’t even anyone parked at the house next door and that I probably made that up so that I could come in and try to get into her bed. It was her way of negating the way she felt about me. Her way of avoiding it. This made her feel as though she had regained the upper hand. Her power restored. I would let her have that, for now.

I didn’t care how much she pouted. I wasn’t leaving. I picked the blanket and pillow up and placed them on the couch, glad the pillow was firm. Then, I went outside to talk to Dimir, who I had texted earlier and told to check the block for Van’s vehicle. He replied, letting me know he didn’t find anything that stood out and that he was now posted up outside of Alise’s house.

As soon as Dimir rolled his window down, I drilled him again. “How the fuck did you lose her tonight, man? That shit was never supposed to happen?”

Worry lines instantly popped up on Dimir’s forehead. He was my right hand in the agency, so it was baffling that Alise pulled one over on him.

“Listen, Bruiser, as soon as you walked away from her at the club, she told me that she didn’t need me guarding her tonight. I didn’t pay that any attention because I know you want her guarded at all times. She went into her dressing room, and I thought she would be in there for ten minutes like she usually is. I ran into the bathroom, and she slipped away. This isn’t on me. She must have planned this. She should learn to stay in place,” said Dimir.

I tilted my head at him, the veins in my neck popping.

“No, you should learn to stay in place. You took a break without getting backup. I don’t think you understand how important of a job this is. I gave this assignment to you because I trusted you, but she could have died tonight because you had to use the bathroom. Tell me how that is acceptable?”

“It’s her fault for leaving. She’s always fussing with me about following her, but she never ditched me before,” he argued his case.

“Well, you’d better be glad she’s okay. Had something happened to her, you would have to answer to me.” A blind man could look into Dimir’s eyes and see he wanted a lot of things out of life, but answering for a mistake that put someone I cared about in harm’s way was not one of them.

“I’ll look out better next time, boss.”

“Nah, I won’t be needing you on this assignment anymore. Call me in the morning, and I’ll tell you what you’ll be doing from now on.”

“What? Man, are you serious?”

“Fuck yeah, I’m serious. You can’t handle keeping up with Alise, and she’s a very important client.” To me, for sure.

“This is bullshit, and you know it. I’m always on top of my shit. That damn woman is always arguing with me, and now she’s pulling runaway tricks. It’s her that we need to let go, not me,” Dimir argued.

“Don’t lecture me about what should happen with Alise. You know what, get the fuck out of here, Dimir. Get the fuck lost.” I glared at him, my brow raised in disgust. He looked at me as if he wanted to say more, but thought better of it and left.

I walked back into the house, sat on the couch, and allowed my tense muscles to relax for a minute. I was a ball of tension after talking to Dimir.

I went into the kitchen to get a glass of water. Alise didn’t know it, but I actually had been inside her townhouse several times, to check the place out before she arrived home. I wasn’t a fan of surprises. I believed preparation led to a better outcome, which was why I had been making sure her house was safe for her to come home each night. Her disappearing act tonight had thrown me for a loop.

On the path to the kitchen, I stepped across the hallway. The master bedroom shower was running, and Alise was singing a melody that captivated me enough to halt my steps. The sound of her voice did that to me every time. I walked toward the sound until I was standing right outside of her bedroom door, listening to her sing freely.

“I’m giving him somethin’ he can feel to let him know this love is real. This love is real…”

I smiled.

Her bedroom door wasn’t closed all the way. I peeked inside and saw that her bathroom door was wide open. Her glass shower doors gave way to her naked silhouette, and the sight of her was enough to hold me right there in that spot forever. Watching Alise lather up, rub the cloth all over her body, then allow the water to cascade down her skin to wash the soap away had my mouth watering and my dick at full mast.

Walk away.

I was about to do just that when she stopped singing, and her body went still.

“Bruiser, is that you?”

“Uh, yeah. I wanted to know if you had another blanket,” I said, and there was so much thick lust in my tone that I knew that lie wouldn’t float with a life jacket.

Alise turned off the water, reached for the fluffy pink towel sitting on the toilet, and wrapped it around her while she was still in the shower. When she stepped out, my already hard dick jumped in my pants. She was so fucking beautiful wet. Knowing only a towel separated me from seeing every inch of her body sent another wave of adrenaline through me.

“A blanket?” she asked. “Are you sure that couldn’t have waited until I got out of the shower?” Her eyes traveled down my body, which was completely alive.