Something to Feel

I waited for Alise to come back from her dressing room. Eleven minutes ago, I helped her off the stage, and Dimir walked with her to her dressing room while I went to the bar to talk to Jeb and Xander about the plans for Jeb’s bachelor party. Though she was in Dimir’s care, and he had shown himself a capable guard, I always, and I mean always, kept a watchful eye out for her. Twelve minutes later, they still had not come from the back. I took out my phone and called Dimir’s cell. He answered right away.

“What’s up, boss?”

“I don’t know, you tell me. Where is she?”

“Still in her dressing room. She hasn’t come out yet. I’m standing by her door, waiting on her right now,” he said.

“It’s been twelve minutes already. She’s usually out in ten. Are you sure there isn’t a problem?”

“Problem? No, boss. She must be doing something extra tonight. Do you want me to go inside and check on her?”

“No,” I barked. Thinking of Dimir walking in on Alise and finding her naked made me go delirious inside. I didn’t like that possibility, at all. “I’ll go check on her myself,” I told him and hung up.

“Is everything good with Alise?” Jeb asked, sounding concerned. He was the owner of Club Elite, so everything that happened on this turf he took personally.

“I’m about to head back there to find out,” I replied. “Everything should be good, though.” Dimir had reassured me she was fine, and I trusted his judgment.

“Sounds like trouble in paradise to me,” Xander chimed in with a huge Cheshire cat smile on

his face. I didn’t dignify that statement with a response.

“I’ll be right back,” I said, directed to both men.

“Yeah, you’d better get back there and check on the singer before Dimir searches her panties like he tried to coach Limel to do with my underwear when I got here. You know he’s the touchy-feely type. Oh, and check on your boy Limel’s eye to make sure it isn’t black. I didn’t mean to punch him that hard.”

Xander laughed at his own joke, but I didn’t find a damn thing funny. The thought of Dimir putting his hand anywhere near Alise’s pussy had my temples raging.

“She’s alright, Bruise. Relax,” Jeb tossed at me as I walked toward Alise’s dressing room using swift, purposeful steps. I had to lay my eyes on her and see that she was safe. It was the only way I would be able to relax.

Dimir was standing at his post outside of her door when I got to the back. When he saw me, he stepped aside to allow me access to the door. I knocked hard and called her name out as I knocked some more. There was no answer.

“Alise, are you in there?” I called out to her. Still, there was no answer.

“I’ve been knocking and calling her name, but she isn’t answering. She’s in there, though,” Dimir said, and I glared at him as I pulled the club’s keys out of my pocket and used the one for her dressing room to open the door.


The room was thoroughly cleaned out without a faint trace that Alise had even been there tonight. It appeared as though she had wiped the room out. Even the countertops were sparkling clean.

“Dimir, I thought you said she was in here. She’s gone,” I said when I came back out.

A startled look covered his face that drained of all of its color and went pale. He didn’t have a fucking clue where she was. That meant he took his eyes off of her at some point after I handed her off to him.

“She was in there. I mean, I saw her go in, and I stood out here until—” He paused and looked stunned about what he was going to say next.

“Until what? Why are you looking lost? Don’t tell me that you left her alone, Dimir.”

“It was only for a minute or two tops.”

“You’ve got to be kidding, Dimir. It’s not like it’s that damn hard to stand out here and make sure she doesn’t leave without a guard. This isn’t like you.” I rubbed my temples where I could feel my blood pulsing through in thunderous beats.

“Listen, Bruiser, I had to go to the bathroom to relieve myself. But I wasn’t away long enough for her to leave like that. She shouldn’t have—”

“Why didn’t you just lead with your bathroom break when I called you? Anything can happen in two minutes. She is gone, and no one is guarding her!” I yelled as I walked briskly toward the exit.

My mind reeled, thinking about what had happened to Alise. Dimir had not looked into Van Devereaux’s eyes and saw the maniac that I had seen. If he had, he wouldn’t have been so blasé about leaving her alone. I would deal with him later. Right now, I had to find out where she was and whether she was safe or not.