I turned and saw her heading off to the corner to cry. I could only imagine what was running through her mind. I turned back to my parents. “She’s lost her husband and a son tonight, because of their actions. But she didn’t want this for Channing or myself. She protected us, choosing us over her husband. That says something.”

Dad slowly nodded, understanding that I was right. Mom left us and I watched as she went over to Mrs. Holloway. She was there comforting her and I was thankful for that. “This is a lot to take in. I do like him, Kemara, but you have to understand that my first duty as a father is to protect my family. So, we’re going to have to start over Channing and I, to get an understanding of where his head is at. I can’t stand idly by and let this happen to you again,” Dad said finally.

I nodded. “Thank you! Another chance is all I’m asking you to give him,” I said.

I heard the door open from the outside, and I turned to entrance to find Tameka coming in. Thankfully, she missed the announcement I’d just made about Channing’s past affiliations, or she would still be punching the walls. She ran over to me and hugged me. “I came as soon as I could,” she said. “I’m so glad you’re okay!” She pulled back and looked at me. “How’s Channing?” she asked.

I nodded. “He’ll be fine. I’m just waiting for them to tell me I can go see him.” I held her hand and smiled. “Thank you for coming!” I looked around the waiting room and thought about what I had to be thankful for and that was the love of family. We would get through anything.


When the nurse came out to tell me that we could see him, I looked at Mrs. Holloway. She squeezed my hand. “You go see him first. I can wait. I know you’ve been waiting for this moment.”

“Thank you!” I hugged her quickly, then turned to the nurse. “I’m ready,” I said.

She led the way to Channing’s room. She stayed out, while I entered the room. I took in a deep breath, when I saw him lying there. His eyes were closed. I couldn’t tell if he was just resting or sleeping. I sat down on a stool next to his bed, then pulled myself closer.

“Channing?” I whispered. He moved and I reached out and grabbed his hand. “I’m here,” I softly said.

I felt him squeeze my hand, then moan again. I pulled myself up, so I could look down at him. “Baby, I’m here,” I said.

His eyes slowly fluttered. He finally opened them, and I rejoiced in that moment.

“Hey,” he softly said.

I placed my finger to his lips. “Don’t exert yourself by talking. I love you so much, Channing,” I said. “You’re my hero.”

He smiled, and I placed a soft kiss against his lips.

“I love you,” he said, between the kiss.

I enjoyed hearing the words that I wouldn’t deny him the chance to say. I crawled up into bed with him. I wrapped my arm around his good side, and he snuggled against me.

“We’re going to make it, Channing. I just know we are,” I said.

He grunted a sound that sounded like he was agreeing with me. With love, I knew that anything was possible and being with Channing was the only place I wanted to be. I placed a small kiss on his forehead and was careful not to bump his shoulder. I closed my eyes and we stayed in that embrace, because that’s all that mattered. It only b

rought us closer together.

Chapter Twenty


One Year Later

It’d been a long year and I didn’t know if I would ever get here. Rehab for Channing was a long road, but one that we fulfilled together. He had some recovery to do on his shoulder, but all in all, he was very lucky.

His father and brother were charged with a hate crime and attempted murder and went to prison. With all luck, they wouldn’t be bothering us for a long time. We owed his mother for that and thanked her every day for turning on her husband. It wasn’t easy for her to go through the divorce, but she said it was the only thing she could do. She had loved Chad through some painful times, and she wasn’t willing to overlook the hatred in his heart any longer.

Right after that nightmare at the abandoned building, I started to have nightmares about the incident. It was rough. Every time I closed my eyes, Channing’s father and brother were there degrading me and chiding me with nasty remarks. I loved Channing with all my heart for risking his life for me, but it was a struggle afterward to discover if I felt worthy enough for that love.

Through some perseverance on Channing’s part, he convinced me we always belonged together and I didn’t take any part of the day for granted. When a year passed, it was truly hard to believe that much time had gotten by us.

On the year anniversary of the shooting, Channing and I went out to celebrate that we made it this far and we made it this far…together. We went to the place that we called, our place, Moss Tavern. It felt good just to have the opportunity to be there together. Channing and I didn’t waste time talking about the hard times that occurred that attempted to tear us apart. Instead, we liked to focus on the good.

We were leaving the bar and going back to his truck, when he stopped me at my door. “I have something to show you,” he said.

I tilted my head. “You have something to show me? Like a surprise?” I asked.