Teasingly, I ran my tongue over his slit and watched his reaction. His eyes closed and his lips parted. Encouraged, I ran my tongue over it again, then I wrapped my lips around the head and sucked hard. This made him moan and arch his back to get more of his cock into my mouth. I pulled back though. I’d go deeper, but only when I was ready to.

I loved the way he squirmed beneath me. The way he smelled. The way he tasted. Everything about him was absolutely perfect. I could get lost in his body if he let me. I took more of him into my mouth, running my tongue up and down his shaft. His cock pressed against my throat and I relaxed, taking him all the way down. From his groans of approval, I surmised it was his turn to be impressed by my skills.

My head bobbed up and down in his lap. I could feel him growing even harder. Pulsing. He was on the brink. I wanted to make him cum, so I sped up.

He grabbed me by my arms. "Wait, no. I want to be inside you," he breathlessly groaned.

I’d gotten so lost in what I was doing, I almost forgot. I pulled off his slippery, rigid cock and laid down on my back.

He grabbed a condom out of his pants pocket, slipped it on and lowered himself on top of me. I noticed the effort he made not to put his weight on me, but I wasn't made of porcelain, I wouldn't break. I captured him in my arms and wrapped my legs around his hips, pressing myself against his hard cock.

He angled it at my hole and inched his way in at a maddeningly slow pace. He was being so careful, but I wanted all of him and I wanted it now. I rolled my hips, trying to get more of him faster. He wouldn't relent. He slowly pushed inside until every inch of him was finally inside of me. Never had I felt so close to him. I was filled by him and not just physically.

He pulled halfway out and I could feel the loss. It wasn't long before he thrust back in sending a shockwave through my body. With each thrust, he picked up the pace. I held him tightly as he went from a slow, steady rhythm to pounding my tight hole to pleasures I’d never known. I tried to keep a straight face, but it felt so good. I had to look ridiculous with my eyes slammed shut and my mouth hanging open with continuous murmurs falling from my lips. Soon enough, I didn't care at all about how I looked. The only thing that mattered was how his body was making me feel.

My second orgasm built inside me at a breakneck pace and, with Channing showing no sign of slowing, it would hit me so hard that I wasn't sure I could take it. But took it…every inch of him. My nether lips quivered around his shaft. I let out a harmonious yell as I came. Jet after jet poured from me as my body happily reciprocated the pleasure. I clamped down on his dick, milking him until he let out a guttural roar. He slammed into me as his spasming cock filled the condom with his seed. He was still spasming when he pulled out of me.

He rolled over and collapsed on the bed next to me. I rolled onto my side to watch him. Perfectly contented, my legs sticky with my orgasm, I studied his face for any si

gn of regret, but he looked just as blissful as I did.

I couldn't lie. I was happy. Completely, and utterly happy to have become one with him. If anything in the future happened to destroy us, I wouldn't worry about it until it happened. For now, I trusted him to be who he said he was. I was going to allow myself to enjoy being exactly what I was, a woman in love.

As if Channing could sense my thoughts, he ran his thumb over my cheek and reassured me. "You are my everything, Kemara," he whispered. “That you can believe.”

He leaned over and pressed his lips to mine and I felt every word he said. I could close my eyes in peace.


My eyes popped open at seven o'clock a.m. and I was paralyzed as I laid there thinking about what I discovered the night before. Channing was a part of a neo-Nazi organization. I wondered what kind of overlooking I’d done to become involved with someone that was a part of a hate group. Well, nothing about Channing had proven that he was a hateful person. I guessed any girl could be fooled, but I wanted to believe I was smarter than that. The fact that he could fool me like that had me so confused.

I glanced to my right and he was lying beside me. A nice hunk of muscles to boot. Yeah, anybody could be fooled. But had Channing really fooled me, or had he been honest when he said that this was something his family had put on him, and in order for him to feel like he was making his father proud, he had gone along with it for all these years, but being with me had changed his perspective?

As I lay there with my eyes planted on his ivory mound of smooth skin, I contemplated those very facts. There I was a kinky-curly black girl with black heritage tatted on every inch of my body, a tattoo of Africa in red, black and green on my back, and there he was, a fucking closeted neo Nazi. No misogynistic or racist bones in his body, at least none that I could see. No Confederate flag. No Nazi tats.

He opened his eyes and moved beside me, bringing my eyes to his, and he smiled.

"Good morning, Kemara. How long have you been up sweetheart?"

I put a small smile on my lips. It was a little fake. I still had all these thoughts reigning my mind. "Just a little while. Just laying here thinking."

"What are you thinking about?" he asked. He scooted up and held my eyes intently with his. A look of concern clouded over his expression as he waited for my response.

I sighed. "Channing, come on, do you even have to ask what I'm thinking about? I mean we had a great night, don’t get me wrong." Oh, my God, it was so great. "But nothing will change the fact that you’re a part of a group that hates my very skin, for no reason at all but hate."

I said I was going to try to put it behind me. However, I had always been proud of my heritage, mourned my ancestors and their plight in America, and knew about the strange fruit that swung from trees in the south…at the hands of the KKK. It wasn’t that easy to wake up the next morning and act like I didn’t land myself at a Neo-Nazi meeting, looking for my man.

“Kemara! Baby, I swear I’m done with that group. I was done with it long before you walked into the lodge, but I didn’t want to deal with the fall out with my father. I hate that you had to find out that way. I wish I would’ve told you beforehand, and I will apologize for the rest of my days, if I have to, but please…don’t regret your decision to make love last night.” He kissed my shoulder and I worked on his words. “I love you…you have to believe me.”

“I want to believe you,” I quietly stated.

“Then, believe me,” he said. He reached up and touched my chin, bringing my eyes to look down at him. The love I felt for him was still there. I couldn’t deny that. I was still having to really think about what happened the previous night. I couldn’t afford to be so naïve again.

“I don’t have any regrets,” I finally admitted. “I love you, Channing and Lord help me…I will always love you. I’m hurt that I was deceived, but in time I hope that I can get past that.”

He pulled himself up and looked at me. “Truth is, we both were deceived. You don’t know how hard it is to be raised in a house where you’re taught to hate others, rather than to love them, when your feelings deep down inside are different. For a long time, my father told me it was just loving myself. But after seeing him deny people jobs at his trucking company because they were black, or deliberately pay them thousands of dollars less, I knew it was something deeply wrong with it. I know I can’t make up for all the wrong that my family and the people I associated with have done, but is there something I can do to help you get past my deceit? I just want us to be good,” he said to me.

I thought about that and finally I nodded. “There is,” I said.