I snickered. We had spent the evening talking, Channing and I. I understood that he was also nervous, but we both agreed that as soon as it was over, then the evening would only bring excitement.

“Well, I’m glad I’m not the o

nly one nervous,” I said, laughing. “Did you see the church filling up with guests?” I asked.

“Phew…kidding me? Looks like you invited the whole town.” She smirked and winked at me.

I laughed. We didn’t invite that many.

“Everything is running smoothly. I told you that I’ve got your back,” she added.

I turned around and pulled her into a hug. We’d come a long way since the first time she knew that Channing was white.

“I love you, sis,” Tameka said.

“I love you!” When I pulled away, I felt that tears could be close behind. “Darn it, I can’t cry, my makeup will smear.”

Tameka laughed. “Girl…I’ve given you all the finest water-resistant makeup I could find.”

I chuckled. “Okay…well that makes me feel better.” I looked at my reflection and she came up behind me.

“See…what did I tell you? Beautiful.”

I smiled at her words. “Thank you!”

We were finishing up the touches, when there was a knock on the door. “Who is it?” Tameka asked.

“Mother!” she responded.

Tameka went over and opened the door, careful not to keep the door open too long. We didn’t want any superstition hanging over us, even if I didn’t really believe in that. I felt like nothing bad could happen between us that would keep Channing and myself from getting even closer. Mom looked at me.

“My baby is getting married.” She already started sobbing and I chuckled.

“Mom…come give me a hug.”

She hurried over and hugged me and then Tameka joined in. I laughed as the three of us hugged one another. “You look beautiful,” she said.

“Told you so,” Tameka said, pulling from the embrace.

I laughed. “Thanks Mom. Everything alright out there?” I asked.

“Yep. The wedding is about to start and I was just sent here to grab the bride. Your father is getting antsy.” I looked at the clock and my stomach started to turn. It really was time for the wedding to start. I couldn’t believe how quickly the time had gone.

“Okay. I’m ready,” I said. She looked at me and I felt a sense of excitement take over my nerves. I was ready to walk down the aisle and claim Channing as my husband and nothing would get in our way.

When I walked out into the hallway, I looked at Dad and he looked so proud. That was something I would never forget. He had gotten to know Channing better over the past year and started to love him as a son. Dad smiled at me. “This is it, baby girl,” he said. “Your mom and I support this choice and we know that Channing will be a good husband to you,” he said.

“Thanks Dad!” He kissed my cheek and I hooked arms with him. “Let’s do this,” I said.

We turned to the sanctuary and they opened the doors. Before we would walk down the aisle, the wedding party went first. Tameka carried the wedding party as she headed it up, followed by my niece and nephew as the ring bearer and flower girl. Then, the wedding march came on. I looked at my dad. This was it. We headed down the aisle as the guests stood to their feet.

Immediately when I saw Channing standing and waiting at the end of the aisle, I could feel tears at the back of my eyes. I smiled and he looked at me in a loving and passionate way. Standing next to him was his best man, and cousin, Jeb. Jeb was someone that gained the courage to get out of the Neo-Nazi group, when Channing broke his ties. That made his bond with Channing even stronger and he truly was the best man that Channing needed.

Jeb was looking at me and smiling and I cast my eyes to where Channing’s mother stood. She looked so happy and I knew that the divorce being finalized was exactly what she needed to make her shine in that happiness. Beside her were her parents, Channing’s grandparents. They, too, seemed just as happy for us. They were all smiling and my heart warmed up. I looked around the church that was beautifully decorated for us and I felt like a princess that was finally getting her fairy tale.

When we reached the end of the aisle, I looked at the preacher. He moved forward and held a genuine smile. “Who here gives this woman to be married to this man?” he asked.

My father spoke out proudly. “Her mother and I do.”