I glanced at him, once again feeling disappointed. “Okay. Thanks for your time.”

As I started to walk back to the front door, something stopped me. I needed to talk to Channing and he was there. There had to be another way. I turned around and saw the receptionist was bent down in a file cabinet and didn’t notice I was still there. I decided to go at least peak in on that meeting to let Channing know I was there. Perhaps, it was a meeting for construction workers, or something like that. He should be able to step out for a short while, so we could talk.

I went off in the direction of the restaurant. When I got closer, I spotted the sign at the restraint entrance. “Closed for New Aryan Nation meeting,” I read quietly.

My jaw dropped, and I tilted my head. I didn’t know much about them, other than they were a group that wanted to kill black people. They were no better than the KKK. I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat, fearful that I would see Channing in the meeting, but I couldn’t turn back. I had to know. I wasn’t sure if it would be better than learning he was having an affair, or worse. I was confident it would have the same lasting results either way. I opened the door to the restaurant and stepped inside.

I stayed in the back, but scoured my eyes quickly around the room, until I spotted him. He sat near the front of the room, several other men gathered around him. I couldn’t believe my eyes. My vision went blurry as all kind of thoughts rushed through my mind. My Channing was in a group that wanted to do away with people like me. A knot formed in my stomach, and I felt sick.

“Hey, bitch! What are you doing in here?” a strong voice yelled out in my direction.

I turned my eyes to a man that was at the back of the room. I recognized him as one of the men from the gas station I’d seen the day Channing and I first met. He was glaring in the way that made me self-conscious and nervous. Then, all eyes were on me. I turned around and my eyes met Channing’s. He stood up and stared in my direction. I wanted to just crawl under a table, until everyone forgot about me. This would go down as one of the worst nights of my life.

Since my legs wouldn’t move, I was stuck there, as daggers shot my way. I wondered how Channing would attempt to get out of this one, or had I been played all along. More importantly, I wondered if I would make it out of that room alive.

Chapter Fourteen


Dammit, this can’t be happening.

My heart was beating out of my chest, when I saw Kemara staring back at me. I stood there looking ridiculous as a roomful of angry men started ridiculing her. Men who I had once considered friends, if not family.

“Bitch, you’re not supposed to be in here!” yelled Bubba.

“Go back where you came from,” Rodger chimed in.

“We can’t have a damn thing to ourselves. The blacks think they can run up in every little place!” Other men chorused around the negative comments that lambasted Kemara.

She looked around, as from all over men were gathering around her and calling her Bitch, Nasty N-word, or just yelling vileness at her. She looked like she wanted to cry, and I felt like a sitting duck, unable to protect her. I came to the meeting unarmed. I planned to tell them I wanted out, but I didn’t even get that chance, before she walked in.

Then, Dirty Neil’s fat head started talking. “Look here men, some black pussy just landed in our laps. Ever want to know how it was to fuck a woman of this race, well now’s your chance.” In an instant, he went to her and grabbed her. He started to grab her shirt and she was begging him to let her go.

My heart sank into my stomach. I couldn’t take him putting his hands on my lady.

“Let her go!” I growled, and my voice reverberated through the pack of blood thirsty men.

That startled even Dirty Neil, who had began groping her. He let her go, nearly dropping Kemara to the ground. “What the hell is your problem, Lil Chan?” he asked in bewilderment.

While all of the men’s attention focused on me, Kemara looked at me. Then, in a fit of tears, she turned around and ran out of there. I couldn’t even go after her. I had to take care of this and there was no better time than the present.

“Let her go?” My father asked. I turned to him, and I saw several unanswered questions in his eyes. “What the hell’s that about?” he asked.

I could feel the lump returning to my throat, but I couldn’t back down. I had to stand up to the man I had never been able to. Kemara was important to me and nothing was going to change the way I felt about her.

“Maybe we have a traitor in the organization,” Dirty Neil said in a measured tone that was just as dangerous as the tone he used when Kemara was his target.

I squared up with Dirty Neil, ready to take him on. My father stepped up and took Dirty Neil’s place in front of me. I looked at his face of disappointment, and I hoped he saw the same staring back at him. I was disappointed I ever subscribed to my father’s beliefs.

“That is a good woman,” I said to my father. Then, I turned my anger to every man in the room as I scanned their faces. “You all have run a good woman out of here, with your misogyny and hate. Your pompous mouths spew nothing but hate toward others, proving that only you matter. But that’s not true. All lives matter and she matters very much to me.”

/> “Oh my God, have you been getting some black pussy?” Damon asked. When I turned to my brother, he had a smug grin on his face. I didn’t dignify him with an answer, just went back to defending her.

“She has more class in her finger than any of us have in our whole body. I’m sick of this! I have wanted to be out of this organization for a long time and this is my final straw. I’m done.”

“That’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard all day,” my father objected. “I’m like your brother and I think your head is clouded by something new to you. You don’t know what you’re saying. You’re going to throw your life away for some black bitch?” he asked.

I heaved a sigh and looked at him. “Don’t call her names, father. You don’t know her and if I have my say, you never will.”