I laughed. “Well, hopefully that will be sooner than later.” I kissed him softly and again the crowd went abuzz. There was some more tapping on a glass and we looked towards the wedding party table, where Tameka was standing up.

I groaned. “Ready for this?” I asked.

Tameka was about to give her toast, and while I was worried, I knew she no longer had concerns about Channing, so I figured she would keep it civil. I was looking forward to hearing what she had to say.

To my surprise, she had all kind words to say, not even a quip

. Tameka’s speech was nice and then Jeb said his. Both speeches got Channing and I teary-eyed. He held my hand under the table the whole time they were giving their speech and once the food was served, the dancing was to start. Of course, the bride and groom were the first to take the dance floor.

Our song was Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol. We went out on the dance floor as the song started to play. I looked at him as we danced to the song. “How’d I get so lucky?” he asked.

I smiled. “I ask myself that same question every night,” I said. I leaned up and brushed a kiss on his lips as we continued to sway to the music. He then twirled me around and the crowd clapped. I leaned into him and I heard him softly humming to the song and my heart still raced in my chest for him. When the song came to an end, I looked at him.

“What’s up, baby?” he asked.

“Let’s get out of here.”

He laughed. “And leave our guests.”

I shrugged. “They’ll understand. What’s left for us to really do? We can toss the bouquet and garter now and they can cut the cake without us. Let’s do it.”

He nodded, in total agreement with me. He then went up to the DJ and asked to borrow the microphone. “Hey, hey everyone! Kemara and I want to thank you for being here. Having you all a part of our lives has really made all of this come together. And we would want nothing more than to spend the rest of the evening with you, but let’s get real. I want to get my beautiful bride home.” There were some cheers and the men hollered as I blushed and shook my head. “So, we’re going to do the bouquet and garter toss and then say our goodbyes so the honeymoon can begin.”

He handed the microphone back to the DJ, who was laughing at that point. I playfully punched him when he came back to me and he shrugged. “Hey…we’ll get the job done.” He winked at me and I knew that was the truth.

So, I grabbed my bouquet as they called for all the single ladies. I waited for everyone to show up and turned around. Tameka stood in the middle of the crowd. She deserved her happy ending, so I wanted to shoot for her. The announcer told me to go at the count of three. I let out a slow breath and as the third number was called, I tossed the bouquet over my head. I turned around to find Tameka and a couple other women grabbing for it. I smiled when Tameka ultimately held it in her hands.

“I got it!” she smiled at me and ran off to her seat, leaving a trail of unhappy women behind.

Then, it was time for the garter toss. I took my seat when they pulled a chair out onto the dance floor. Channing walked up to me with a devilish hunger in his eyes. I laughed as he knelt before me and pulled my dress back, revealing just a little bit to the crowd. The men cheered and hollered, egging him on. He moved in and latched onto the garter with his teeth. I giggled as it tickled my skin, sending shivers down my spine. He tugged at the garter, until he had it removed and it was still in his teeth.

The crowd erupted in laughter and applause and he stood to his feet and twirled it around on his finger. I grabbed the chair and pulled it off his stage for the moment. The men gathered around and the same thing happened with him going on three. He tossed the garter and I watched as Jeb easily caught it. I turned to where Tameka was and she laughed when she saw it was Channing’s cousin that caught it. There were a few years that separated them, but it could happen.

When Channing got back to me, I beamed. “Time to say goodbye?” I asked.

He nodded and grabbed my hand.

We went to our closest friends and family and said our goodbyes, once again apologizing for our quick getaway, but no one was upset that we wanted to take off. When we were done, we stood at the door and waved our hand to everyone. They applauded us, giving us a good send off. Channing picked me up in his arms and kissed me, then carried me out of the hall.

He carried me all the way to his car that we had planted there before the wedding, so it could take us to our brand-new home, one that we hadn’t stayed in since that day he showed it to me. We wanted our first night living there to be as a married couple so it would be magical.

He lowered me at the car and looked at me. “Are you ready to go home, Mrs. Holloway?” he asked.

“I’m ready to start my honeymoon as a married couple in our home, Mr. Holloway,” I said, kissing him softly, before he opened the door for me.

“Our first time making love as a married couple is going to be amazing,” he said, brushing the hair behind my ear. “I will never let you down, Kemara.”

I smiled. “I know you won’t.” I stepped into the car and sat down. He shut the door behind me and I couldn’t contain the excitement that was building up inside of me. Our perfect life together was about to begin.


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Book 6 in the Breathless Series is available for Preorder