As I tried to pick the lock, I heard murmuring coming from Kemara’s way. My love was pleading for her life. I couldn’t take it anymore. My heart was breaking for her. I glanced down at my phone to see how long it’d been since I called the cops. Just under ten minutes, but they had to get there soon. I looked through the hole again to see what was going on in there.

“What’s that baby? Do you wanna tell me something?” Damon asked Kemara.

“Damon…don’t bother. I’m ready now. We can kill her and put this dirty mess behind us.”

Damon turned to our father, then back to Kemara. “What’d you say? You want to say something?” Damon grabbed the corner of the tape and ripped it off her mouth.

I felt the pain all the way on the other side of the room.

She flinched as I’m sure the tape burned her flesh.

“There…speak your last words and I’ll be sure to share them with my bro,” Damon said.

“Damon, don’t be so fucking stupid,” Dad called out. “You can’t tell Channing you were here.” He laughed. “If you keep quiet, Channing will just think his precious girlfriend fell off the face of the earth. He won’t know what hit him. But don’t you worry, we’ll be there to console him while your remains are fertilizing the soil.”

“You won’t get away with this,” Kemara said bravely.

Damon and Dad turned to her. “What do you say, bitch?” Damon asked.

She glared at him. She was full of anger, and I was just glad that she was prolonging until the cops getting there. “You won’t get away this. Channing will know the truth.”

Damon smirked. “Once you’re gone, he won’t even care,” he said. He ran a finger down her chin.

She looked beyond irritated. “Get your fuckin’ hand off me,” she said through tightened teeth.

“Or what?” Damon asked.

She spit in his face.

He shook his head. “Oh, no you didn’t just do that,” Damon said, his voice piercing the walls. He reached up and grabbed Kemara’s neck and started choking and shaking her.

She made several choking sou


I couldn’t stand back and watch him choke the life out of her. I had to get in that room.

“Get your hands off her!” I yelled as I pummeled my body into the door and rammed it open with my sheer strength. I ran up to Damon and grabbed onto his shoulders and threw him away from her.

“What the hell?” He swung around and the anger and irritation on his face was evident. “Where the hell did you come from?”

“That doesn’t matter. This is over. The cops are on their way and you both are done.”

I shot a look towards Dad, and he was dumbfounded. I was so engrossed in what he was doing that I missed the punch that was headed my way. Damon slugged me in the jaw, knocking me backward. I steadied myself and turned to him and threw a punch his way. We were beating the crap out of one another, with one punch after another, hitting the face, throat, gut, and anywhere we could find. I could hear Kemara’s voice pleading for us to stop.


“See what you did, bitch. You’re tearing this family apart,” Dad’s voice rang out. “This is why you have to pay.”

The sound of cocking of the gun jogged me out of the fight with my brother. I dodged a right hook to look at Dad. The gun was pointed directly at her and there was vengeance in his eyes. It all played out in slow motion. I turned to Kemara, and she had tears in her eyes, begging for her life. I couldn’t worry about Damon.

“You’re going to die and get exactly the payback you deserve,” Dad said, speaking with venom in his voice.

I made my move. “Noooooooo!” I hollered, running in front of her, as the gun went off. I heard sirens in the background as I went down, hitting my head hard on the floor. I was out and all I could hope was that Kemara would get to safety.

Chapter Nineteen
