When I got to the parking lot, I spotted her car. I parked next to her and jumped out of my truck. “Kemara? Kemara?” I called out to her, hoping to hear her voice. I ran around the park like a lunatic. My heart pounded in my chest. Where was she?

I ran back to her car to look for a sign. Anything that would clue me into where she was in the park. She wasn’t in her car. I looked around inside, and that’s when I spotted her cellphone. I picked it up and looked it over. The text she had sent me was the first thing I came across. It was definitely her phone.

Scrolling through her phone for any sign of where she might be, I was sweaty and panicking. There was nothing in the phone to help me. I didn’t know where to look, until it dawned on me. There was an abandoned building about twenty miles from the park that we used to hold meetings at before we got the funds to rent out the lodge. It was possible they would take her there. That’s exactly where they are! Oh hell, I gotta get there fast…

I kept her phone and ran back to my truck. I was out of breath but on an adrenaline high. I hopped in and tore towards the building. There was no point in calling Kemara, since I had her phone, and if I called my father or brother it would only tip them off. I just drove as fast as I could without causing a wreck or risking being pulled over by the police.

The minute I turned down the street to the building, I spotted my father’s car in the parking lot. I was almost there and could only pray they hadn’t harmed her yet. I shut off my lights and coasted into the parking space beside his truck. I jumped out of the car, then ran to the door of the building. I opened it up and stepped into darkness.

I had to inch my way along the walls until I heard her whimper. Then, I quickened the pace toward her agonizing cry. When I rounded the corner, I heard men’s voices.

“You’re not about to interfering with me and my son. You hear me, bitch? He thinks it’s love, but he wouldn’t know love if it bit him in the ass.” The booming laugh echoed through the building. “Once you’re out the picture, then he’ll come back to his family where he belongs. He’s going to be the man I raised him to be, come hell or high water. I’m his father and you…you’re nobody,” Dad said in a gruff, unpleasant tone.

There was a long pause. I didn’t hear any sounds from Kemara. I swallowed hard and tiptoed down this long hallway. “Let me fuck her just once, Dad. I hear black pussy can be nice and sweet.” I heard Damon say.

My heart fluttered with contempt. I was livid. If Damon laid one hand on her, I would kill him and not blink. I got closer to where the voices were coming from and peeked my head around the corner to size up the situation. That’s when I saw a door with a small hole in it by the keyhole. I stooped to peep in and saw Kemara had her arms strapped to the wall. Her mouth was taped shut and she was wide-eyed. My father was holding a gun directed at her head, and my brother was inching towards her with one thing on his mind. That was to rape her and never miss a beat in his sick, sad life. It was my dad’s voice that stopped him from moving any further.

“Shut up, fool,” Dad grumbled and turned back to her. “If anyone was going to fuck her, it’d be me, but I’m not that desperate.” Dad looked like hell. Days worth of not shaving had caught up with him, and he had on wrinkled clothes that barely covered his tall, thick frame. His long hair was pulled back into his signature ponytail, though he was balding in the front.

The thought of my dad or brother taking one more step closer to her had my hairs standing up. I had to do something to protect her and get them away from her…for good. I stepped back, so that they couldn’t hear me, then dialed up 911.

“911, what’s your emergency?”

“My girlfriend is in trouble,” I hissed. I kept my voice low, so no one would hear me. “She has a gun drawn on her. They’re going to kill her.” I rattled off the address. “Hurry!”

I hung up the call and moved back in. My breathing was so heavy that I had to control myself. I was sure they would catch on that something was going on.

“You better be praying bitch, because you need to get things right with the Lord. The only way you’ll leave here is in a body bag, and that’s only if we allow it,” Dad said. “The fact of the matter is, no one comes in this beat up warehouse, so maybe we’ll just let your corpse rot in here. What do you think, Damon?” Dad asked.

“Yeah…I like it.” Damon moved closer and touched Kemara’s cheek with his finger. Damon looked at Dad. “It’d be a shame to let her die without servicing us first, though.”

I had to bite back a growl. I was seconds from making myself known.

Dad snickered, not even bothering to tell Damon to get away from her. He was too busy toying around her hair with the gun. “You see the way I see it is…the only choices you have are heaven and hell, so you better pray it out,” Dad said.

I couldn’t believe he was being so hateful. I cringed at the realization that this used to be behavior I turned a blind eye to. My dad held up the gun and I froze.

“Pray now bitch, because he’s going to blow your fucking head off,” Damon screamed at her. The sound of his voice echoed through the warehouse.

Dad clearly had the upper hand, so I looked around for something, anything, I could use to sneak them and knock them both out. I also did some praying of my own, wondering when the hell the cops would get there.

Dad cocked his gun. “Three…two…”

I turned the doorknob to sneak in, but it was locked.


I turned away and closed my eyes, fearing that the gunshot would go off and it would be over. I clutched my chest, breathing harder, when the only sound I heard was laughing coming from both my dad and brother.

I peeked back in.

Dad was jerking so hard with laughter that he could barely stand up. Was that some kind of cruel fucking joke to him?

He stopped laughing and looked up at her. “Silly me. I forgot the bullets. Won’t make that mistake again.”

I gasped, relieved that I didn’t just stand back and watch the love of my life die. I watched Dad pull out a couple bullets from his pocket and put them into the gun.

Damon moved closer to her, and he nearly pressed his face to hers. “Definitely won’t make that mistake again. Bitch, you’re going down, because I’ve made a prediction and you won’t make it to heaven.” Damon laughed. “I crack myself up with these predictions. Come on, Dad. Get rid of her, so we can go get something to eat.”