He arched an eyebrow. “Alright!”

“I want you to take me to your family.”

He frowned. “Not on your life. Anything but that,” he said adamantly.

I sat up straighter in the bed and stared at him. “Are you serious? You’re saying no to me, Channing?”

He tilted his head and raised his thick, light-brown brows. “Hell yeah, I’m saying no. You saw my brother and father in action. I’m not going to put you through that again. It won’t prove anything but that they’re bigoted, and that much you already know.”

“It’ll give me an opportunity to talk to them,” I said.

I heard him sigh. He continued with a negative response. “Babe, I get what you want to do, and I say that it’s a crazy decision. My family isn’t the talking to kind, and I’m going to protect you always. I can’t do that if you want to see my father. They will eat you alive and spit out the pieces. He goes around town as if he’s an upstanding person, but he is anything but that. No, I won’t put you through it.”

I looked away from him, confident that I wanted to do this, but not sure how I could change his mind. “Then, I’m not sure how you can help me get over this,” I mumbled.

“Well, I have a compromise,” he said.

I looked at him, intrigued by his words. “A compromise? What kind?” I asked.

“I’ll call my mom and you can meet with her. She’s not as prejudiced as my father and brother are, and she’ll listen to you. If she sees in you what I see, she and only she can talk any sense into my father. She’s got a strong pull with the men of the family too.”

I nodded slowly and confirmed that I would accept the compromise. It wouldn’t be quite the same. At least, it’d be a start. If she really had a pull with his father and brother, then maybe I could change their views. It was worth a shot. “I would love that, Channing.”

He moved in and kissed me softly.

I wrapped my arm around him and fell back, with him on top of me. It just felt right. I had no doubt that I could convince his mom I was good for her son and that would lead to her taking the reins and convincing his dad. I had to hope it would all work out.

“She’s going to love you, Kemara. How could she not love someone as beautiful as you,” he whispered as he snuggled his nose into my neck, then gently kissed me on the side of my neck.

I closed my eyes and started to relax. My juices were already flowing again and every fiber in my being was telling me that Channing was still the one for me. He moved his lips down to my shoulder and slowly nibbled. I moaned, tickling my fingers through his hair.

His mouth wandered down to my navel and he kissed me tenderly, causing me to giggle with the touch of his breath on my stomach. “You are so beautiful,” he whispered, grabbing onto my hips and flicking his tongue out to trail around my navel. “What’s not to love?”

“Ahhhh!” I sighed and bucked my hips up, already anxious for him to make love to me once more.

He kissed me softly, waving feathery kisses along a sensitive path. My heat singed with desire as he slipped a finger inside of me, while he kissed me and looked up at me with such passion and love in his eyes. I smiled down at him and, when he moved another finger in, that time diving deeper into my sweet abyss, I let out a whimper and crashed back against the pillow. My mouth hung open as I anticipated his next move.

His two fingers escaped me and my shot eyes open, staring at him, desperate for him. He held a devilish gleam in his stare. He licked the two fingers, while I watched him. As much as I wanted him to taste me again, I couldn’t control the agony that powered over me, to have his cock back inside of me, pounding into me with as much force as the bed would take.

I wrapped my hand around his neck and forced him down to me, latching my lips onto his and tasting my sweetness against his lips. I slipped a tongue in between his lips, then wrapped my legs around him and he positioned himself between me. He slid into me as we kissed with fiery enthusiasm. I rocked my hips against his, taking him in fully as we became one again.

Not letting up from the kiss, he plowed into me knocking the bed against the wall. Through groans, moans, and guttural pleas, we continued to remain in that position. His dick expanded inside of me and, if I wasn’t holding onto his kiss, my world would’ve gone dark. He kept me in the moment and everything seemed to come in full circle. We were back together, having sex with one another like it was the only thing keeping us alive, and it was. Channing made everything better. I didn’t have to worry about anything else.

Chapter Sixteen


I still couldn’t believe that after seeing the fury and rage in my father and brother’s eyes, Kemara’s suggestion was to go to my parents’ house and meet with them. After what happened with the lodge, I thought she would want to stay as far away from my family, and possibly me, as possible. It just went to show how strong of a woman Kemara was. It made me love her all that much more, even though I questioned her choice of meeting my parents.

I needed to talk to my mom in person and get her to agree to meet Kemara, so I could prove to her why I loved Kemara and how special she truly was to me. I had to make sure my father wasn’t home first. I called her, an

d she assured me he wouldn’t be around. I knocked on the house door that same morning.

She opened the door and welcomed me in with a warm smile and a hot cup of coffee. “Thank you, Mom,” I said, as I grabbed the mug from her.

She took a seat on the couch, and at first things were extremely uncomfortable. I felt awkward. She looked at me in a way that told me she already knew why I was there and I needn’t say a word. I didn’t know if that was a good thing or not.

“Just talk to me,” she said, comforting me. I felt like a little boy again, needing to tell my mother something that I was struggling with. “You know you can talk to me about anything, Channing.”